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Vid 2: the most brutal sentinel Turka Muhammad!


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Seriously in that first clip.


The Jugg tank. You attacked him in the back. His response move is: move backwards for 10 sec. Then "keyboard turn" to face you.


Part of me wants you to remove the clip showing somebody playing that bad.


But on the other hand, part of me want the world to know what clicking and keyboard turning results in.


Odd, I don't think I saw any of that double Hidden Strike moves from the Scoundrels/Operatives you faced. Is there a downside to that? I have trouble activating rebuke before I'm below 50% HP at times.



Lol at the Master strike hitting the operative like 15-20 m away. I had no idea it could leash that far.


And we have to start dueling on my server. I never see anybody duelling. I've seen Imperials do that alot however when leveling my PT.

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You're doing better than in the first video.


This is a fairly good educational video for new sentinels.



again with your twitchy fingers pressing your binds 3 to 4 seconds before the cooldown is even off. ;P


Tsk, tsk!


That was annoying the crap out of me, red spam in the middle, fixed the gcd que thing to 0, sharp and crisp now, no bs spam I don't even look at... "I know the ability is not ready, I don't care! SPAM!"

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Thanks for sharing!


Could you please post a pvp watchman spec? I have seen so many different specs for pve and pvp, in all three trees, that I would really like a solid watchman PVP spec to start from.


For example, most specs Ive seen so far do not get the talent that gives cauterize a slow, why would that be? We use the ability already a lot, why not get a snare along with it.


Anyways, honestly, I really have tried to do my own searching, but there is just too much to try and filter out whats junk for a newbie like myself.



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1 point of phantom to get 80%+ reduction

1 in jedi crusader for 10 free focus in 30 seconds

0 meter charge for melee v melee and not having to spend a second to move out of range to interrupt casts

Snare on Rupture is pretty standard for me.


This build gets 3 free talent points next patch. I'm still debating where to put them. 1 will go to dw master, the 2 can go to focused leap, 4% crit on force attacks, master strike buff, force sweep buff, 2% accuracy (meh), transcendence buff, 6 second stealth... Leaning towards focused leap atm.

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