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Just some facts about female gamers


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Which is so very silly. Female gamers exist, we don't bite, some of us are damn good gamers (I can't lay claim to that, heh) and there's no reason to lose all sense and reason, well, unless yer a 12 year old kid who just gets like that around females anyway. :)


In most cases female gamers are more mature then us males. I sometimes watch what I say just because my mom taught me to always be polite around a lady lol. So Ill be honest and say I may not say something I would normally say to my guy friends I don't have a problem treating them like I would any other gamer...


But yes some male gamers tend to get all weird around women. Then wonder why they are single....

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I've had a lot of probs getting raiding spots as soon as the guys find out I'm female (in other mmo's). In my last WOW guild I was pretty much excluded from raids unless I went on an alt and healed.


These days I just don't talk in vent and don't tell anyone I'm female until I have a solid raid slot. Then I talk and everyone is like "holy crap!!". :D


I've never understood the idea that girls should only heal, or that we only like to heal/are only good at healing.


I admit I'm a pretty good healer, but I'm much better at big oophy crunchy dps lol. I like raining down almighty death on anything that moves.


I do kinda suck at tanking though :(


My BH in this game is the first voluntary heals I've ever had lol. I still prefer smacking the bad guys upside the head with a well aimed blaster though... *evil grin*

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I've had a lot of probs getting raiding spots as soon as the guys find out I'm female (in other mmo's). In my last WOW guild I was pretty much excluded from raids unless I went on an alt and healed.


These days I just don't talk in vent and don't tell anyone I'm female until I have a solid raid slot. Then I talk and everyone is like "holy crap!!". :D


I've never understood the idea that girls should only heal, or that we only like to heal/are only good at healing.


I admit I'm a pretty good healer, but I'm much better at big oophy crunchy dps lol. I like raining down almighty death on anything that moves.


I do kinda suck at tanking though :(


My BH in this game is the first voluntary heals I've ever had lol. I still prefer smacking the bad guys upside the head with a well aimed blaster though... *evil grin*


Yah that is odd how many lady gamers get grouped into the just heal thing,my guild leader in EQ2 is a woman in her mid fifty's (No i never asked her,her age) married and is a buisness owner and gets this TANKS when our main tank cannot make it.


On our server i think we have the most females of any guild,but we are primarily an over 30 guild,myself being a male and after years of playing with some very excellent players i really dont distunguish anymore,but i will admit that guys who play female toons kinds confuses me because i read a study a few years ago and they found 67% of males who play female toons in games think it helps them relate to the opposite sex.


I dunno that's just my perspective.

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Honestly it's a rare and usually nice opportunity to meet a girl playing an online video game. I hear about them rather often but never could be quite sure until I found out about Vent.


The only girl I've met playing swtor so far is really cool. She's a DPS sorcerer.


The assumption that theyre all healers because of motherly instincts is... well we can blame some young trolls for that I bet. It's just immaturity at work.

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i don't get the female as a healer only thing either i'm a capable off healer but as the main healer umm bye bye group its not gonna make it :eek: but i can top the dps charts with out really trying :D and i dont have the temperment to tank :o
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My main character is a healer. I can't name any MMO where my main has NOT been a healer. And it's not because of motherly instincts or because I enjoy patching up little oopsies and drying up little tears so much (although I do a lot of that in real life, too). It's because I love playing a healer. I guess I am strange like that. ;)


It amuses me when guys act like female gamers don't exist at all and auto-assume that everyone in game is a guy. In my experience, most of the guys translating MMORPG to "Many Men Online Roleplaying Girls" or similar silly things are either teenage guys or basement dwellers who can't get a date to save their life, otherwise they'd know that girls are nowhere near a tiny minority in games these days. No, I don't publicly advertise my gender to every Tom, Dick and Harry - why would I? It doesn't matter in game, now does it?

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As a "female gamer" myself, I'd like to point out a couple things. Primarily, you don't speak for me. While most of what you said is true, you're falling into the standard, and ironically male, trap that all women share the same basic personality type.


