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How many people are waiting on 1.2 to return to this game?


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I haven't logged into this game for about a month and I am still paying my Subscription fees. I have been patiently waiting for 1.2 but tbh I am starting to get impatient.


The way I feel is 1.2 will either make or break this game for me, and if it flops I will unsubscribe, if it is good I will go back to playing this game 24/7.


How many people feel this way?


Probably 1000s of people that don't read the forums and another 1000 that can't post to reply to you because their account ran out 9 days ago.

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I canceled for now.


My sub will run into 1.2 and if its awesome i will keep the sub up but if not, well I will be out for a while.


I plan to return when a bit more content is released for end game, its not that swtor was not fun its just that currently I pay 15 dollars a month to play a couple warzones and hang around fleet.


I have leveled 3 50s and have run each profession to level 10. My favorite part of leveling is the first 10 levels, it feel all about the storyline. After 10 i end up repeating content and i feel i am just grinding.


Legacy is kind of a frusteration IMO. Had i known i could have created a chiss jedi knight or sith jedi knight i would not have leveled a jedi knight to 50. I really dont feel like repeating that same questline again.


Maybe when i come back i will feel fresh and new again I would not mind repeating the same content


IF SULLUSTAN is released as playable, i will be back immediatly LOL. Then my swg toon can live on :sul_cool:

Edited by kirorx
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I doubt I will make it to May 1st, which appears to be the date for the patch now. It's just pure tedium now.


Really...may 1st? I guess i wont be experiencing legacy system. dang. I was really hoping to at least try it out.

Edited by kirorx
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This game is like a single player game with chat and PvP tacked on. D3 will be that and more and will be free to play.


YOU do KNOW that D3 is inteneded for single player. They specifically said.. if you go look it up that D3 is not ment for PVP. But this pissed off all you PVPs so they went in and tried to add some PVP. So all those hoping D3 is Gods gift to PVP will be sorley butthurt once this game goes live.

Edited by armyfreed
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I just love people like this. "BLAH BLAH in 1.2 patch SUCKS, I QUIT."


"Umm, did you actually go to the test server and TRY it?"


"No, but I'm pro and I can tell it's going to suck!"



Good riddance.....


Yeah I made a UI then realized I have 0 interest in leveling a character for nothing. PTS without copy is STUPID. Just think of the awesome test information wed have with copy, without it I can assure you the operation and new content will be FULL of bugs because good testers cannot work nobody wants to do anything.

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Still playing, I've just went to playing alts for now for the legacy goodies. Btw, have they ever said when exactly in April the update will be released? I'm really hoping its next week...


would be nice. The sooner the better.

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YOU do KNOW that D3 is inteneded for single player. They specifically said.. if you go look it up that D3 is not ment for PVP. But this pissed off all you PVPs so they went in and tried to add some PVP. So all those hoping D3 is Gods gift to PVP will be sorley butthurt once this game goes live.


In fact, they aren't even releasing the game with PvP. It comes later.


Unless they waffled on that too.

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Just unsubbed today waiting for D3. The new content looks like it will last all of half a week. I can't even get my agent to 50 I'm so bored of this game. Hopefully I can finish my class story before my game time runs out but I doubt it. Grouping is nonexistent, there is no world PvP while leveling because Bioware designed the game around care bears (if I choose a PvP server I want the *********** chance of world PvP going down). This game is like a single player game with chat and PvP tacked on. D3 will be that and more and will be free to play.


A thousand times this ^^^^

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SWTOR is just plain terrible and 1.2 is making it worse.


The only good thing in 1.2 is the UI that all MMOs have at launch.


Legacy idea = ok


Legacy impact on game = Very bad


Nerfs across the board = very, very bad


More & more Bugs = Very, very, very bad


Ugly gear = Horrible


Fake PVP ranks = took the cake.


I'm already playing WoW again and it looks amazing with all the new spell effects and much better graphix plus they have a 64 bit client. The colors in WoW are breathtaking and there are hundreds of people on to group with, even at 7am.


SWTOR will thrive as a single player game for some time but I can't see any one that has played an MMO & is in their right mind ever playing this game past three months. Pffft Mist of Pandaria has more content & better features than the entire SWTOR, GG!

Edited by Quintan
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I haven't seriously played since January. I average maybe one login every two weeks. Waiting on 1.2 as well.


