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ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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But on the other hand, too many options can be a bad thing depending on the population.


As it stands my server is nigh on dead, its the same group of people queueing each time. If Arena's were in too, the queues would take forever.


But yes, cross server queues will aleviate most of the problems.


But personally, I just never enjoyed setup fights, to me the ranking from arena's would mean little, as it's almost the same as kill trading. Not quite as bad, but its XvX all the time, you don't have to worry that you will get more people add etc. To me that was all the excitement.


I shouldn't be opposed to the idea, but there are far more important issues I'd rather see addressed first.


Treat the forums as a point for constructive discussion, not a personal rant or blog. The only thing you have said that actually contributes a lot to the thread is your last sentence.


You sound like you've never done arena or have played it at a level where you know what you're doing yet you are ranting about why you don't like it. I have never played DAOC before which is why I don't comment on it. Since I actually try to engage in world pvp a lot and WZ and did RBG and arena, I can actually form an opinion from personal experience on most aspects of PvP. Arena should be implemented because it is another avenue of play. I never liked RBG in WoW but I did it with friends and I would always contend it was a good addition to the game. If you give people more ways to play what they like such as PvP, the happier they will be.


Stop derailing the topic with how you think rankings from XvX won't show skill. No, rankings don't tell the whole story about how good a player is, but if you are a better player you are more likely to beat another person consistently. Comps and counters obviously diminish this argument but the point still stands. Do you think that Roger Federer years ago wasn't undisputedly better than other tennis players because he didn't play in a wheelchair?

Edited by ChaosDogg
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Treat the forums as a point for constructive discussion, not a personal rant or blog. The only thing you have said that actually contributes a lot to the thread is your last sentence.


You sound like you've never done arena or have played it at a level where you know what you're doing yet you are ranting about why you don't like it. I have never played DAOC before which is why I don't comment on it. Since I actually try to engage in world pvp a lot and did RBG and arena, I can actually form an opinion from personal experience on most aspects of PvP. Arena should be implemented because it is another avenue of play. I never liked RBG in WoW but I did it with friends and I would always contend it was a good addition to the game. If you give people more ways to play what they like such as PvP, the happier they will be.


Stop derailing the topic with how you think rankings from XvX won't show skill. No, rankings don't tell the whole story about how good a player is, but if you are a better player you are more likely to beat another person consistently. Comps and counters obviously diminish this argument but the point still stands. Do you think that Roger Federer years ago wasn't undisputedly better than other tennis players because he didn't play in a wheelchair?


Agreed, this game is still software, and were paying for a service, it'd just be an additional feature that does in fact have an audience.

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The posts about:


"Arena is more difficult than warzones, it needs more skill"


"Warzones are more skill based, you need to take care of objectives too"


Will do NOTHING but derail the thread. The debate it's not about what's harder to play.


Someone like playing Warzones more, someone like to play Open world PVP and someone like Arena. Can't all these people have their favorite type of PVP implemented?


(PS: I feel sorry for who likes Open World PVP too, but at least devs are redesigning Ilum)

Edited by TheNotorius
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It's not an elitist attitude, but unless things are far more balanced PVP wise, a death match warzone would be a joke. Imagine full bm's vs fresh 50's for example :p


Give everyone equal gear, so it is ALL skill based, then its a different kettle of fish, but the way the game is at the moment, it seems pointless.


Ok. What makes this any different than warzones? I suppose you want everyone who enters a warzone to have the same exact stats/gear/abilities for "balance." Come on man.

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Treat the forums as a point for constructive discussion, not a personal rant or blog. The only thing you have said that actually contributes a lot to the thread is your last sentence.


You sound like you've never done arena or have played it at a level where you know what you're doing yet you are ranting about why you don't like it. I have never played DAOC before which is why I don't comment on it. Since I actually try to engage in world pvp a lot and WZ and did RBG and arena, I can actually form an opinion from personal experience on most aspects of PvP. Arena should be implemented because it is another avenue of play. I never liked RBG in WoW but I did it with friends and I would always contend it was a good addition to the game. If you give people more ways to play what they like such as PvP, the happier they will be.


Stop derailing the topic with how you think rankings from XvX won't show skill. No, rankings don't tell the whole story about how good a player is, but if you are a better player you are more likely to beat another person consistently. Comps and counters obviously diminish this argument but the point still stands. Do you think that Roger Federer years ago wasn't undisputedly better than other tennis players because he didn't play in a wheelchair?


Just because it wasn't necessarily constructive discussion, it was still very relevant to the discussion.


Yes, I don't see any problem with Arena's (but a TDM Warzone is a terrible idea, due to such disparities in gear/level). But with Arena's will they work at Sub-50, when gear and levels are out of whack? Will everyone be bolstered to identical stats and be given all of their abilities to be able to compete fairly?


The current objective based warzones, give people a goal and not mindless killing. Which makes gear and kills far less important, so even lower teams haev a chance of success.


How would you implement Arena's, would their rating be a new seperate tier, or would it correspond to Ranked Warzones? Will it create yet another barrier, if players had to get Ranked Warzone, Arena and PvP gear?


I appologies about my discussion on skill etc, as your right it isn't really relevant, but it was more my reasons why I dislike them.


Provided the game could support divinding the population up more then its not a bad idea, but then Open World PvP will be almost non-existant I think. But it is anyway.

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Ok. What makes this any different than warzones? I suppose you want everyone who enters a warzone to have the same exact stats/gear/abilities for "balance." Come on man.


