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I'm on bloodworthy pvp eu.. My guild is almost dead, last officer and guild master quit just a week ago that is the last officer quit and gleader not been online... Also all active raider's in my guild have quit...

I was just wondering if it's the same for you? on the server you are? in Your guild... It seems to me like so many quit the game.... I guess i just wanted to know how it is for you?


Maybe you would like to share a story about it, or how you feel about the game, for me personal i find it sad all left.. I was in a nice guild, we did all raids full nightmare, we clear both eternity vault & karagga's palace in one raid day.. Maybe that was the problem? to easy to get gear and to easy to raid basically? i remeber back to vanilla wow when we raided MC for weeks and weeks struggling HARD on bosses, same for BWL.... That was good times! are maybe mmo's being to easy these days? :\

Oh well share you're thoughts if you like.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Never even really got alive despite some 300 members at the start of EA.


Guild master barely plays and has not yet hit 50.


Yeah we have like 200 member's, these days are max 5 people online at same time, many of those not raiders just Social too...

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I'm also on bloodworthy and from our 60+ members, 3 of play and maybe 10 will come back to see 1.2. 2 officers are left, me and one other. The guild is multi-game old-school guild, so it's not disbanding or anything, most have just completely lost interest, our gm included, due to nothing at all to do except make alts which, understandably, isn't for everyone.


I don't think it's anything they can fix with a patch though, as there are fundamental problems that people have with the game. Lack of meaningful goals, faceroll content and bugged to all hell operations. There is only so many times people can bother to do EV, just to have the pylons or SOA bug out on you before you give up. It's a mix of frustration and boredom and the fact that, as a 11 year old guild, people want to achieve things as a guild and SWTOR just has no such opportunities. No guild cities, no pvp worlds that can be conquered zone by zone which require guild politics, alliances etc. As it stands, guilds are pointless since you can pug hard modes ops, easily.

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I'm also on bloodworthy and from our 60+ members, 3 of play and maybe 10 will come back to see 1.2. 2 officers are left, me and one other. The guild is multi-game old-school guild, so it's not disbanding or anything, most have just completely lost interest, our gm included, due to nothing at all to do except make alts which, understandably, isn't for everyone.


I don't think it's anything they can fix with a patch though, as there are fundamental problems that people have with the game. Lack of meaningful goals, faceroll content and bugged to all hell operations. There is only so many times people can bother to do EV, just to have the pylons or SOA bug out on you before you give up. It's a mix of frustration and boredom and the fact that, as a 11 year old guild, people want to achieve things as a guild and SWTOR just has no such opportunities. No guild cities, no pvp worlds that can be conquered zone by zone which require guild politics, alliances etc. As it stands, guilds are pointless since you can pug hard modes ops, easily.


I hear you man.. Many of the guild members in my guild also got tierd of the stuff you said here... So yea...

But i guess i'm "alone" so far and prob need start look for a new guild soon if i wanna raid, it's not like i need anything in raids anymore (have full rakata everything and tier 3 weapons trinkets and what not)...

I might need some mods only really lol :p but my point is other then do pvp its nice to do some pve too, even if i dont need items you know?..

Looking forward to 1.2 it's needed badly ;o

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the Guild I am in is going strong in fact we hit the guild cap, and have two alt guilds, all going strong, but the guild I am in has been around for years and is a multi game guild, as well. Plus we are on two servers here in the game with both republic and imperial branches.
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Keep in mind that it's very likely a percentage of your members didn't actually leave the game, but simply rerolled to one of the identified populous servers. With no news of server transfer/mergers on the horizon, a large percentage of the game's community are taking the initiative to move on their own; if you enjoy the game it's better to start again on a new server, that has a growing population, than it is to cling to a stagnant or dying server.
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Keep in mind that it's very likely a percentage of your members didn't actually leave the game, but simply rerolled to one of the identified populous servers. With no news of server transfer/mergers on the horizon, a large percentage of the game's community are taking the initiative to move on their own; if you enjoy the game it's better to start again on a new server, that has a growing population, than it is to cling to a stagnant or dying server.


Except that, in Bloodworthys case, the server was Very Heavy on most night for a long, long time. It's still Standard to Heavy.


Also, in my case, I'm legacy level 37, there is no way in hell that I would switch servers now, I'd sooner quit.

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Except that, in Bloodworthys case, the server was Very Heavy on most night for a long, long time. It's still Standard to Heavy.


Also, in my case, I'm legacy level 37, there is no way in hell that I would switch servers now, I'd sooner quit.


Indeed, and no one in my guild said they quit since start over new server, they basicly said "i stopped my subscriptions" :S

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Brethren of the Fallen on the Prophecy of the Five server still going strong. Around 100 members, and we constantly have 10+ people on, and during raid nights we have 2+ 8 mans. I don't think it's been that bad, even though the server has seen a slight population drop. Still think 1.2 will bring SOME not all that have left back.
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Except that, in Bloodworthys case, the server was Very Heavy on most night for a long, long time. It's still Standard to Heavy.


Also, in my case, I'm legacy level 37, there is no way in hell that I would switch servers now, I'd sooner quit.

Which makes more sense, though, if you truly enjoy the game: staying on a silent server, or rerolling where there are actually people to play with?


Mergers are a must, sure, but we have no idea when they will be implemented. Why not start again on a new server in the interim? You get to enjoy the game, and when mergers are finally enabled you can transfer your existing characters and legacy to an active server.

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Additionally, all you "200+ members that are never on" should realize that zerg/alt guilds are usually the first to die off in population downturns. The players are strangers, the community is weak, and there's little emotional reason to remain on the server in question. Or to continue subscribing to the game.


The demise of these guilds is a statistical eventuality in the best situations. That they would start falling apart at the slightest hint of trouble should be expected, and in no way serves as an accurate reflection of population transition.

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The FACT is that the vast majority of "gamers" do not last in MMO's, WoW is the lone exception to this rule. I never played WoW and I heard it blowz, played DAoC for 9 years and there is a STEEP learning curve for PVP in that game, so alot dont make the cut.


SWtoR is a good game, they obviously need to make certain improvements to PVP and Pve, however if it can hold 500k-1 million subscribers for a few years I would call that a roaring success.


The "ADHD" generation of gamers cannot level up in an MMORP, it just doesnt happen no matter if the game is good or bad, they dont have the attention span for it.


So all these people that drop from your guild, I wouldnt worry, you will find people that are true MMo'ers that you can make a guild with eventually, and really start enjoying this game.

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The "ADHD" generation of gamers cannot level up in an MMORP, it just doesnt happen no matter if the game is good or bad, they dont have the attention span for it.
Unfortunately this trait is likely to be present in all future generations as well. If this is truly the core issue, there's not going to be any new blood coming into the market. We would be looking at the end of the MMORPG industry due to changes in demographic.


I really hope you're wrong.

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