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Chuck norris coming to star wars lol for those who know what im talking about, bonus pts,



during the early years of wow it was said chuck norris played wow, then years of chuck norris jokes followed, SO when is chuck norris lending his power to kick a@@ for the empire lol

Edited by jimmyjediknight
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Chuck Norris once defeated Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel with a golf club.


When the Emperor doesn't know how to use the Force, he asks Chuck Norris.


What most people don't know is that it wasn't Palpatine to kill Mace Windu. In fact, the Jedi Master threw himself out of the window when he sensed through the Force that Chuck Norris was coming.


If you force choke Chuck Norris, your throat will ache.


Some Jedi Masters can walk on air…Chuck Norris can fly through land!


Chuck Norris and Darth Vader once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to wear a life-support outfit for the rest of his life.


Chuck Norris graduated from the Imperial Academy at the age of 18. Seconds.


Chuck Norris cuts the lightsaber with a door.


Chuck Norris is the reason the rebels are hiding.


When Tarkin goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

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Chuck Norris once defeated Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel with a golf club.


When the Emperor doesn't know how to use the Force, he asks Chuck Norris.


What most people don't know is that it wasn't Palpatine to kill Mace Windu. In fact, the Jedi Master threw himself out of the window when he sensed through the Force that Chuck Norris was coming.


If you force choke Chuck Norris, your throat will ache.


Some Jedi Masters can walk on air…Chuck Norris can fly through land!


Chuck Norris and Darth Vader once fought each other on a bet. The loser had to wear a life-support outfit for the rest of his life.


Chuck Norris graduated from the Imperial Academy at the age of 18. Seconds.


Chuck Norris cuts the lightsaber with a door.


Chuck Norris is the reason the rebels are hiding.


When Tarkin goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.


Heh, some of these made me chuckle.

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LoL that was prety good


If at first you don't succeed, you're not Chuck Norris


When Darth Vader goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.


The original title for Star Wars was "Skywalker: Texas Ranger". Starring Chuck Norris.



Although it is not common knowledge, there are actually three sides to the Force. The light side, the dark side and Chuck Norris.


Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop Obi Wan Kenobi's assassination. As Darth Vader extended his lightsaber, Chuck Norris deflected the strike with his beard. Kenobi died out of sheer amazement.



After much debate, the Imperials decided blow up Alderaan using the Death Star rather than the alternative of sending Chuck Norris over. It was more "humane".


The Naboo blockade was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed miserably.

Edited by jimmyjediknight
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The day Chuck Norris endorses Swtor = the day I unsub.


Why? There's a number of products I like that are endorsed by people I may or may not care for. Who endorses something doesn't change what the product does or means to me.

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Chuck Norris would be a scrapper i bet,no doubt.


Mr Norris and Bruce Lee were in Seattle prior to filming Way of the Dragon and the Kung Fu school that Lee started i think is still around and i know Norris used to visit it every now and then.


(I grew up not too far from there and Chinatown used to have Lee events on his birthday,dont believe they do anymore)

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This is appropriate, because chuck norris is a joke.


Chuck Norris is one of the most renowned martial artists of all time.


He was comparable to Bruce Lee back in the day.


The only joke about him is...well...read this thread...hehe.

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Why? There's a number of products I like that are endorsed by people I may or may not care for. Who endorses something doesn't change what the product does or means to me.


I just would like to say +1 to this and while on the subject, I am pretty sure the number of people who would follow Chuck Norris to this game would probably far exceed the amount that would quit because of him. I'm not a huge fan, but ya gotta admit, the dude has a HUGE fan base.

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chuck norris jokes are old, done, capuut


wow did the chuck norris stuff for desperation




The CN jokes were there as far back as Barrens Chat. Barrens Chat died early on in Burning Crusade when it stopped being the place EVERYONE on horde had to go level. Chuck Norris jokes moved to /Trade at that point. This means that Chuck Norris jokes were around while WoW was still growing, and at it's peak.


Chuck Norris did the commercial for WoW looooong after the jokes had stopped being popular.

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