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For god's sakes, how the HELL do you get the STAP?


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There's a LOT in this game that is NOT intuitive. I'm a gamer, and have played a few MMO's. There's no way in hell casuals are gonna figure this stuff out. Heaven forbid things actually make sense. :rolleyes:


Hell, even finding the CE vender is an unnecessary annoyance. What kind of abnormal weirdo nerd makes stuff this way?







I can't summon/buy my damn speeder/STAP.


Tried looking in the chat window for the .5 second statement that popped up on what to do (after I bought the basic training) but of course, my Chat Window doesn't list such txt. (I thought that was standard in MMOs?)


I'm lvl 25.

Bought the 40,000 credit Basic Training speeder.

Opened the CE email and took the STAP attachment.


Tried clicking on both. Tried pulling both into quick-slots. (Basic wont' move from 'Abilites' window) Tried removing STAP icon from quick-slot, which apparently discarded STAP from my possession! (yeah, where's the warning window, like every legit MMO offers?)



So how do I get a speeder?




Basically, the only legit in-game thing of any value whatsoever from the CE, and I apparently just somehow discarded mine?



sigh What a joke :rolleyes:





Edited by Feskitt
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Lol you discarded it? You're secrewed. Discarding items in this game does come up with a notification. Unless you discarded something earlier and ticked the box that said "dont show this again" Edited by Azelas
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Try submitting a ticket. It won't help for probably a few days. But I would expect you to get it back.



I guess I'll try, but TBH, I've almost lost all faith at this point.



I swear, aspects of this game seem to be made to be intentionally confusing, frustrating, or at least obscure.





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I'll try that when I log in.



BTW, how are we to know that?




ps. and do we gotta put in that damn security code every single time we log in now?





your not really good informed i see.

yes you need to input the code everytime.

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I'll try that when I log in.



BTW, how are we to know that?




ps. and do we gotta put in that damn security code every single time we log in now?





if you mean security code from authenticator then yes

if you mean security question no that only comes up when a New IP logs into the account

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you DO get a discard warning as I almost discarded my mouse droid and did get the pop up so don't be mad if you ignored it and clicked ok.


I got NO warning... which made me think it was the same as removing a power/ability from your Quick-Slot (which gives no warnings either, obviously, since you're not 'losing' it)



Yet when I looked in my inventory, the STAP item was gone.




Excuse me while I go login and get to enjoy the experience of re-entering that security number. I bet that never get's old. /end sarcasm


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I guess I'll try, but TBH, I've almost lost all faith at this point.



I swear, aspects of this game seem to be made to be intentionally confusing, frustrating, or at least obscure.






Sorry, but you've just been facerolling through this game if you've gotten to level 25 without pressing "P" and actually looking at what the page has to offer. It's also at the top of your screen to, on the menu bar.


If you think an MMO that tells you where to go for every single quest is complicated, you're pretty new around these parts. :cool:

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Just to clarify a little more for you, what you got in the mail was sort of like a schematic for crafting- you can't make anything with a schematic, but it teaches you how to make it. By clicking on the STAP icon you got, you "got the keys to the STAP". It basically taught you the STAP skill (for that specific stap). Now you can put the skill on your hotbar. (FYI, pets work the same way.)
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They should actually fix that. If you have anything in your toolbars and move it to the screen to get it our of your toolbars, it should toss it for you. Dragging from inventory to screen should be the only way you can trash things in this manner. I hope to god they fix this. Thank you for the heads up, I probably would of done the same thing.
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Press P and go to vehicle tab


Sorry, but you've just been facerolling through this game if you've gotten to level 25 without pressing "P" and actually looking at what the page has to offer. It's also at the top of your screen to, on the menu bar.


If you think an MMO that tells you where to go for every single quest is complicated, you're pretty new around these parts. :cool:





"P" for powers/abilities?


Okay, yes, I access that frequently. It has the "basic training" for the speeder which I purchased.






It does not allow for the speeder to spawn, etc. Does nothing.





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They should actually fix that. If you have anything in your toolbars and move it to the screen to get it our of your toolbars, it should toss it for you. Dragging from inventory to screen should be the only way you can trash things in this manner. I hope to god they fix this. Thank you for the heads up, I probably would of done the same thing.


just a disclaimer, this guy didn't actually delete his STAP, he's just... a newb :p

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just a disclaimer, this guy didn't actually delete his STAP, he's just... a newb :p


Exactly. He equipped the "keys" to the stap on his hotbar. He then clicked the "keys", using them up and teaching him the skill (thus, it no longer shows in inventory). Then he took the remnant icon off his hotbar. Nothing was deleted.

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Just to clarify a little more for you, what you got in the mail was sort of like a schematic for crafting- you can't make anything with a schematic, but it teaches you how to make it. By clicking on the STAP icon you got, you "got the keys to the STAP". It basically taught you the STAP skill (for that specific stap). Now you can put the skill on your hotbar. (FYI, pets work the same way.)


So it's a crafting skill, then?


Good grief. I maxed Fallen Earth's crafting in 1.5 months. (that's bragging BTW) Yet TOR's crafting is still goofy and confusing to me. Items, upgrades, requirements, specialties, none of it makes sense and most isn't self-explanatory IMO.



And I still haven't seen anyone in this thread say precisely and exactly how you get a speeder.






PS. so you're saying that since I clicked on the STAP icon in my QuickSlot and it gave a message (couldn't read it fast enough, Chat window didn't relay it afterwards, but I remember it said [para] "that I 'had' the STAP now") that therefore, I have access to it... if I craft it? Even though I no longer have it in inventory or QuickSlot?





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Exactly. He equipped the "keys" to the stap on his hotbar. He then clicked the "keys", using them up and teaching him the skill (thus, it no longer shows in inventory). Then he took the remnant icon off his hotbar. Nothing was deleted.


Ok, just checked, and YES, the "Vehicles" tab under P ('Abilities') is what I needed to look under.


Amazing that no one in general chat knew this! (I kept messing with the "Basic Vehicle" icon, under bounty hunter skills)



I wonder, how do non-CE players get a speeder? The only entry I had under 'Vehicles' was the STAP. Do they gotta buy one somewhere?




ps. thnx for the input!





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Whats so confusing about a WARNING pop up saying if you throw it out its gone for good.



Come on. Read what it says on the screen before removing it .. i say you should never get it back for it being your fault


Like I said, it didn't give one. (just like if you remove a power from your abilities list, from the quick slots... pretty sure no warning there, either)




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