That said, while 1.2 will give some incentive to continue doing the same warzones over and over again, and the Legacy system will mean I'll likely have to delete some of my existing characters to take advantage of (genius Bioware, pure genius), I still see a glaring issue:


Little to no incentive to leave the Fleet.


The worlds are empty. Sterile. Throw in incredibly long load screens for most planets, and I think most of us have developed Pavlovian responses to visiting a planet that we don't absolutely need to. The Fleet and our Ships are two of the only 'zones' that load 'fast', so no wonder we're all sitting there. Coming out of a warzone when you were in Tatooine will make you want to cry.


Every time a new MMO comes out for the last five years, I've kept hoping it would be the one that actually returned us to a massive 'world', but every time I find the community sitting in one location waiting for instanced content to pop. There's nothing massive about that, and I really think the genre needs a new acronym, as I have come to the conclusion that the days where a game was developed for the open world are behind us, never to return.


I can count on two hands the amount of times I've run into another player while questing on a planet beyond Dromund Kaas/Coruscant. In fact, there's a far better chance that I make it through a planet's quests without encountering another soul, outside of passing them by at the Cantina/vendors.


And, I'm on one of the only five or so servers that still maintain a 'Heavy' population consistently.


I can't imagine how much bleaker each planet is on the legion of Light/Standard servers.

Edited by revial
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Just re subbed to WoW. Let's see if I regret that decision..


Shouldve just done the free trial thing. Its unlimited. I have it so I can remind myself why I left since for some reason I tend to forget every few months and start missing it. I get on, play a few quests and realize "aaaah, thats why **log off**"


That endless trial thing has probably been hurtning WoW more than helping IMO :p

Edited by MasterKayote
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Shouldve just done the free trial thing. Its unlimited. I have it so I can remind myself why I left since for some reason I tend to forget every few months and start missing it. I get on, play a few quests and realize "aaaah, thats why **log off**"


That endless trial thing has probably been hurtning WoW more than helping IMO :p


You just need a real Video card and the knowledge/youtube to set it up correctly. Wow is a much better game all around.

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How many people are too busy playing the game to come to the forums and answer this question? Most of the people I talk to in game never come to the forums because all people do is whine.


Yep it takes a special kind of person to lurk MMO forums. I guess its true misery loves company . :) A lot of my friends lurk from time to time but never post and generaly only look for updates on patches amd stuff amd don't care at all about what other people think of the game.



But on topic I am still playing with the goal of hitting the level cap and seeing all the current content while its still relevant. I know I am a damn casual but not by choice stupid work keeps getting I'm Tue way of my gaming.

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You just need a real Video card and the knowledge/youtube to set it up correctly. Wow is a much better game all around.


Set what up correctly? :confused:


As for WoW being a better game ... to each their own. TOR isnt perfect but I for one cannot stand to play that game for more than 10 minutes anymore.

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I am a fan of most Bioware titles especially KOTOR. With that said EAs acquisition of Bioware seems to have had a negative impact on Bioware's ability to create immersive and thoughtful Storylines (Mass Effect 3 ending).


I approached this game as a single player experience, I don't care for most MMO's with the exception of EVE and GuildWars as both are competitive and challenging.


For the most part I like the Imperial Agent and Sorcerer story-line, they aren't KOTOR grade story-telling but they are entertaining and I certainly like being able to play without having toconstantly team with other players.


I'm disappointed that SWTOR has borrowed so much from WoW as I find WoW to be the special olympics of gaming experiences.


I also dislike gear rating as it excludes me from joining the hard Mode flash-points. It would be nice if we could solo flash-points but I understand that this is a MMO not single player.


I'll continue to sub untill I'm finished with the other class storylines I think by catering to players of WoW they invited the WoW community and the WoW community tends to be very "special."


Despite the above the game is still enjoyable and I'll continue to sub until It loses its luster for me.

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I haven't logged into this game for about a month and I am still paying my Subscription fees. I have been patiently waiting for 1.2 but tbh I am starting to get impatient.


The way I feel is 1.2 will either make or break this game for me, and if it flops I will unsubscribe, if it is good I will go back to playing this game 24/7.


How many people feel this way?


Impatient and overeact much? Funny how you go from playing 24/7 to not playing at all.


You subscribe if you want to play, you dont if you dont. Its not a tool to blackmail the developer. They arent going to change the game at the tune of your sub.

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