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No to stat sticks!


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Aren´t we all?


I'm pretty easy going myself, not at all worried about the game, a few things I may not like but on the whole, nothing game breaking, I'm cool with it all


I don´t really care much about what lore says dude, im talking about feel. I don´t feel that a jedi should be sneaky, and thats MY opinion. People may think otherwise, of course.


Obi Wan never in his life sneaked around and neither did Han Solo EVER complain about it in A New Hope...


You don't care about lore but you care about what happens in the movies...aren't the movies part of the lore or am I mistaken?


Watch the fight between obi-wan and anakin. See that brown thing obi-wan take off before the fight? THATS a robe. Much different from the skirts (i know its a lower robe but whatever) that BW force consulars and imp counterparts to wear. And btw, im NOT confortable using one on my (female) sage.


Then take a good look at the Jedi Knights - my Level 28 Knight is looking very much like Obi Wan these days.


Im not talking about choices, im talking about freedom to tailor YOUR character, not choosing a given archetype.


Can a guardian wield double-bladed sabers? Or a sentinel single ones? Where is this "abundance" you talking about?

People who play a given jedi class, be it a sage, sentinel and etc, want an unique character, but they are forced to go with some locked choices BW gave them, like saber types, gear, and a few others.


You describe a Jedi you want, it is in the list and then you moan about not being able to create the character you want?


I was very right, you are extremely difficult to please!


You also are asking for Bioware to overhaul the game completely to change it from being a standard MMO to something else - all that work, all that development, testing with not only their own people but with the public too, coding, programming over all the years they have been putting this together - good luck with that.


If you had actually been following the various events that have been happening you would know that more customisation is in the pipeline - 1.2 I do believe has changes to the UI and also changing the armour colours etc with a mind to further improvements later this year. But I do not think that a complete overhaul is necessary, you have the characters, you have the skill trees, you have the abundance of choice which you don't seem to understand is there!


Like I said, you want a single saber weilding close combat and Force proficient character with the sort of robes Obi Wan wears- you CAN have one and you can customise all of its skills and armour to suit your gameplay.


I really don't understand why you keep insisting you can't do that.


I objected only to the guardian animations, (baseball bat lightsaber ftw, and i DO NOT expect BW to make sages like melee killing machines. All im saying is that as a jedi (even with the BAD design BW came up making them mage-like), sages have a lightsaber and they should at least be given some skills to USE THE FREAKING THING. Or take their lightsabers away and call them mages, force-users, or whatever.


You CAN use the saber as a Sage, I hate repeating myself over and over! You keep the saber skills you had before you became a Sage and you can make them reasonably effective - the abilities are Single Strike and Double Strike. Use them if you want to, they are there, you can do damage with them, you can defend yourself with them - stop asking for melee moves when they clearly have them! But please remember, they are a CASTER class and therefore do things AT RANGE and should NOT be in close combat for too long!

Edited by Assam
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You also are asking for Bioware to overhaul the game completely to change it from being a standard MMO to something else - all that work, all that development, testing with not only their own people but with the public too, coding, programming over all the years they have been putting this together - good luck with that.


I´m not asking BW to overhaul anything mate. You just don´t get my point.


You CAN use the saber as a Sage, I hate repeating myself over and over! You keep the saber skills you had before you became a Sage and you can make them reasonably effective - the abilities are Single Strike and Double Strike. Use them if you want to, they are there, you can do damage with them, you can defend yourself with them - stop asking for melee moves when they clearly have them! But please remember, they are a CASTER class and therefore do things AT RANGE and should NOT be in close combat for too long!


Single strike and Double strike in the current state are nearly useless. It´s like learning to dance witha broken leg.


Lets put it this way: your dad gave you a soccer ball (put lightsaber here). you´re excited to play with it, cause you have played soccer before and you always have fun when you play it. Then you bring it to the yard to play with your friends, but they keep telling you: "Dont kick it. You gotta use your hands." You think: ok, i´ll use my hands for a while to see if i´ll like it. But then you realize that you´re missing the fun cause the ball was MEANT to be kicked. If i wanted to use my hands, i´d have asked my dad for a basketball ball.


Anyway, i will not answer any of your posts anymore. Not because i´m being rude or anything. I just want to see if anyone else has anything to say about the subject, or else this is going to look like a flame war between us, which is not true.


Thanks for voicing your opinion.


What you other sages think? You guys like to have a stat stick or would like to see a few melee skills for our class?

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I´m not asking BW to overhaul anything mate. You just don´t get my point.




Single strike and Double strike in the current state are nearly useless. It´s like learning to dance witha broken leg.


Lets put it this way: your dad gave you a soccer ball (put lightsaber here). you´re excited to play with it, cause you have played soccer before and you always have fun when you play it. Then you bring it to the yard to play with your friends, but they keep telling you: "Dont kick it. You gotta use your hands." You think: ok, i´ll use my hands for a while to see if i´ll like it. But then you realize that you´re missing the fun cause the ball was MEANT to be kicked. If i wanted to use my hands, i´d have asked my dad for a basketball ball.


Anyway, i will not answer any of your posts anymore. Not because i´m being rude or anything. I just want to see if anyone else has anything to say about the subject, or else this is going to look like a flame war between us, which is not true.


