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Space Combat & It's Effects on Tie Fighters


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In Episodes IV through VI (moviewise), we see that Tie Fighters have been compressed down to the basic |-o-| design. However, we've seen that in earlier parts of Star Wars, they were much more varied and had various applications. Well, now we know why!


In Star Wars: The Old Republic, the various Tie fighters openly fly in front of your ship... This in itself wouldn't be a real issue, if it weren't against the whole concept of fighter combat.


The goal of a fighter is to be BEHIND the enemy, not in front of them. We have these random fighters just openly allowing themselves to be shot. No wonder there aren't any left in the later episodes! These guys forgot Fighter Combat 101!

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Maybe they set their ship for maximum speed to intercept something, saw you, but can't slow down in time to get on your 6 because it's hard to stop something in space once it gets going. Since they can't do much about it besides try to swerve out of your angle of attack, they just stay in neat formation, because they are disciplined, if nothing else.
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oh, so THATS why they plastered the words "tunneled" and "railed" all over the "space combat" section of this website, oh wait...


they DID say it was an on rails experience, and that space would be considered a minigame and not supposed to be a key feature

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As far as appearance goes with TIEs, it's hard to go wrong with the TIE Interceptor. Much smaller profile and it looks aggressive as hell. The angles and shape of its wings, 4 lasers, fast and maneuverable as hell.


In playing the old X-Wing series of games, I learned to love flying the TIE Interceptor. It was fragile like the standard TIE Fighter, but the firepower, speed, and handling? It was a fighter pilot's dream.


Not to mention the TIE Interceptor is movie-canon.


Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1 also looks great.


As far as SW EU TIEs, I love the TIE Advanced (some sources outside the X-Wing series called it TIE Avenger). Very close in handling to the TIE Interceptor, but has the luxury of shields. Loved its look from the X-Wing games. A bit more boxy in appearance.


I would also say the TIE Defender, but it's overpoweringly cheesey in every way imaginable :p

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Lets not forget the tie bomber (-oo-). I always loved that look. Oh and the tie defender, from whatever the name of that game was. rebel alliance? Eh... last mission took place at the death star 2.


Also there was the tie hunter from sw rebel strike that looked like >o<

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I like how space is like literally the same mission, just harder and harder for most of the progression.


Like now you need new guns to kill the exact same mission. Oh wait WRINKLE!!!!!!!!!!


Drop in one baddie. What ya going to do now! Huh? Huh?


Space in this game is an EPIC FAIL.


I love the use of the star ship. The is this a joke factor cannot be understated for space and its integration into the game.


The huge time sync that is space.

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Lets not forget the tie bomber (-oo-). I always loved that look. Oh and the tie defender, from whatever the name of that game was. rebel alliance? Eh... last mission took place at the death star 2.


You're thinking of the TIE phantom that could cloak from Rebel Assault II. The TIE defender is the one with the three panels (which can't be conveniently replicated in tiny ASCII art :p).


And to the guy who mentioned the TIE Interceptor: /agree, and the advanced was so boss Lego made a $500 collector's edition set of it.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I miss the kind of Space Fighting we used to do in Star wars Galaxies where we had full control of the ship and what not!


i loved it too. sometimes i wish they just left space out until they could do it right, like how swg did it with the expansion. but sometimes i like being able to quick missions for some xp at the lower levels (granted, full ship controls would be cool)

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The main problem with the TIE/In + variants design was the fact the pilot had no view to his left or right due to the wing design. Tho cameras were installed to provide view to those areas if desired.


This of course was corrected with the 'cut wing' design of the TIE Interceptor. Oh and a total of four fire-linked laser cannons to compete with the X-Wing :)... still had a glaring omission of shields tho?

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still had a glaring omission of shields tho?


Imperial design philosophy was something along the lines of "on the off chance the GIANT STONKING STAR DESTROYER doesn't cow everything and its mother into pants-soiling submission, their resistance will be too derpy to actually hit anything that moves as fast as a TIE fighter."

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Imperial design philosophy was something along the lines of "on the off chance the GIANT STONKING STAR DESTROYER doesn't cow everything and its mother into pants-soiling submission, their resistance will be too derpy to actually hit anything that moves as fast as a TIE fighter."


Funny, if a little wrong.


Imperial design philosophy was 'It's cheap, yet effective, so let's mass produce them. Doesn't matter if our pilots die. There ar4e always more.' This is how they view Stormtroopers too.

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I did perhaps three space missions after I got my BH ship, the D5 Mantis which looks cool in the hangar bay but like a piece of crap in space...


Haven't done any space missions in the last 80 levels of grinding main or alts...

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the advanced was so boss Lego made a $500 collector's edition set of it.


Pretty sure the UCS TIE Advanced was only $100. Just like the UCS TIE Interceptor was way back in 2000.


Now the UCS Millennium Falcon was $500; and also amazingly cool. Wish I had one. It would look really good next to my X-Wing, Y-Wing, Tantive IV, TIE Interceptor, Star Destroyer, Death Star 2, and soon-to-be B-Wing.


I hope they do an A-Wing and maybe a TIE Fighter or a TIE Bomber for 2013. I'm annoyed every time they waste a UCS set on something lame like the Darth Maul bust or other prequel induced crap.

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The TIE Defender and assault on the second Death star are from X-Wing Alliance.


TIE-Defenders debuted in the "TIE-Fighter" game's first expansion. "Tie-Fighter" also introduced the Assault Gunboat, Missile Boat, and the TIE-Avenger.


Loved that game.

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they DID say it was an on rails experience, and that space would be considered a minigame and not supposed to be a key feature


Really, where? I read the official description here on this website both pre and post launch, still no mention of rails, tunnels, mini game or even single-player-only.

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I hope they do an A-Wing and maybe a TIE Fighter or a TIE Bomber for 2013. I'm annoyed every time they waste a UCS set on something lame like the Darth Maul bust or other prequel induced crap.


I'd like to see a Skipray Blastboat. Though I'd prefer a Liberator Cruiser from "Star Wars: Rebellion". but I doubt they'd go that far into the EU.

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