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Love how people want to nerf Shadows now


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It's easy to stop an Assassin with the ball and all his CD's up. Force Leap roots work through everything. And I mean everything. Resolve, Force Shroud, whatever. Use it right after they sprint, preferably while on a fire trap. If you're a Guardian (who are the best ball carriers, by the way) you can Force Push them into the pit after Force Shroud wears off, which should be less than 2 seconds after your root does if you happened to catch them right as they activated it.


That's why you should never run across a fire pit without CC breaker up unless you have absolutely no choice.


If you charge root an Assassin on a fire pit it's generally a double KO. It's probably worth it but a lot of people aren't willing to take one for the team.


Assassins are hardest to stop in deep position, though we're not too great if we caught the ball in mid field.

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But you used 4 GCDs to setup all the damage that occurs in those 2. That's like saying if I do Tracer Missile followed by a HSM, they'll impact at roughly the same time so that's 6K in one GCD if both crit. It's really 2 GCDs even though the impact happened during a single GCD, not to mention you need 2 more GCDs to just setup the Tracer stacks in the first place.


When you look at the total setup time, 6K in 2 GCD is very high, especially in the case of Force Lightning you don't need any fancy setup or luck. It's not as impressive as some of the absolutely best burst DPS scenario, but you can also use it way more often than these once in a blue moon streaks. Realistically you're looking at Darkness for 6-8K with 4 GCD setup time (Wither + Shock + FL) while using no special cooldowns, and this is a very high amount of reusable DPS. Again if you can regularly do say 12K DPS in even 4 GCD setup you'd be on pace for 90 kills in a match, and I've had games where we are basically killing the guys the moment they jump off the Voidstar shuttle and still came nowhere close to getting 90 kills.


Also, burst DPS only works on classes with no defenses against it. Marauders and Assassins, for example, would have no problem avoiding most burst DPS abilities with their own cooldowns. Now classes like Sages have no CD to counter burst DPS, but that's why I said it's not fair if you're only feasting on low armor targets with no way to avoid your burst DPS, given there are plenty of high armor targets that can negate burst DPS out there.


It's actually 2 GCDs of setup (Thermal Det + Incendiary Missile. The Rail Shot and Thermal Det will both go off at the same time at the end of the 2nd GCD because of the delay on TD's damage), if you want to get technical. I will pull out the Rocket Punch and the damage will still be over 6k w/ the 2 GCD setup, no cds/relics used.


I think I'm being a little unfair here, though, because I play a class that has one of the higher bursts in the game w/ the least amount of actual setup. It also doesn't require classes w/ low armor, because Rail will ignore 90%, the CGC proc is elemental damage and ignores armor entirely; only the Thermal Detonator is mitigated at all by armor. Most of my damage bypasses armor and defenses completely, which is why I play my class as a tank/healer killer.


Also, to get to the numbers you're talking about for Force Lightning, Darkness needs to stack 3 Harnessed Darknesses, which requires more than 4 GCDs of setup (Wither, Shock, Thrash, Shock, duration of Force Lightning channel for damage).


That's why I don't consider it to be "burst", it's definitely good damage, but not what a lot of other classes are bringing to the table as "burst".

Edited by Varicite
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Darkness Sin (tank spec) is one of the most powerful, if not THE most powerful 1v1 class in the game. It's fighting for the king of the hill spot w/ Marauder.


People like to call nerfs to classes that can beat them 1v1, even though this game's PvP is about group play and objectives, not 1v1.


It probably doesn't help that a Deception Sin also brings incredible burst damage, and after getting killed by one of these guys, a player might try to fight another Sin who is Darkness and just won't die. It's easy to misconstrue them as the same spec if you don't know any better.


This happens w/ a lot of classes, though.


Whatever gave you that notion? 1v1 doesnt matter cause its a "group" game???? So a class like marauder or assassin, that can beat any other class 1v1 isnt overpowered, but a class for instance like commando/merc that will basically lose in 1v1 against every other class in the game due to the blatant lack of interrupt, lack of defensive CDs and how easy it is to shut down. That class needs a nerf because it apparantly is good in a "group" context?


So what happens if you pitch 2 marauders vs 2 commandos? Will the commandos win? I dont think so. What if you pitch 3 marauders vs 3 commandos? Will the commandos win? Id like to see how.


