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Why haven't you fixed Shadow/Assassin's Training?


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that is really not worth it to spend 100K credits on 250 hitpoints. As some people have pointed out, that's less than one tick of a DoT.

Fix please?


Wait-wait-wait-wait. Really? You QQ about buying level-up skills? O_o About 100k credits?

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K... lets add some personal testing results about a variety of bugs affecting Project (Or its tooltip):


- Shadow Training. Adds 5 endurance per rank and a one time 25% bonus to final damage of Project. Project's tooltip DOESN'T include this 25% damage bonus... It stays as if you were a Sage.


- Clarvoyance. 1 Stack of Clarvoyance is NOT giving 15% damage increase both on REAL impacts or on the tooltip. 2 Stacks of Clarvoyance work as intended by giving 30% damage to Project (And the tooltip).



EDIT: I haven't rechecked how the status of this 2 bugs are on current PTS build, but they are like that on current Live build.


Checking both bugs is very easy to do... Remove all expertise from yourself and get the help of another player and be sure the player is naked and without any kind damage reduction (expertise, tanking stance reduction or passive reductions coming from skills).


Thats right, Sage do exactly the same Dmg with Project, the tooltip needs to be fixed.

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Thats right, Sage do exactly the same Dmg with Project, the tooltip needs to be fixed.


Which is exactly what the yellow text says they are doing. Read it again. Tooltip is bugged. Ability is applying 25% bonus correctly, but just doesn't show it. Working on it.


Okay. Can we get confirmation on how the endurance buff from thie training works? Is it 5 per level of the character, or 5 per rank of the skill?

It's +5 per rank of the skill.

Edited by Rhaphael
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Wait-wait-wait-wait. Really? You QQ about buying level-up skills? O_o About 100k credits?


Not at all. I have more than enough money. I'm just saying that 250 more hitpoints is kinda... Meh.

I mean, it just seems like a lot of the other classes class buffs actually do something. 250 hitpoints after leveling and ranking up the skill is such a paltry amount. It's barely noticeable.

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Tank spec doesn't need a debuff, the DPS specs could use a hand though.


indeed it doesn't. Tank spec already puts 2 strong debuffs for 15-18sec (accuracy and damage debuffs), actually 3 with movment slow (30%). The 4th debuff will be OP, and they'll nerf KC. In comparison, balance doesn't put any debuffs at all, can't say much about inf.

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Not at all. I have more than enough money. I'm just saying that 250 more hitpoints is kinda... Meh.

I mean, it just seems like a lot of the other classes class buffs actually do something. 250 hitpoints after leveling and ranking up the skill is such a paltry amount. It's barely noticeable.


And....It's something other classes don't have (in the same context). My qeustion is...why are you arguing about an extra 250 health? Don't forget that it's per RANK. 3 ranks = 15%. 4 ranks = 20%.


Who WOULDN'T want to be able to buy more endurance. It's not like they dropped the uber cool one button win skill and replaced it with this.


it's health that you don't have to itemize for, you don't have to spend talent points on, and the credits are made back in one days worth of dailies.


...if you don't want it, ill take it on my juggernaut any day of the week friend.


to the OP: the tooltip for the skill is worded correctly. it is not ambiguous. the damage readout on project is whats incorrect, and they are currently working on it. They are probably not being secret as much as they are correcting it and adding it to the huge list of "bugs" that they are fixing.


at the PAX panel it was mentioned that the list of bugs is over 1200 fixed in 1.2 alone (iirc). i doubt that they're going to go out of their way to point out your "special" bug when there's probably hundreds of corrected bugs that other people are interested in as well. I doubt they have the dev time to address them all in the forums.

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