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Your Legacy Begins


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i have a question and i dunno if it was asked or not to lazy to read up. but i'm hoping someone is kind enough to tell me anyway. what if u alrdy have 8 characters on that one server ur playing on will the class/race combos be available or be available in the future to let u atleast create a new toon on a new server with the unlocked race/class combo. like a pureblood sith jedi on a new server since u alrdy have 8 lvl 20+s on the full server? or shud i start deleting some of my 20+s or just not worry about the race/class combos?
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Just more RP stuff frankly. How about giving us a viable PVP game -- like giving us credit for valor/token for open world kills on a PVP server, or some sort of territorial PVP?


^ This, this, this, this THIS POST BIOWARE!!!!!

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I have a question (sorry dont know if this was asked already);


I screwed up on my legacy last name, is there any way to change it?


I believe right now you can send a message to a GM ans I believe that is going to be the only option for this.

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It's interesting, Mr. William Wallace, that you included Han and Leia's children in the "Skywalker Legacy". How was it, then, that they did not have to have the surname, too?



Jacen Solo

<The Skywalker Legacy>



Please, separate surnames from Legacy name. Thanks.


This. While I like the Legacy concept in theory, the fact that surnames are tied to it breaks the RP factor for me. In other games, I have a mix of characters that are "related" as well as allies. The legacy system here works for the relations, but what about the allies' legacies? Aren't their names just as important. As it works now, all my current characters except for the main on each server will be without surnames as none of them are related, but allies only, from an RP perspective.


Give us the ability to choose surnames from the creation, and later decide if that surname is to be a legacy name as well, so that we can still have our Skywalkers and Solos separate families, but still benefit from one legacy or the other.



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As long as we are getting a 'Legacy' game where we play the same game over and over ad nauseum in order to get a mailbox in the back seat of our starship, how about they introduce 'legacy' pricing where my 15 bucks every month goes toward the same bill over and over.


I say if I play the same game, the same 15 bucks should work too.


No huh?

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As long as we are getting a 'Legacy' game where we play the same game over and over ad nauseum in order to get a mailbox in the back seat of our starship, how about they introduce 'legacy' pricing where my 15 bucks every month goes toward the same bill over and over.


I say if I play the same game, the same 15 bucks should work too.


No huh?


You do realize that 1.2 is going to have a new FP, a new Op, new PvP options as well as a new PvE daily if I recall correctly and new guild stuff?


While yes we all want more playable content, this update is bringing some of that while also introducing a new "system" into the game. This is less than six month after launch. Get over yourself if you expect this to be comparable to a game that's been on the market for years.

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Now I'm sorry if this has already been asked but im too lazy to sift through 40ish pages of replies. I'm curious with the sharing of abilities across classes etc. is it possible, for example, if I leveled a shadow, would i be able to use a double bladed lightsaber on my guardian? Just asking cuz then i'd reroll my alt consular to a shadow just so i can get me my double bladed lightsaber on my tank! :D
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You do realize that 1.2 is going to have a new FP, a new Op, new PvP options as well as a new PvE daily if I recall correctly and new guild stuff?


While yes we all want more playable content, this update is bringing some of that while also introducing a new "system" into the game. This is less than six month after launch. Get over yourself if you expect this to be comparable to a game that's been on the market for years.


lol at the original quote.


Varrangian, while you are absolutely correst that there will be a lot more to do, don't you think it's a bit short for taking this long? Perhaps I'm focusing too much on 1.1 (It was rather small) coming out Jan 18th, and now 3 months for this.

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lol at the original quote.


Varrangian, while you are absolutely correst that there will be a lot more to do, don't you think it's a bit short for taking this long? Perhaps I'm focusing too much on 1.1 (It was rather small) coming out Jan 18th, and now 3 months for this.


Sadly I think it probably has more than we should come to expect from game updates. I get the impression many of these things have been in the works since beta, but they just weren't ready. I think 1.3 will be smaller than 1.2, but I can't say how long it will be for that one to hit test or live.

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Now I'm sorry if this has already been asked but im too lazy to sift through 40ish pages of replies. I'm curious with the sharing of abilities across classes etc. is it possible, for example, if I leveled a shadow, would i be able to use a double bladed lightsaber on my guardian? Just asking cuz then i'd reroll my alt consular to a shadow just so i can get me my double bladed lightsaber on my tank! :D


I don't believe this is possible (at least not in 1.2). I believe most of the "shared" abilities are pretty much closer to "cosmetic", they have little impact on game play in order to keep things balanced.

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They are, and have a totally different, dedicated team working on it. Why do people act like BioWare only have one team of developers?!
This is true. They have the largest MMO development team ever assembled. Strangely, this has not resulted in the best MMO ever. Too many fingers in the pie?
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lol at the original quote.


Varrangian, while you are absolutely correst that there will be a lot more to do, don't you think it's a bit short for taking this long? Perhaps I'm focusing too much on 1.1 (It was rather small) coming out Jan 18th, and now 3 months for this.


Did you actually see the original 1.2 patch notes?! They had to split it into 4 separate posts because it was so much. So, yes, they accomplished all that in ONLY 3 months.

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I don't believe this is possible (at least not in 1.2). I believe most of the "shared" abilities are pretty much closer to "cosmetic", they have little impact on game play in order to keep things balanced.


technically a double bladed lightsaber with the same mods as my current lightsaber should in theory just be a cosmetic change rather than adding damage or anything, because the dps would be based off of the hilt in it anyway. and if its not available, to whomever at bioware is reading this... ^Suggestion ;) cuz i wanna tank with a staffsaber

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technically a double bladed lightsaber with the same mods as my current lightsaber should in theory just be a cosmetic change rather than adding damage or anything, because the dps would be based off of the hilt in it anyway. and if its not available, to whomever at bioware is reading this... ^Suggestion ;) cuz i wanna tank with a staffsaber


While I don't disagree, it is more involved than that, as they have to have the animations for it. I'm not sure it is as simple as flipping a switch and allowing animations from one class to work on another. I hope some day they do, make this possible though and not just for sabers. I want a BH with a Carbine instead of pistols, but I'm sure that is a long way off.

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but with the number of different species and only 8 character slots, you can't unlock but more than a couple species and the actually play them, so you really can't experience all those options. We need more character slots on a server.


^This. Even if I give up 4 of my current 8 characters so that I can play those other 4 slots Republic side I don't get to enjoy any unlocks since if I try to play a race I havent yet I waste the Chiss and Pureblood I unlocked so far. Also it means I can't have 2 AC's on the same side as it would be wasteful to have a Powertech and a Merc on the same server even though they are vastly different playstyles.

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Agree with the seperate surname from Legacy name. I'd also like the ability to CHANGE my Legacy name cause back when we didn't even know about Legacy names I made my characters last name separated with a mere ' so now instead of my last name being Kell, his full name is Sorath'Kell Zharek, which I really didnt want.


Seriously, they gave a detailed pop up write up when choosing a surename (Legacy Name). I say this, in my opinion Bioware did the right thing in letting there player base have one Legacy name per server for all characters. It is not fair or right for anyone to horde multiple surenames on one account. This keeps things fair and makes people think twice before they create names like "Snugglebunny Legacy". Its your fault for not reading the pop up and you shouldbof paid more attention.

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