1v1 matters. Its the most apparant indication on how good a class is. If you only look at damagenumbers in WZ maybe classes like sage and commando can rank high due to AoE(for commando that gets nerfed away with 1.2 though), which is pretty superficial and mostly just helps to pad enemy healers. Keep in mind that shadow and marauder damage is mostly single target damage. And STILL they happen on occasion to score top on the dmg meters. And thats pretty ridiculous.

Edited by Niconogood
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One of the key reasons why people aren't good at playing Darkness is thinking you must have 3 stacks of HD. It gets you an extra 500 tooltip damage and that's it. The heal is nice but you're already the toughest DPS class to kill even without it. The third stack of HD will cost you around 3-4 GCDs to get depending on your Force situation and luck. When you can setup a 2 stack HD every 5 GCDs you should not give up 4 GCDs just to tack on another 500 tooltip damage + a heal unless you're about to die without the heal.


Although stranger things have happened, if an Assassin can beat say a Sage, Operative, and Commando 1on1, it's very unlikely 3 Assassins would lose to any 3 combination of those 3 guys. Besides, Tankasins have great synergy with any other class. Guard is an obvious choice, but Wither also helps all your guys tremendously. It allows your ranged to escape from their melee, and prevents their ranged from escaping your melee. Being a great 1on1 specialist does not hinder their role in a group. An Assassin guarding a Marauder, for example, would make a great 2 man team.

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Whatever gave you that notion? 1v1 doesnt matter cause its a "group" game???? So a class like marauder or assassin, that can beat any other class 1v1 isnt overpowered, but a class for instance like commando/merc that will basically lose in 1v1 against every other class in the game due to the blatant lack of interrupt, lack of defensive CDs and how easy it is to shut down. That class needs a nerf because it apparantly is good in a "group" context?


So what happens if you pitch 2 marauders vs 2 commandos? Will the commandos win? I dont think so. What if you pitch 3 marauders vs 3 commandos? Will the commandos win? Id like to see how.


1v1 matters. Its the most apparant indication on how good a class is. If you only look at damagenumbers in WZ maybe classes like sage and commando can rank high due to AoE. Keep in mind that shadow and marauder damage is mostly single target damage. And STILL they happen on occasion to score top on the dmg meters. And thats pretty ridiculous.


8 Marauders in a WZ is never going to win, unless the team they face is completely terrible. Same thing about 8 Commandos.


In reality, it's 8v8, and varying degrees of 1v1, 1v2, 1v3, 2v3, etc. The battles are not static, so the static outcomes of 1v1 are far less important. What started out as a 1v1 rarely ends as a 1v1 in a WZ.


That's what I mean by 1v1 not being an important factor in group play, because in practice, the Warzones are not 1v1 affairs, and there is absolutely nothing anywhere that is forcing anyone to engage their enemies in a 1v1 manner.


Also, you're obviously hurt by BW deciding that Merc/Commandos have too much utility for an interrupt. I thought that was a stupid decision. If you're upset by it, I suggest you take it up w/ them, not me. : )


Honestly, 3 marauders vs 3 commandos would be a hard match to judge, since all 3 commandos have heals and knockbacks, and would have room to spread and focus fire. It would be based mostly on the players themselves and the environment, imo, but if I were one of the Commandos, I sure wouldn't sit there and let it remain 3 separate 1v1s in the Marauders' favor if I could possibly help it.

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One of the key reasons why people aren't good at playing Darkness is thinking you must have 3 stacks of HD. It gets you an extra 500 tooltip damage and that's it. The heal is nice but you're already the toughest DPS class to kill even without it. The third stack of HD will cost you around 3-4 GCDs to get depending on your Force situation and luck. When you can setup a 2 stack HD every 5 GCDs you should not give up 4 GCDs just to tack on another 500 tooltip damage + a heal unless you're about to die without the heal.


Although stranger things have happened, if an Assassin can beat say a Sage, Operative, and Commando 1on1, it's very unlikely 3 Assassins would lose to any 3 combination of those 3 guys. Besides, Tankasins have great synergy with any other class. Guard is an obvious choice, but Wither also helps all your guys tremendously. It allows your ranged to escape from their melee, and prevents their ranged from escaping your melee. Being a great 1on1 specialist does not hinder their role in a group. An Assassin guarding a Marauder, for example, would make a great 2 man team.


