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Everything posted by Lorindar

  1. So, the guild is a late bloomer, but we are starting Ops. First night, we did all but SoA. I am finding myself in that precarious position of "OT". At this point, I do cra DPS when I am not needed to tank, and when I am fufilling duties (adds and such) it seems like overkill. So, I am soliciting some advice. Which is the best (most efficient - maximizing DPS, but not gimping tanking when needed)? 1. Going as kinetic tank spec with DPS gear (swapping to tank gear when needed to tank). 2. Going as infiltration spec, and putting on tanking gear when I am needed to tank. Thoughts? I want to minimize my liability when not tanking, but not gimp myself when I am needed. (also, lets just assume for the conversation that the option of jsut replacing me or bringing another toon on 1-tank encouters is not really an option)
  2. For those that wonder why Sheldon would comment on the "tendency to build Death Star's" as a reason maybe not to like the Empire ... you need to think deeper. Sheldon could probably go into a diatribe about the design flaws of having an external port lead directly into a main reactor. It's a comment that the empire were bad designers, but despite that he likes them. Or at least that's what makes sense for me.
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