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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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Than it was not a good premade. Maybe you and your friends are not as good pvpers as you think? Maybe using such things like selective CC, synchronized killing, separating enemies, simple traps is above your skill level? Maybe, just maybe mindless slaughtering enemies is not everything that pvp is about?


I was on the pug team. I rarely run in premades.

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Thats exactly my point. There is no other option. Warzones are nothing but a skill less zergfest. It's what I have been saying this entire time....


And arena is nothing but deathmatch with no focus, no factor, and no impact outside of deaths.


They are a skill-less FOTM comp-fest.



Edited by Celebrus
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And arena is nothing but deathmatch with no focus, no factor, and no impact outside of deaths.


They are a skill-less FOTM comp-fest.




Arena rewards and punishes good individual skill, far more than warzones. Thats all I want. And honestly in this game FOTM comps wouldn't be much of any issue. The classes don't have very much synergy.

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Don't understand why people are against it. It's just extra content, you can still stick to other pvp modes if it were implemented.


Go look up why Blizzard has publicly stated that adding arenas post-launch was one of the worst decisions they made. That's why we're against it.


Arenas only work if the game is designed around them. TOR is not designed around arenas. Guess what the next sentence should be?

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Go look up why Blizzard has publicly stated that adding arenas post-launch was one of the worst decisions they made. That's why we're against it.


Arenas only work if the game is designed around them. TOR is not designed around arenas. Guess what the next sentence should be?


Then don't add ranked arenas if it doesn't work well. I just personally like deathmatch.. be it fps, mmo, whatever. I PVP to PVP, not to play imaginary football. : /

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Not gonna argue for or against arenas here. But I played WAR(go ahead flame me) for about a year or so and people would get on the forums and set up dueling locations and times all the time. If so many want arena style pvp why not set up your own team death matches on the forums? Pick a place and time, get your team together and faceroll till you explode. If alot of people want this style of pvp it should be a rather popular thing to do. Start a thread and see what happens. Unless of course you want special rewards for arena, then I don't know what to tell ya. Other things need to be fixed first imo.
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Then don't add ranked arenas if it doesn't work well. I just personally like deathmatch.. be it fps, mmo, whatever. I PVP to PVP, not to play imaginary football. : /


You already got your unrated ffa / tdm zone btw.


L2use Outlaw's den.

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People don't like arena due to how it imbalances...


However, why not make an 'arena' just another WZ?


Just have one of the WZ you can get into a death match- no bonus rewards for doing it- and hopefully with x-server pvp will come getting to choose your WZ.

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People don't like arena due to how it imbalances...


However, why not make an 'arena' just another WZ?


Just have one of the WZ you can get into a death match- no bonus rewards for doing it- and hopefully with x-server pvp will come getting to choose your WZ.


an 8v8 arena style warzone i would be fine with, but screw WoW style arena's....all it does is imbalance all the classes.

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an 8v8 arena style warzone i would be fine with, but screw WoW style arena's....all it does is imbalance all the classes.


I wouldn't mind seeing a 4v4, honestly. I think I just like smaller PvP engagements, as each person feels more integral to the victory.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a 4v4, honestly. I think I just like smaller PvP engagements, as each person feels more integral to the victory.


it just needs to be objective-less kill focus play style with less LOS to use and around a 4-6min timer. I think that would satiate a lot of the arena demand. But I still say no to 4v4 because it will be centered around a specific 4 classes that will dominate it and thus still cause unrest about balance issues. IMO all pvp balance in this game should stick to an 8v8 play model.

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no thank you

don't want arenas or the attitudes (of some players) that come with them


Blah ..blah...blah

oh yeah what's your arena rating?



not to mention the ridiculously false side economy created by selling ratings. Already going to get enough of that 1-2 months after rated wz's start

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it just needs to be objective-less kill focus play style with less LOS to use and around a 4-6min timer. I think that would satiate a lot of the arena demand. But I still say no to 4v4 because it will be centered around a specific 4 classes that will dominate it and thus still cause unrest about balance issues. IMO all pvp balance in this game should stick to an 8v8 play model.


I was thinking they'd just be like skirmishes (much like the Arena skirmishes) that aren't worth anything valor/commendation-wise, just something to do for fun on the side.


I wouldn't imagine they'd try to balance for 4v4 when all of the rated play and WZs are 8v8 affairs, but stranger things have happened.


Wow *had* to try to balance for small-scale Arenas (lol2v2), because they placed all of the best rewards in Arena, and gave it ratings, and tried to make it into an e-sport, all before anyone stopped to consider that their game was still balanced for battlegrounds like Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin.

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Arena takes for more skill than some objective based ********.


Yep. Skill at finding the most overpowered class combination for the current patch, and picking up the best PvE weapons in the game through raiding.


So much skill required in WoW. Even Blizzard, the people who created Arena, said it was a bad idea. It hasn't gotten better. All it did was drag FPS players who have no business playing MMOs into MMOs.

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You already got your unrated ffa / tdm zone btw.


L2use Outlaw's den.


Is that a joke?


1) You can't queue for it and get teleported to it.

2) It's unregulated, unbalanced pvp.


Just want to queue for a nice even death match.

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What in gods name is taking so long?



BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?





They have one of these on Tatooine. Go ahead, check it out. It is jam packed with everyone else who is asking for this same feature.

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What in gods name is taking so long?



BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?








Arena sucks and ruined the game, let them keep that crap as it ruined PVE forever.


(By the way I am 83 Valor so I do not hate PVP either)

Edited by Metalmac
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