How often, on Civil War for example, do you see players focus more on killing than watching the nodes? I've lost track, of how many times players lose focus and I've stealth capped the node.


My point was, that you can still compete. If everything isn't equal, then it makes a TDM Warzone completely 1 sided.


As for Arena's, the same applies. If the goal is to kill your opponents and nothing more, then if Team A has the better gear, they will always win. Which to me, makes it pointless, unless people think its fun to dominate.

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Arena's would be awesome. Have they said anything at all about them yet?


Last time I've seen is that it still being considered, but with enough of a audience I don't see why we couldn't at least get a small scale PVP option.

Edited by broganthomas
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Arenas are fun. As long as they're just another path to getting the same gear you get from warzones, it's all good. It's more of a rock paper scissors game of team composition and who manages CCs best and what not.


I don't see why anybody would be so against it being in the game.

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Why are people so against arenas? They don't need to be the top tier of pvp like in wow, just something you can do if you like it.


They get mad when I say this but it's an EASY answer.


In WOW if you had a BAD arena rating you were considered a BAD PVP player. Since it was the only ENDGAME PVP for so long. If you think you are a good PVPer but you didn't like or weren't good at ARENAs NO one would listen to your opinion about PVP because you were a BADDIE.


Call someone a BADDIE for long enough and they get angry. Then this ANGER turns on the only thing that it can, ARENAS.


But we are not asking for WOW arenas. We don't need it to give the best gear (Although it will prob be a way to get it) We just want to play with our 2-3 IRL friends and have fun.


They will LIE and say it's because of balance (Which is a joke because ARENAs actually help balance classes and insure there is no OP class) or some other issue they have with it.


But in truth it's all about WOWs fail arena system and that they got picked on a lot.

Edited by Swidgin
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They get mad when I say this but it's an EASY answer.


In WOW if you had a BAD arena rating you were considered a BAD PVP player. Since it was the only ENDGAME PVP for so long. If you think you are a good PVPer but you didn't like or weren't good at ARENAs NO one would listen to your opinion about PVP because you were a BADDIE.


Call someone a BADDIE for long enough and they get angry. Then this ANGER turns on the only thing that it can, ARENAS.


But we are not asking for WOW arenas. We don't need it to give the best gear (Although it will prob be a way to get it) We just want to play with our 2-3 IRL friends and have fun.


They will LIE and say it's because of balance (Which is a joke because ARENAs actually help balance classes and insure there is no OP class) or some other issue they have with it.


But in truth it's all about WOWs fail arena system and that they got picked on a lot.


Yeah that's why I think if it was "just for fun", with no real personal gain, we should have a feature that lets you queue up and play. I don't see how anyone can get so angry if the Arena doesn't offer any advantages over the current system.

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They get mad when I say this but it's an EASY answer.


In WOW if you had a BAD arena rating you were considered a BAD PVP player. Since it was the only ENDGAME PVP for so long. If you think you are a good PVPer but you didn't like or weren't good at ARENAs NO one would listen to your opinion about PVP because you were a BADDIE.


Call someone a BADDIE for long enough and they get angry. Then this ANGER turns on the only thing that it can, ARENAS.


But we are not asking for WOW arenas. We don't need it to give the best gear (Although it will prob be a way to get it) We just want to play with our 2-3 IRL friends and have fun.


They will LIE and say it's because of balance (Which is a joke because ARENAs actually help balance classes and insure there is no OP class) or some other issue they have with it.


But in truth it's all about WOWs fail arena system and that they got picked on a lot.


@ the red: Lies, never once has arena teams been balanced in WoW. Ever.

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@ the red: Lies, never once has arena teams been balanced in WoW. Ever.


I never said that the teams where balanced brother....Because you are right THEY NEVER WHERE.


What I said was....They help balance classes.


If you don't think that's true then look no further then season 5 DKs. In PVE my Muti rogue could hang with a DK in DPS but NO team could hang with the OP that was the DK class.


Arenas found this not PVE content.


But you are correct it is a NEVER ending battle to balance around small ARENA style fighting. There will always be a COMP > then most.

Edited by Swidgin
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Arena would mess up class balance like it did in wow. Sure things are balanced in arena (sort of....) but in the other 2 areas of pvp, no. And I guess you have to look at, which of these areas would have more people aka paying customers playing, and I'm guessing it wouldn't be arenas. Other thing is with arena either they'd have to rebalance their classes a lot or they have to make it so you get no extra rewards from doing arena over other forms of pvp because I struggle to see how the average sniper would obtain the shiny new arena set as easily as inquisitor classes.


I do see where the arena guys are coming from though. I am so bored of the same 3 wz and if you are someone who plays in a premade I imagine ordinary wz are even more boring. Illum is heinous.

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Arena would mess up class balance like it did in wow. Sure things are balanced in arena (sort of....) but in the other 2 areas of pvp, no. And I guess you have to look at, which of these areas would have more people aka paying customers playing, and I'm guessing it wouldn't be arenas. Other thing is with arena either they'd have to rebalance their classes a lot or they have to make it so you get no extra rewards from doing arena over other forms of pvp because I struggle to see how the average sniper would obtain the shiny new arena set as easily as inquisitor classes.


I do see where the arena guys are coming from though. I am so bored of the same 3 wz and if you are someone who plays in a premade I imagine ordinary wz are even more boring. Illum is heinous.


We already see people crying about how range in better in Warzones compared to melee.. Nothing can stop the horde of crying babies, and we shouldn't cater to them.

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