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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Live the Ship Droid Experience!


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Okay so nice April fool's joke......NOW DO IT


You remember the April fools joke about the TaunTaun sleeping bag...then fans demanded the actually make it..and they did.....well please do this, add a little humor to the game as after all Star Wars has Humor throught the films in the form of droid companionship and Han Solo/wookie/falcon relationships


would be nice to see this sort of stuff in the game

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as part of Game Update 1.2, you will soon be able to assume direct control over your Droid’s actions with Ship Droid™, a brand new mini-game coming to The Old Republic!


Sure, sure!

Edited by Yogol
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Wonder how many people won't get it.


i didn't to start with until i noticed the date


i love BW's little april fools humour! well done guys, keep the dream alive!

(plus hasn't everyone wondered what life is like from '3PO's point of view?)

Edited by Century_Phoenix
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I belived this till I read responses, but I may be a little... inhebreated. would be cool though, espesially since everyone seems to hate the droid for their commentary thus far, and they don't get any 'companion' points, nor have any bonuses in anything.. so ediquette points do make sense if they actually implemented.. so.. who knows, maybe it is real as part of a master plan?? But having your main as the companion.. I guess they lost me there. :cool:
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everyone seems to hate the droid for their commentary thus far, and they don't get any 'companion' points


They already stated earlier that with 1.2 you will be able to get rep with the droids too. And that they will make them talk less.

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... how about taking your precious ressources instead of fixing the game. For example matching engine of warzones. In the beginning it was just annyoing now its a desaster to sart every game on rep side with fewer people resulting in an automatic win for imps when it is abortet, or trying to recover in the game when its finally full....
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The sad thing is I wouldn't mind if this was real. Would be nice to have something they do other then be annoying and useless. Besides I want to bump up Scorpio's etiquette so you can romance her *ROFL*


P.S. If you cant tell I wasn't joking about the first two points. x.x

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I'd be happier if they would just make the ship droids shut the eff up every time you go near them. No joke.


Since when did C3-PO stop talking in the movies? I think that is the feel that BW was trying to get across...

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