I don't run w/ a healer (on my Sin), which is why I stack to 3 usually. I guard for my fiance (Deception Sin), so the self-healing is far more important than the extra damage the 3rd stack provides when it comes to both of our longevity.


I really only assumed you were 3 stacking because of the 6k damage per channel w/out cds that you're talking about. : )

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I've never seen someone survive until a second Assassinate without using a CD that'd get you out of any kind of mess (Undying Rage, Energy Shield) or a big heal.


Also Assassinate cannot be stopped by Force Shroud, the ability often seen in the mirror match. Use they can Saber Ward but you still have a 34% chance to connect even with no accuracy mod, versus 0% with any Force-based ability.


Unless you're talking about the mirror match, most classes only have a 5% chance to avoid it without a CD even with no accuracy mods.


Assassinate is white damage. I know not a lot of people run around with shields, but it can also be shielded against as well. You know I honestly haven't tested this to make sure but I think it even uses that base autoattack accuracy (i.e 90% instead of 100% base) It certainly feels like it.


You pointed out the mirror match, rightly pointing out that assassins have 10% base defense due to light armor. Sorcerers also have the same 10% base defense.


Beyond that there's some +defense talents floating around out there amongst the classes. Ignoring people that actively gear equipment with +defense, uncommon in truth, but still existent. It's also common for some ACs to wear just a few such +defense items to get certain set bonuses from tank sets.


There are various -accuracy debuffs floating around out there that further cause problems.


Of course, the various tank specs out there can and do have more than the 5% defense as well. It can be surprising how much the damage is mitigated also. If I just drop an assassinate on someone on the upper end of that 30%, even if it isn't dodged...and in fact even if it crits, it is not an auto kill even coming from me in a full suit of BM gear with power/surge mods plugged in.


If it consistently hit and killed people, I'd say so. It simply doesn't though. It misses more than one would like and the damage is often underwhelming as well. As I said earlier, if not for the fact it only costs 25 force, I don't think I'd use it much.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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I don't run w/ a healer (on my Sin), which is why I stack to 3 usually. I guard for my fiance (Deception Sin), so the self-healing is far more important than the extra damage the 3rd stack provides when it comes to both of our longevity.


I really only assumed you were 3 stacking because of the 6k damage per channel w/out cds that you're talking about. : )


If you assume 3 stacks = 6K, then 2 stack damage can be derived as (1.5/1.75) * 6K (each stack adds 25% to base) = 5143. Even then, 900 damage isn't worth waiting 3-4 GCDs since in another 5 GCDs, you can fire off another 2 stack HD for another 5143 damage if you just fired off the FL as soon as possible. You will always do far more damage getting 2X2HD FLs off instead of fishing for the 3rd stack. Yes the heal can be quite valuable in certain situations, but it's not everything either. Getting 2 FLs for 5K is generally more useful than a single FL that does 6K and heals your for 2K.

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That's why you should never run across a fire pit without CC breaker up unless you have absolutely no choice.


If you charge root an Assassin on a fire pit it's generally a double KO. It's probably worth it but a lot of people aren't willing to take one for the team.


Assassins are hardest to stop in deep position, though we're not too great if we caught the ball in mid field.


Guardian Leap is why I think Guardians are the best ball carrier. No need to use the catwalks, just run it into the pit while some stealth (any stealth, even an Operative! :p ) sits near the edge in the end zone. Guardian Leap up to him and run it in for the score. Few people are quick enough to both knock you back down into the pit and line of sight you so you can't immediately Force Charge back up. Try using angles when approaching your stealthed cohort to keep his position disguised as long as possible.


Shadow running, while certainly good, still relies entirely on Resilience so they have to be within Sprint range of the end zone before they can use it. Knock them off the catwalk before they get to the last fire hazard or so the root thing I mentioned above. Personally I rate the runners: Guardian, Shadow, Sentinel/Vanguard in that order.

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If you assume 3 stacks = 6K, then 2 stack damage can be derived as (1.5/1.75) * 6K (each stack adds 25% to base) = 5143. Even then, 900 damage isn't worth waiting 3-4 GCDs since in another 5 GCDs, you can fire off another 2 stack HD for another 5143 damage if you just fired off the FL as soon as possible. You will always do far more damage getting 2X2HD FLs off instead of fishing for the 3rd stack. Yes the heal can be quite valuable in certain situations, but it's not everything either. Getting 2 FLs for 5K is generally more useful than a single FL that does 6K and heals your for 2K.