I am not you.


Actually, I guess I only had one thing I wanted to say, hehe.

Edited by SliceAntilles
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Actually I guess I did want to say something. I am, in fact, offended by sexism. I don't consider men finding women sexually desireable to be sexism though. That's just being normal.


I also happen to think one of the things that makes me such a good tank is my protective instinct, so put that in your pipe and smoke it :cool:

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Actually I guess I did want to say something. I am, in fact, offended by sexism. I don't consider men finding women sexually desireable to be sexism though. That's just being normal.


I also happen to think one of the things that makes me such a good tank is my protective instinct, so put that in your pipe and smoke it :cool:


I actually played City of Heroes with a girl who rocked the Tank and DPS classes better than any dude out there. To be fair, she could also do Crowd Control with her Controller and Dominator.

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It's as wrong for YOU to make any general assumptions about female gaming behavior as is for EVERYONE else.


The fact that you ( claim to be ) are a woman yourself does NOT necessarily mean every single other female on the planet ( or even the majority of them ) behave in exactly the same manner as you do.

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I appreciate what seems to have been the intent of the Op and it is interesting how same havce interpreted the posting. I have no problems playing with female gamers. Some of my best whoopings in previous games were from female gamers. They can play like everyone else. However, as a male gamer I can at least see the absurbness in getting hit on in game.


As someone put it, if im gonna stare at the backside of my toon for hours why not make it a nice backside. So I choose to make a few female characters along with my usual main male character. I didnt have one of my toons out but a few days before I got the "you so sexy" tell. LOL Never have I gotten a tell like this on a male toon, lol.


But as stated, Ignore can be a wonderful thing if all else fails.


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Original? or BMW remix?


I'll bet my BMW's more fun... it leans into corners! Not QUITE as much passenger room though...


There's Big Bavarian ponies under the bonnet. ;) As far as passenger room... my hubby is 6'6" and he has an inch or two to spare in headroom and legroom. The back is reserved for the dog - I'm not a driving a taxi. :D

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There's Big Bavarian ponies under the bonnet. ;) As far as passenger room... my hubby is 6'6" and he has an inch or two to spare in headroom and legroom. The back is reserved for the dog - I'm not a driving a taxi. :D


How on earth can you fit a 6.6 in that car. :eek:


Pics or it did not happen. :D

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As a "female gamer" myself, I'd like to point out a couple things. Primarily, you don't speak for me. While most of what you said is true, you're falling into the standard, and ironically male, trap that all women share the same basic personality type.


Actually if you read the initial post, you'll see that the OP is saying the opposite of that, and in fact much the same as what you have said about the wide variety in female gamers, only with less condescension.

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Forgot to mention that the husband works as a clown.


Coopers are like TARDIS. :cool:


Hubby is a soldier and no one was more shocked than he was at the space inside my Mini. If you want to see him doing the clown car routine, I'll dig up the pics of the time he had a Smart Car rental - he had to keep the sunroof open on it to fit.

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Coopers are like TARDIS. :cool:


Hubby is a soldier and no one was more shocked than he was at the space inside my Mini. If you want to see him doing the clown car routine, I'll dig up the pics of the time he had a Smart Car rental - he had to keep the sunroof open on it to fit.


Rofl. The smart car is awesome though btw, sat on the passengers side one time. Just don't look back. Yes, do show a pic if your hubby is ok with it, would love to see it.

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Oh, and here's the thing, that whole "girls don't like to make female toons cuz they get hit on" deal? Nonsense. Guess what? You get hit on in RL your whole freakin' life. You learn to deal with it. At least in a game it's rarely actually threatening. The women gamers I've known almost always play female characters as their Mains. Actually, I will amend that. ALL the female players I've know (and could verify were actually female) had Female Mains.


rofl, Half the guys I know who play MMO's have a female main toon as well :p

Edited by noctoi
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