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Tank Companions Not Getting Shield/Absorption Bonuses?


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I geared my Xalek companion a bit before I noticed that he doesn't seem to be benefiting from either the Shield or Absorption stats.


My questions: Why? Is it only Xalek or do all tanking companions suffer this penalty?




[EDIT: It looks like this seems to only be a Xalek issue...which means it's more likely to be a bug correct? Or somehow intended?]

Edited by Morgual
Apparently The Title Wasn't Accurate as it's just Xalek and not all Tank Companions.
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If shield chance is at 5.00% then you definitely don't have the tanking buff switched on, it does cap out faster on a companion than on a player but companions don't get a spec tree or the points (which would be a nice addition imho).


I find that the tanking buff frequently, as in almost all the damn time, switches itself off, also there's a bug where it wont always have your buff on it, fixing that can be done by dimiss/resummon usually.

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I noticed this yesterday! My only assumption is that it is a recent bug. I was having trouble keeping Khem alive recently for my level 31 sorceror so I decided to make him some moddable armor and dropped in level 31 blue might armoring and mods, and made purple enhancements that added +23 absorbtion each. I made him a new blue shield, yes.. SHIELD not focus, lol. Got him some relatively close to level 31 implants and an earpiece. With many of the items having augment slots that I dropped some level 25-31 shield rating augments into. This put both his shield rating and absorbtion to around 38%. Can't recall exactly what his defense rating came out to. But ultimately I noticed absolutely no difference in his survivability!!! He can barely stand up to two strongs.. with bubble and heals! rofl. I was so extremely dissappointed after all the effort, time, and credits I had invested in gearing him with the above only to notice no results! Hopefully they will look into this and find the problem soon. Until then I won't be playing my sorceror anymore, it's too much hassle and downtime to have to resummon Khem after every fight because it's faster than healing/regenerating him every single time! Edited by mguitar
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The absorption rating doesn't factor even in his tanking stance.


So it seems to just be Xalek? That's odd and disappointing as he is the one I want to tank for me.


I don't mind it being reduced, in fact, I expect it, but to give my tanking companion some tank gear with stats that provide no bonuses for him is...annoying. :confused:

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I noticed this yesterday! My only assumption is that it is a recent bug. I was having trouble keeping Khem alive recently for my level 31 sorceror so I decided to make him some moddable armor and dropped in level 31 blue might armoring and mods, and made purple enhancements that added +23 absorbtion each. I made him a new blue shield, yes.. SHIELD not focus, lol. Got him some relatively close to level 31 implants and an earpiece. With many of the items having augment slots that I dropped some level 25-31 shield rating augments into. This put both his shield rating and absorbtion to around 38%. Can't recall exactly what his defense rating came out to. But ultimately I noticed absolutely no difference in his survivability!!! He can barely stand up to two strongs.. with bubble and heals! rofl. I was so extremely dissappointed after all the effort, time, and credits I had invested in gearing him with the above only to notice no results! Hopefully they will look into this and find the problem soon. Until then I won't be playing my sorceror anymore, it's too much hassle and downtime to have to resummon Khem after every fight because it's faster than healing/regenerating him every single time!


I don't know about Khem, but at least in your example the stats are showing to be effective.


If you look at the image I linked it shows


Aborption Bonus (+175) +0.00% Absorption

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