I would agree, except that I have a Deception Sin beside me Mauling people and dropping them w/ giant FL/Shocks. I'll eat 2 GCDs unless the situation calls for higher burst than my normal Wither > Shock > Thrash > Shock > FL provides.


We usually operate alone (ninjaing turrets and doors, or passing in a relay system for Huttball), and on my server, healers are scarce on Imperial side, which is why I choose to keep my health as high as possible at all times for most situations.


When 2 manning a guarded turret, getting the heal out asap seems to be more beneficial to our playstyle, but maybe this will change when my Sin is more geared and can take a few more hits.

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I have never seen one thread about how they are overpowered until 1.2 patch notes came out and pretty much changed every class except ours. unbelievable.


lol there has always been threads about sin/shadows tank builds and doing 300k dmg ontop of there survivability, open your eyes there, like everywhere...

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Guardian Leap is why I think Guardians are the best ball carrier. No need to use the catwalks, just run it into the pit while some stealth (any stealth, even an Operative! :p ) sits near the edge in the end zone. Guardian Leap up to him and run it in for the score. Few people are quick enough to both knock you back down into the pit and line of sight you so you can't immediately Force Charge back up. Try using angles when approaching your stealthed cohort to keep his position disguised as long as possible.


Shadow running, while certainly good, still relies entirely on Resilience so they have to be within Sprint range of the end zone before they can use it. Knock them off the catwalk before they get to the last fire hazard or so the root thing I mentioned above. Personally I rate the runners: Guardian, Shadow, Sentinel/Vanguard in that order.


The problem with the 'straight to pit' route is that nobody would have problem following you on that route either so you usually get focus fired by 6 guys and still die. When you Force Speed across a fire trap, usually the other team can't just follow you through the trap.


Guardians are strong because they can use either of their leaps to get into deep position from near midfield, and from there the LoS + fire trap obstacles stops the pursuers. But if you could get the ball deep to begin with, a Shadow is still much better. Of course, you usually can't expect to catch the ball in deep position, so Guardians are indeed the best ball carrier in the game.

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Yeah that just doesn't make sense they are the most underpowered class in the game. PVE tanks are ok... but pvp tanks and dps are really weak. I haven't played one yet but they are very easy to handle in pvp.


Most underpowered? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I would agree, except that I have a Deception Sin beside me Mauling people and dropping them w/ giant FL/Shocks. I'll eat 2 GCDs unless the situation calls for higher burst than my normal Wither > Shock > Thrash > Shock > FL provides.


We usually operate alone (ninjaing turrets and doors, or passing in a relay system for Huttball), and on my server, healers are scarce on Imperial side, which is why I choose to keep my health as high as possible at all times for most situations.


When 2 manning a guarded turret, getting the heal out asap seems to be more beneficial to our playstyle, but maybe this will change when my Sin is more geared and can take a few more hits.


There's certainly times where you ought to take survival into your own hands, but there's also a lot of time where you really should trust that your healer has a clue and will keep you alive. The 2K heal from FL, in the grand scheme of things, just isn't very much. It certainly is no substitute to having any kind of healer. In 1on1 or 2on2 the heal outweights the extra damage. In bigger fights you pretty much need to do as much damage as possible and just have faith in your healer, even if it seems like such faith might be misplaced.

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Tank spec seems -almost- OP in 1v1, especially since other tanks have no chance of defeating him, but a good DPS can kill them just fine as long as they don't have a healer.


DPS spec Shadows running their DPS techniques are squishy as hell and pretty much can't 1v1 any other DPS that's also attacking them back. I have far more trouble with Conceal Operatives than I do any kind of DPS Shadows/Sins. I would never call Sins and Shadows OP, because more often than not, they're nothing but free kills. As easy to kill as Sages, only without the bubbles and the ability to kite. I've killed DPS Sages and Shadows in 3 hits before. If it's Tank spec that's the outlier, perhaps it will be nerfed just like Powertech was, but I don't think it's nerf worthy.


(My class is Sith Juggernaut, geared in Champ + Battlemaster).


W/o a healer sin tanks destroy anyone period, not sure where you get your logic from champ...

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You do not have 35 special binds for your Assassin lol.


