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Raise Server Population Caps


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Cut and pasted OP from my thread entitled "Where are the developers?":



Yes, we all know about the queue times. That is not this post.


This is a critical, fundamental, top-priority issue. You have TENS OF THOUSANDS of customers who are trying to enjoy your product. Players are getting frustrated and leaving. players are getting frustrated and QUITTING. Players are canceling subscriptions, which cost BW money. I know three people in real life who are losing their guilds over people not being able to log into their randomly assigned servers.


And where are the developers? Where is the Dev Post about the issue? What is being done? What will be done?


Yes, this sucks for the players. Sure, some patience is probably warranted on our part. But after post and thread after thread after post about this issue, noone has spoken up.


I for one, want to know:

1) What is being done to fix the issue?

and 2) Why the >censored< hasn't it been done already?


Please, everyone, JUMP ON THIS BANDWAGON. Keep this thread towards the top, and MAYBE we can get a response, and at least know what to expect.


Please, Bioware, please, keep us in the loop.

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Well, EA had their hand in warhammer online, and anyone who played that game can tell you how after a month into launch they were already offering free transfers off of dead servers. The list was rather large too. More than likely they are expecting a huge player base loss.


But most of that was due to promises never kept like, a player city for each race etc. This time around the reason for player loss may be thier own fault once again.

Edited by Dementian
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Contrary to most people though, I do like medium to low population servers. I know it's a multiplayer game, and I know I'm supposed to interact with other people in the game, but I'd rather avoid that where possible.


A good guild of 15-20 active players > a server with 10,000 players.



My recommendation is to add more servers, and assign variable population caps (which are displayed for the player to decide upon). Those who like to play on overpopulated servers can do so. And those who like to play on underpopulated servers can do so.


And allow transfers between servers, Rift's implementation of server transfers was spot on - loved it. Learn from it, recycle it, profit from it (with a larger playerbase, brought about by happier players)


I like this and agree totally cause im the same way. Server queues are crap i'd rather play now on a low pop than have to wait for a high pop!

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I don't know what the right answer is, but SOMETHING needs to be done, and quickly.


Trying to log in just now, half the U.S. servers have queues from 10 minutes to 90 minutes. That's insane. This is still pre-launch week, and it's a week before Christmas. In two short weeks, all the servers are going to be crammed full of people, waiting endlessly in lines to play. The worst part is that with the resource requirements of running TOR, I can't just play Skyrim while I'm waiting.


Raising the server population cap might help, and may be necessary, but choking the world full of players is going to do dangerous things to the economy and there's already 3-5 minutes between certain quest mob spawns, it'll result in some very not fun mob grind lines. Hostile areas are sparsely populated with mobs and pretty small, flooding these areas with players is going to (again) cause a lot of miserable people hopping around areas hoping to be near the next group spawn.


Increasing the amount of servers might help, and may be necessary, but too many and it gets ugly quick. And the already established servers are the ones everybody's player groups want to play with, and I doubt they want to move (is there even an option to transfer a character to a less populated server for free?).


Although, I have to admit, while it's inconvenient for me now, I don't mind waiting. This problem will inevitably be solved, or solve itself when enough people get sick of the server queues and defect to other games, freeing up the servers again. I love this game and intend for it to be my only MMO for a long time, so either way I'll be happy.

Edited by frostyhardtop
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And please let people have have been disconnected or their game client crashes jump ahead of the queue when they try to reconnect within a few minutes.


It's not my fault the game is crashing to desktop every few hours. I'd rather not be punished with a 1.5 hour queue every time it happens.


I agree. I'm tired of getting this error 9000 crap and having to wait forever to get back in.

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YOU seriously need to increase the server cap!! it's only been 4 days since the launch of SWTOR and already you have MAX QUE's on nearly every server. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ON LAUNCH DAY???


WHY do game developers/producers nerver pearn from previously laucnhed games? Everyone in the business should know or have a sense that this is the newset game out there and fans can't wait to play it. So YOU should ahve increased the max server population already, so you dont have these issues already with 400-500 queue positions.


BUT no, happens every new game release, they underestimate the release launch or populatio, once it dies off, then you can lower them, but never go in with a low population level. then you get post like these on this thread, or simluar or worse.

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This happens at the start of any game and I've seen worse. I have picture of my WoW server having an 18 hour wait time in queue. Stop being silly and calm down already. It will be like this on weekends and during primetime hours. There is nothing you can do until they increase the server caps and lessen the queue loads.


I expect this to be like this up until one week after launch. After that, it will get better. Until then, relax. I've heard this gripe and whine on every game I've ever played. Maybe companies should just come out and tell you that this is the way it is because some folks just don't get it.



I believe more of the frustration is that all these complaints about queues keep coming up, yet no one from BW is answering. This is obviously a wide spread problem, and as such would proably deserve a blog from BW exlpaining they know what's up and let us know their game plan to make it better. By staying silent they are just irritating potentially paying customers. I subscribed, but after 2 days of waiting more than 30 minutes in queues I am seriously re-considering that cancel button before my free time ends. Especially if the game plan is to brace for the curiosity wave and wait for it to die down.

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I can see only one legitimate reason for the population cap / queue times being what they are. If they have lowered the population cap for each server for pre-release, so as to insure that after release, when they raise the cap on every server there will be room for people's friends to join, then I'm okay with it. I have 5-6 friends that are seriously considering joining me, and they obviously would want to be on the same server as me, and I'm sure many other people have friends who might play as well. A buffer zone to insure that there is room on the server for such latecomers would actually be really nice.


I just hope that's the cause of this issue, and not something else.

Edited by Hyperspacerebel
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You know what's really telling about this situation? I have had more fun today /popcorning the complaint threads and monitoring my "please-talk-to-us-Bioware" thread than I have had actually PLAYING THE GAME.


Then you sir, are a certified troll :D

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