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Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Nvm them have fun but according to the SWTOR game book ( Encyclopedia ) Marr is 62 which is 3 years older that Satele who is 59. But hey if you want him.


Benjamin Franklin was still having sex with young ladies well into his eighties. And he was just a very intelligent, wealthy, and witty American Founder (or British Traitor, depending on your point of view). He did that by being a very charismatic man.


Gimme Marr!

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Not interested in Satele, but I would romance Darth Marr at any given opportunity.


Same :D Jadus has a super intriguing voice as well.




Im a voice gal, the more interesting the voice, the more attention i give.


Garrus in ME, Bishop in NWN2, Dukat in DS9, dont even get me started on Nimoy ;)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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My Sentinel? No way. He's a goody-goody Jedi. Of course no one needs to know about Kira. Shh.

My Shadow? Definitely not. That's the path to the Dark Side.

My Smuggler? Heck yes. He'd bang that like a gong.


My Sorc? Oh yes. The chance to corrupt the Grandmaster of the Jedi order in any form would be




The In-game model isn't that great. I know she's in her 50's, but she looks like she'd smell of cigarettes and

wet dog.

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I know she's in her 50's, but she looks like she'd smell of cigarettes and wet dog.


Assuming each chapter lasts a full year, in addition to each RL year counting as an additional year in the game's story, Satele is in her early 60's. At least.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Assuming each chapter lasts a full year, in addition to each RL year counting as an additional year in the game's story, Satele is in her early 60's.



Still doesn't change that she looks like she'd smell of cigarettes and week old spaghetti. She used to be good looking!

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Personally? Probably not. Not my type. My characters? I have too many to really list and figure it out.


In terms of whether or not she was a romance option? I could probably come up with a character that would find her attractive. I'm perfectly capable of roleplaying a character that doesn't have the same preferences as me (After all, isn't that the point of RP?), but speaking personally, BioWare already gave me the romances I want.


I can't think of any NPC in the game that I'd like to be able to romance that I can't. Pierce comes the closest, and I'm okay with the one-night stand that's in game there. My headcanon has him and my Warrior in a long term NSA FWB situation anyway.

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Nvm them have fun but according to the SWTOR game book ( Encyclopedia ) Marr is 62 which is 3 years older that Satele who is 59. But hey if you want him.


62 is by no means old for a powerful man with a great voice to remain sexy. (For example Laim Neeson.) And many men get sexier as they get older. (For example George Clooney.) That's why the term "silver fox" was coined.

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Ok cool. Question through, are the Sith actually capable of romance relationships, just through I'd ask.


Yeah as stated above Malgus is the perfect example. He loves his twilek companion, despite her being a former slave (citation needed here, i think i read this somewhere but im not sure :o)

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