1 - Double Strike

2 - Sabre Strike

3 - Spinning Strike

4 - Slow Time

5 - Project

6 - Force Breach

7 - Whirling Blow

8 - Mind Control

9 - Mass Mind Control

10 - Guard

11 - Telekinetic Throw

12 - Force Potency

13 - Force Wave

14 - Force Pull

15 - Force Lift (yes, there's actually a use for this once in a while)

16 - Deflection

17 - Battle Rediness

18 - Force Cloak

19 - Resilience

20 - Blackout

21 - Mind Maze

22 - Force of Will

23 - Force Speed

24 - Stealth

25 - Mind Snap

26 - Force Slow (better range than Slow Time with the 2pc Stalker set bonus)

27 - Spinning Kick

28 - Force Stun

29 - Kinetic Ward

30 - Absorb Adrenal

31 - Expertise Adrenal

32 - Medpack

33 - Relic

34 - Huttball Throw

35 - Meditation


All those have keyboard or mouse binds on my Shadow. Learn to play. :cool:

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1 - Double Strike

2 - Sabre Strike

3 - Spinning Strike

4 - Slow Time

5 - Project

6 - Force Breach

7 - Whirling Blow

8 - Mind Control

9 - Mass Mind Control

10 - Guard

11 - Telekinetic Throw

12 - Force Potency

13 - Force Wave

14 - Force Pull

15 - Force Lift (yes, there's actually a use for this once in a while)

16 - Deflection

17 - Battle Rediness

18 - Force Cloak

19 - Resilience

20 - Blackout

21 - Mind Maze

22 - Force of Will

23 - Force Speed

24 - Stealth

25 - Mind Snap

26 - Force Slow (better range than Slow Time with the 2pc Stalker set bonus)

27 - Spinning Kick

28 - Force Stun

29 - Kinetic Ward

30 - Absorb Adrenal

31 - Expertise Adrenal

32 - Medpack

33 - Relic

34 - Huttball Throw

35 - Meditation


All those have keyboard or mouse binds on my Shadow. Learn to play. :cool:


You know most of those long CD skills you could just click as well as extremely situational stuff.


Tank spec shadows/sins actually aren't very hard to play at all. The other specs take way more effort. The reason they aren't hard to play is they really never have to worry about positioning and get a free escape for mistakes.


There isn't much risk vs. reward on a tanksin. I didn't realize how easy I had it until I played a few different classes. The only thing I've played so far that is as easy is an assault spec VG. Even then you have to worry much more about where you are and who's attacking you.


Are they OP? Maybe a little bit. They really can't break a good healer without serious help as they lack the burst needed to do it. They also do very bad damage against heavy armor since they have no armor penetration at all and no internal or elemental damage. Playing an Iron fist spec VG is just as good IMO and is better at healer pressure with the 6s CD interrupt. You have storm instead of force speed and you have incredibly high DR from armor. You can't escape at all though, and I think that, if anything, is what makes a tanksin OP. The survivability is too high for how much DPS they have.


They can defend a point solo for a stupidly long amount of time because they can CC from stealth, pop stealth to interrupt, wait until resolve is back down, vanish (force shroud to remove DoTs so it doesn't break), CC again from stealth, and then fight to death wondering *** your team was doing during the last 30+ seconds.

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1 - Double Strike

2 - Sabre Strike

3 - Spinning Strike

4 - Slow Time

5 - Project

6 - Force Breach

7 - Whirling Blow

8 - Mind Control

9 - Mass Mind Control

10 - Guard

11 - Telekinetic Throw

12 - Force Potency

13 - Force Wave

14 - Force Pull

15 - Force Lift (yes, there's actually a use for this once in a while)

16 - Deflection

17 - Battle Rediness

18 - Force Cloak

19 - Resilience

20 - Blackout

21 - Mind Maze

22 - Force of Will

23 - Force Speed

24 - Stealth

25 - Mind Snap

26 - Force Slow (better range than Slow Time with the 2pc Stalker set bonus)

27 - Spinning Kick

28 - Force Stun

29 - Kinetic Ward

30 - Absorb Adrenal

31 - Expertise Adrenal

32 - Medpack

33 - Relic

34 - Huttball Throw

35 - Meditation


All those have keyboard or mouse binds on my Shadow. Learn to play. :cool:


"Special" Binds.


Learn to read.

