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Best arrangement for OT/DPS


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So, the guild is a late bloomer, but we are starting Ops. First night, we did all but SoA.


I am finding myself in that precarious position of "OT". At this point, I do cra DPS when I am not needed to tank, and when I am fufilling duties (adds and such) it seems like overkill.


So, I am soliciting some advice. Which is the best (most efficient - maximizing DPS, but not gimping tanking when needed)?


1. Going as kinetic tank spec with DPS gear (swapping to tank gear when needed to tank).

2. Going as infiltration spec, and putting on tanking gear when I am needed to tank.


Thoughts? I want to minimize my liability when not tanking, but not gimp myself when I am needed.


(also, lets just assume for the conversation that the option of jsut replacing me or bringing another toon on 1-tank encouters is not really an option)

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i tank in 31/0/10 and swap my dps gear on when we only need one tank. havent had a problem with enrage timers (although were not that far into HMs) so far and makes life easier IMHO.


i tried tanking in infiltration spec, just swapping stances and it was horrid. absolutely no force management, all i could do was taunt on cooldown.


if you want to spec dps and just throw on a tank stance, id try balance.

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Our guild is a little tank heavy so I recently respecced Balance after playing Kinetic since early access. In my tank gear I was able to tank a HM FP with little difficulty, although it was not optimal in combat stance. Balance seems to be a good option for picking up adds though with the AoE FiB causing a bleed down in add health. I'm just getting used to the spec but so far I am really enjoying it.
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BW has slowly killed "technique dance" so forget about "hybrid specs" of any kind.


Stay as Kinetic full tank and farm Columi DPS gear on HM FP.


Regarding Enrage timers... The tighter Enrage Timers you will find (After mastering the tactics) are the 1st Boss on each OP.


If on Tanking specc + DPS gear your Guild is able to tackle those 1st Bosses, you are set, otherwise you will have to respecc back & forth, I'm afraid.

Edited by ragamer
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I OT in infiltrator spec. When tank is down or they need to swap due to stacks, just have them call it out and switch to combat technique.


If you got good healers, you'll be fine. HM won't kill you if your group is decently geared.


Fun times is OT Sorno in 8man Nightmare KP in Infiltrator spec.


Wearing Full Rakata Stalker set. :cool:

Edited by krfangjoker
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For EV, for full infiltration and just shove on tank gear for pylons (stay dps for all other bosses)



For KP, go full combat (31/0/10) and wear DPS gear for most bosses, tank gear for jarg & sorno and fabricator.



EV doesn't really require offtanks except for pylons where all you need to do is soak damage from the occasional acklay so inf spec, tank gear and popping cooldowns is enough.


KP, on the other hand, benefits greatly from having two "proper" tanks for jarg and sorno and later fabricator. Having self healing and kinetic ward is extremely useful, plus lots of the trash benefits from having AoE so tank spec + dps gear works well.



Thats the method I use as I too often end up being off-tank.

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