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Skill Curve From WoW To TOR


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Guild Wars 1 PvP is the only pvp that actually requires thinking/good teamwork


This is wrong on every level. WoW arena's high end PvP required the UTMOST communication, positioning and teamwork. Watch reckful's videos if you're doubting me (or snutz's stream if you want more recent stuff). It was all about timing damage and sustaining control on the enemy team. Even in rated battleground, positioning and communication was paramount to keeping your flag carrier alive and to get him across the field. There was no room for lone wolves, you had to think on your feet and know what you were doing to get things done.


Sorry if it's off topic, but I can't handle ignorance.

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Rift could go back and forth depending on builds versus others- but it would come down to procs off of trinkets and such. WoW was always good for "twitch", you would have a certain flow and be able to carry it off with foresight. Swtor pretty much isn't as fluid, the gcd combined with animations starts to really hamper the keypress...but overall it isn't too painful.


Still, I would pick none of them...a non-exploiting DC Universe Online PvP had more "skill cap" than any of these imho. For overall rolling with the class balance, mechanics, gear, gimmicks, builds, reaction time, weapon switching and thought...it would be Anarchy Online hands down.

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LOL variance ?? From that 3 vs 3 page, there is obviously heavy skew as per the normal Blizzard way. Even casually looking at that top 15 list Its obvious.


Filter by All Region ( 3 vs 3 ) :



Filter by US region ( 3 vs 3 ) :

Guess what all top 4 teams are .....



ps. Regarding the "I'm sure it will be addressed comment " This is a recurring cycle of musical chairs from Blizzard.


You obviously failed to read this:


'There is an obvious skew with warlocks this season, but I'm sure that will be addressed. Asking for a perfectly balanced mmo is impossible because of the dynamic nature of class balancing'


I blame the public education system. Also the fact that 9 of 16 are not rsw and that 5 different comps appear in the top 15 should say 'variance',

Edited by Orangerascal
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You obviously failed to read this:


'There is an obvious skew with warlocks this season, but I'm sure that will be addressed. Asking for a perfectly balanced mmo is impossible because of the dynamic nature of class balancing'


I blame the public education system. Also the fact that 9 of 16 are not rsw and that 5 different comps appear in the top 15 should say 'variance',



I read that fine haha, I was just rubbing it in.

Basically you saw warlocks glaringly in the rankings and backtracked creating a comment " but I'm sure that will be be addressed " LOL

That comment is irrelevant in regards to what the stats say. What you "think" might happen to change the skew kinda killed your own argument. I also gave you a newsflash that this is a recurring cycle.


Refer to the whole thing I posted rather then selectively pick. Only 1 out of the top 15 has neither of those classes. And if 6 /15 have the exact same composition out of all permutations its kinda glaring. Best one is that ALL the top four US teams run the same comp ... that is gold. ;)

Edited by Stovokor
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First of all, the sorcerer isn't like warlock (I quit before Wrath btw), they are more like priests. So it just might suit you better.


Second, SWTOR is still relatively new, so overall skill level isn't going to be a match for WoW's, leading to relatively better performance.


New or old SWTOR is locked into this easy mode idiot proof play system, to build on a decent PvP system would require a reworking making stats (other than just one per class) relevant and given how the last SW MMO "reworking" went Im gonna go out on a limb and say its not happening

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you picked the easiest faceroll class in the game



of course it seems easy. pick a marauder, powertech, sniper and talk about skill curve then


I play a Sorc, Marauder, Powertech, and Sin. They are all about the same, skill-wise, w/ the Mara and Sin having the most keybinds. I don't judge a class by how many buttons it pushes, though.


Powertech is probably the easiest to excel on, out of those 4 classes.


The PvP in this game is fun, but very linear. There needs to be a bit more feint and counter-feint between classes. In comparison, WoW PvP is much like a Chess game, whereas SWTOR PvP right now is Checkers.


Or Connect Four.

Edited by Varicite
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Until there is a real competitive scene over here (with rated warzones, where you are forced to play on people with your skill level like ladders in arenas) the skill cap is going to be a lot higher in WoW because you're challenged more. After 1.2, we'll see.


I never played Rift

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WoW has way deeper combat than TOR. There's very little finesse so far in TOR and tunneling damage is very effective. Still, WoW has been out for 8 years so I'd rather play something fresh.


WOW PVP is not as fun as SWTOR PVP!


WoW PVP is OP class of the month vs SWTOR more balanced approach.


Besides Arena ruined WoW permanently in PVE and let the Elitist Jerk run the game.


The game should be fun first and dump the EJs at the front door....

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WOW PVP is not as fun as SWTOR PVP!


WoW PVP is OP class of the month vs SWTOR more balanced approach.


Besides Arena ruined WoW permanently in PVE and let the Elitist Jerk run the game.


The game should be fun first and dump the EJs at the front door....


I'm enjoying tor pvp but let not make stuff up here

Its these comments and similar that imply that you and alit of others never really played wow pvp or pve

At any competitive lvl

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WOW PVP is not as fun as SWTOR PVP!


WoW PVP is OP class of the month vs SWTOR more balanced approach.


Besides Arena ruined WoW permanently in PVE and let the Elitist Jerk run the game.


The game should be fun first and dump the EJs at the front door....


WoW may have "FotM" setups and classes, but so does every MMORPG w/ team-based PvP.


Also, do you think there were no elitist jerks in WoW before The Burning Crusade? Honestly?

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