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Did you Like the Force unleashed? AND Dislike the force unleashed 2?


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The first was cool because we saw how the rebels build their... order or something. I hated the 2.one because at the end starkiller not just lives but captured Vader... what I wanted to say: The Unleashed 1 was short but a great episode III and IV gap filler, and the TFU2 was an absolutely uneccesary :mad:ppfffff***ttt:mad:psshhhhh:mad:.... thing, with a sh*t ending and story telling. (It was made to get a little more money from this tittle, instead of a Kotor3 or a battlefront 3.) Edited by pbajnokl
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Loved the first one. Replay value was not the high in my book though. Played it through all the levels and then quit. Just wanted the achivements.


2nd game was ehh...but it's a Star Wars game where I get the use the force and have a lightsaber. I still thought it was ok. My wife complained tho because I think I maybe have only played it once or twice.


I have the same qualms about the whole clone thing. They should have made Starkiller the original but showed that Vader was trying to improve and make clones that would take out the Emperor while using Galen as the template.


Books were awesome too. Loved the graphic novel.

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I personally thought 1 was pretty good and an interesting way for the rebellion to get started. 2 Had some interesting stories, and some new gameplay mechanics even, but to me, the playstyle had a lot more freedom in 1 than in 2. Story in 2 was also way less thought out IMO. It's really not so much that 2 isn't too good, but 1 is at least okay, but how did they manage to make 2 stories revolving around the same character(sort of) with such different qualities.


To give 2 some credit, I really did like the whole Dagobah thing with Yoda.

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It is answered...





The game CONFIRMS that the Galen Marek we play IS infact a clone...do all the challenge levels and there are cinamatics that depicts the training of the 'one perfect clone' that Vader has as his new aprentice...one cinematic is called "The Body" and it shows Vader, the perfect clone....and the suspended corpse of the true Starkiller in his iconic training gear from TFU I in the center of the room on the Kaminoan cloning facility.


Considering the number of times Vader has lied, we should take it with a grain of salt...


The Galen Marek in Force Unleashed II could still actually be the original and he was just on in suspended animation at the time. Additionally there are some subtle clues in the Novel version that make it seem as though it could be the original, particularly there was a Force Vision on Dagobah about the 'perfect clone' in which Vader says something to the effect of lieing about the cloning process not being perfected.


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I really enjoyed the first game. It was pretty good for its type. The gameplay wasn't too difficult but it was fun. And the storyline... I don't understand why many people hate this game for storyline and say that it's breaking the canon. As for TFU 2... I have different feelings.From the one hand, it was really enjoyable to complete storyline. From the others, it was unbelievably short just like another episode of TCW. And the storyline... In contrast to the first part, this one is really breaking the canon. Was stated that it's impossible to clone a Jedi or a Sith. And what can we see? An army of imperfect but force sensitive clones and 2 copies equal to original. And all these forces(Robots-predators, invisible hunters, dark acolytes etc.)... Why Empire never used them before and after TFU 2 if it had such army? And this Vader's imprisoning ? Why whole alliance feared him like a death if ''we showed that we don't need to fear him any longer''© General Kota ?

Anyway, i'd be really glad to have TFU 3. Mostly for storyline, to explain the plot inconsistencies. But i'm afraid that they can add more inconsistencies...

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I LOVED The Force unleashed. played that game so much (over 200 houers) and got Starkiller to be immortal (a stupid bug, but still fun sometimes) three times. :)

Man I looked forward to TFU2 and what a huge disapointment. It was like they took EVERYTHING that made TFU fantastic and replaced it with crappy ideas that the devolpers from TFU throw away...

Played to the last map and quited, TFU2 was just CRAP. Good enough story but what a crappy lightsaber and combat system. Starkillers dual wield was just awful. It looked like it was a drunk jawa that used the lightsabers...

But yeah had a FANTASTIC experience when playing TFU. Still ppick it up sometimes when i get tired of SWTOR and want a little more action based SW game :)

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And why WHY did they in TFU2 removed theskill system fthat was in TFU and replaced it with that stupid lightsaber crystal system???

I want TFU with more maps! I want a battle against Yoda to prove my fall tyo the dark side for the emperor on my dark side Starkiller charachter!!!

And a new battle where we actually KILL Palpatine for my light side Starkiller charachter!!!

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and why why did they in tfu2 removed theskill system fthat was in tfu and replaced it with that stupid lightsaber crystal system???

I want tfu with more maps! I want a battle against yoda to prove my fall tyo the dark side for the emperor on my dark side starkiller charachter!!!

And a new battle where we actually kill palpatine for my light side starkiller charachter!!!

nooooonn caanoooonn! :D

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hate them both. Never played 2 ad I refuse to. I played 1 up until I was forced into being another rebellion hero. I felt lied o. They had sad you'd be given the choice o be good or bad..Finally I thought a game where I can be pro-empire and bad w/o being the cliche hero. Nope you were able to do that at the beginning then bam rebellion hero. And no the choice at the end of the game does not count, the statement made about being bad or good by choice was a lie...just like cake. :mad:


Alt of people on this forum think players play empire or as a pure ds character for the giggles of evil is cool. For me it was the fact to be empire, I dont believe in sith arrogance, my sith has a code. there's also the relief of finally playing a SW game that isn't lets be fairy tale heroes... always the hero.

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Considering the number of times Vader has lied, we should take it with a grain of salt...


The Galen Marek in Force Unleashed II could still actually be the original and he was just on in suspended animation at the time. Additionally there are some subtle clues in the Novel version that make it seem as though it could be the original, particularly there was a Force Vision on Dagobah about the 'perfect clone' in which Vader says something to the effect of lieing about the cloning process not being perfected.


Oi, a necro'd thread and this haha.


Dude, what I posted is correct, not some tinfoil hat theory, the scene is supposed to show what truely happened and further pushed the "I'm begining to think it doesn't martter..." line from Kota.



I think you misunderstood the novel, the whole point of the "I lied!" moment was really just the DS ending when Vader said that it had been perfected. Perfection = drone that would follow orders and not suffer the flashbacks or have feelings for Juno, etc/


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