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I really don't know where people keep on get this 'Tankasin can't handle healers'. Like Marauders, Tankasins eat Sorcer/Op for lunch. They have problem with Merc healers but so does everyone. Why do you need a faster interrupt when you can kill a healer after you interrupt their first big heal?


By the way stuff like Overload, Force Pull, and Spike all interrupt too. Maybe not ideal, but for healer with weak defense (i.e. not Merc) you don't have to worry about if giving them a full resolve bar will come back to haunt you later, because they'd be dead.


This is even less of an issue on guarded healers, because a guarded Merc is pretty much unkillable by anyone. Guarded any other healer implies you should have two DPS so you should have two interrupts, so if you didn't do anything dumb, that guy will never get any big heals off anyway. Yes a Tankasin isn't going to come close to defeating a guarded healer by himself, but that's 1on2. No one can reliably do that.

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There's certainly times where you ought to take survival into your own hands, but there's also a lot of time where you really should trust that your healer has a clue and will keep you alive. The 2K heal from FL, in the grand scheme of things, just isn't very much. It certainly is no substitute to having any kind of healer. In 1on1 or 2on2 the heal outweights the extra damage. In bigger fights you pretty much need to do as much damage as possible and just have faith in your healer, even if it seems like such faith might be misplaced.


I'm used to being a PT, where my 2k heal is a 10 second HoT on a 3 minute cooldown, so that 2k every 10-15 seconds is HUGE compared to what I'm used to, lol.


It keeps me up pretty well coupled w/ my cooldowns and defenses, like you said, in most 2v2 and 2v3 fights.


In bigger fights, I still use it, because I'm generally the center of attention and smashing anyone and everyone in the face for as long as I can before I go down, and that faith in healers you mention has more often than not proven itself to actually be misplaced.


Most times, I guard a healer, healer takes damage, I keep taunting, healer runs away from me, I try to stick close, healer takes more damage, I still try to stick close, healer is still running away while healing themselves, I eventually die from Guard damage unless I break Guard myself, because I didn't receive a single heal this whole time. Neither did my team.


Your healers might be good, and on rare occasions, mine are too. But more often than not, Imperial healers are terrible on my server and think only about saving themselves, even if they aren't truly in any harm.

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I'm used to being a PT, where my 2k heal is a 10 second HoT on a 3 minute cooldown, so that 2k every 10-15 seconds is HUGE compared to what I'm used to, lol.


It keeps me up pretty well coupled w/ my cooldowns and defenses, like you said, in most 2v2 and 2v3 fights.


In bigger fights, I still use it, because I'm generally the center of attention and smashing anyone and everyone in the face for as long as I can before I go down, and that faith in healers you mention has more often than not proven itself to actually be misplaced.


Most times, I guard a healer, healer takes damage, I keep taunting, healer runs away from me, I try to stick close, healer takes more damage, I still try to stick close, healer is still running away while healing themselves, I eventually die from Guard damage unless I break Guard myself, because I didn't receive a single heal this whole time. Neither did my team.


Your healers might be good, and on rare occasions, mine are too. But more often than not, Imperial healers are terrible on my server and think only about saving themselves, even if they aren't truly in any harm.


I'm of the opinion that if your healers are horrible then you're already dead in any large scale fight since Assassins do tend to get focus fired. So I try to maximize my damage output before I die which still involves firing FLs as fast as possible. When you're being hit by 3 guys, an extra 2K heal is only another GCD of survivality. You really should trust your healers, if only because if you can't trust them, you're dead anyway.

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If 1v1 wasn't important when why is there a medal for an assassin kill (solo kill) and not say...capping a turret in Alderaan or passing the ball for a score, or even scoring in Huttball?


Make no mistake, people like to chase certain medals, and certain classes make this difficult. So running into a brick wall for say a concealment OP vs. a tank Assy with dps gear leads to threads like this. Equal gear and skill with all CDs up, my money is on the Assy.


While the above is the case, I DO NOT LIKE NERF THIS AND THAT threads. Ultimately they distract the devs from making necessary improvement/tweaks/fixes while providing the 'lemming' community with ever inceased fervor to demand more nerfs once they see that other's had their demands met.


The only nerf I agree with was on concealment OPs, but not to the degree they were nerfed, there's bugs that need to be fixed (double HS anyone?) BEFORE class altering changes should even be considered.


The reality of it is, if/when Assys are nerfed, then the community (lemming) will move on to ***** about some other class, so on and so forth ad nauseam.

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