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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Least Used Companion?


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Quinn is too much of a weiner to use, Pierce died in 5 seconds the first time I used him and Broonmark, although a cool story, haven't used much. That being said, is it possible to turn Broonmark into a DPS guy ?
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I only use vette personally, the only time i did not use her was if i didnt want to lose affection with her so i would switch her out with jaesa and I do just fine too because i can last well long enough to allow her to burn down multiple enemies and i keep their attention.
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Almost never used Quinn after getting him except for a couple of quest bosses after I first did get him to try him out. I used Vette all the way to Jaesa, then used Jaesa the rest of the way through. Pierce was ok but didn't really work out for me after getting him. Broonmark actually I did use for a little bit after getting him, he was helpful once in awhile.


Thats before hitting 50. Still mainly use Vette or Jaesa for everything. However after gearing up all my companions, pierce does pretty decent and Broonmark is definitely a good tank. I'll play with him a bit when doing random champions/elites.


As for the original question from OP, I NEVER see Broonmark out for anyone, with Pierce quickly behind him (by not much.) I just see Jaesa, Vette or Quinn.


Oh and that ship droid? Never once used him, never even gave him a piece of gear. He stayed on my ship waiting for a crew task if I needed him. Now he's just a ship maid since I have high affection companions to use for that.

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Pierce. Im suprised to see so many people bash on Broonmark. He's the only companion that wears the same armor as us. So instead of keeping your dps/tank Columi set in your bags, put it on Broonmark. My Broonmark has over 16k health wearing 4 pieces of Columi. He tears through mobs.
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Broonmark, he doesnt even have an interesting background. I maxed his affection, did all the convos, its basically all "I like to kill things, my people didnt like that". I was hoping for some backstory, some lore on Talz, SOMETHING. But nope.


Pierce I use even less, the only reason I summon Broonmark is to use him as a gear storage since he shares my stats.


I see Vette and Quinn all the time, and I use Jaesa personally.

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Leveling up I never used Quinn, I hated him. It took far to long to kill anything and it seemed the better route to use a DPS pet and just rejuve after battle.


Once i hit 50 that all changed.. You cannot solo Rexxus, poison strat without a healer comp out.. You probably cant solo Freeing the fallen without robot assistance with a dps or tank pet out either.. To solo these classes you are forced to use a healer..


Now I have all my pets geared in t2/t3, have 2 manned every HM FP will all types of class combinations.. I have used all of my pets in these 2 man situations..


My favorites are..


DPS- Vette (hardest to gear up considering Quin wears the same armor and is more important to gear) Don't like Jaesa standing in melee range, frequently standing in AEs..

Want to try Jaesa in Survivors gear/tank gear.. Hear she is not to bad however she cannot hold a shield and will therefor never have any shield or absorb %


Tanking- Broonmark (19k hp, 25ish defense rating, 20ishabsorb 20ish shield chance) Even with peirce having a T2 MH, he has trouble holding agro for some reason.. Use him only when ranged tanking will greatly help the situation.


Healing- Quinn (Working on gearing up robot ATM, never really thought about doing it before but decided i might has well)

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