Thanks for voicing your opinion.


What you other sages think? You guys like to have a stat stick or would like to see a few melee skills for our class?


I'm with you. I dont think you're asking for a lot at all. A few more moves or buff our current moves with the signature weapon of the entire Star Wars franchise isn't much to ask.


I mean I want them to overhaul the combat. I want them to give us more freedom with our characters. I should be able to tailor my Jedi down to his padawan braid. I'm not asking for troopers to be running around dual wielding Lightsabers, but if they want to they should be able to! (With serious penalties of course)


It's an entirely different topic. One that I'm sure is being debated in the other Saber wielding forums. The Jedi/Sith characters are iconic. Hell they're why we even have this game. Why Bioware decided on such limited customization with such legendary figures (especially knowing its fanbase) is beyond me.

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I´m not asking BW to overhaul anything mate. You just don´t get my point.




Single strike and Double strike in the current state are nearly useless. It´s like learning to dance witha broken leg.


Lets put it this way: your dad gave you a soccer ball (put lightsaber here). you´re excited to play with it, cause you have played soccer before and you always have fun when you play it. Then you bring it to the yard to play with your friends, but they keep telling you: "Dont kick it. You gotta use your hands." You think: ok, i´ll use my hands for a while to see if i´ll like it. But then you realize that you´re missing the fun cause the ball was MEANT to be kicked. If i wanted to use my hands, i´d have asked my dad for a basketball ball.


Anyway, i will not answer any of your posts anymore. Not because i´m being rude or anything. I just want to see if anyone else has anything to say about the subject, or else this is going to look like a flame war between us, which is not true.


Thanks for voicing your opinion.


What you other sages think? You guys like to have a stat stick or would like to see a few melee skills for our class?


The way I see it is you have the football, sure, you could play basketball with it, you have that choice, but you really are asking too much of it to be more of a basketball than it could be. You've got basketballs for basketball, they are designed that way, you could use them for football but it would really screw them up if you did.


What you are asking of the Sage is the same thing as asking a basketball to be more of a football, it REALLY doesn't need it.


You've already got footballs, you already have Melee combatants who can use the Force to varying degrees depending on how you put them together to suit your needs in this MMO - why bother changing them simply to suit a need that doesn't make sense?


I'm still no closer to understanding why you'd want to change it, this is an MMO - there are designated mechanics for different roles in each class - be it Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Trooper, Imperial Agent, Sith or Jedi - they all fulfil various MMO roles.


These could be healer, tank, dps, ranged etc - when the creators of footballs created the football they wanted to sell, they really didn't anticipate people dunking them through basketball nets, their main intention was to make sure people could kick it a lot. Same with Bioware - they stuck together a set of classes each having a different choice of MMO roles within those classes.


Making a ranged caster a better melee combatant is not what they had in mind when they put the Sage together and neither should they for the future - it is doing its job as a ranged caster or healer - NOT a melee combatant. They put other classes together for that and I'd advise playing them.

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All the Jedi we see in the movies are Jedi Knights, or the students of Jedi Knights.


Correct me if im wrong, but in the movies there were jedi masters (often called jedi knights) and padawans. There are no "classes" among them. You´re either a master, or an aprentice.


Its just wrong when ppl say, dath maul was a marauder, or stuff like that.

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Correct me if im wrong, but in the movies there were jedi masters (often called jedi knights) and padawans. There are no "classes" among them. You´re either a master, or an aprentice.


Its just wrong when ppl say, dath maul was a marauder, or stuff like that.


Even if we don't see classes, we can still draw a line between Jedi who are trained to fight, and the occasional non-combatant Jedi that we see, like the old librarian in Episode 2. They are the equivalent of Consulars.


The movies focus on the Jedi Knights because it's Star Wars, but they're not all there is to the Jedi Order, even in the movies.

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If one would read the books they would see that there are those who become extremely proficient in one field and weak in another. A perfect example is the book in which Zanna first appears.


Theres a fight toward the end four on two. The team of three consist of a Jedi who has become a master of dual welding but she has almost no force affinity and cannot protect herself against simple (albeit strong variations) force attacks from her enemy. Then there is a sage type character who never draws his saber (IIRC) during the fight and instead assist by bolstering his allies with the force and protecting the "marauder" from force attacks. Finaly the last Jedi is one who has become out of practice and really does more more harm than good by getting in the way and attacking at in opportune times. The last Jedi is fighting the other opponent


I think this describes the sage situation well. And while were on the point of Zanna's book i think she fits the assail class perfectly, all three trees.

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Personally I think the Sage should play out more like a Shockadin than a Mage. Still got all of your healing abilities, minus the Armor. Still got "force" skills but need to be in "Melee" range to use them. A few melee skills with the saber but mainly for debuffs and such as a Sage DPS, and a few for the Healer side as well.
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To me, the ability to 'use the force' defines a Jedi much more than wielding a light-saber. In Empire Strikes Back - did you ever see Yoda use a light-saber? If Ben Kenobi or Luke lost their light-saber, would they suddently stop being Jedis?


A light-saber is a tool that Jedi use. It is not what defines them. To me, it makes perfect sense that some Jedis would choose to use it more or less than others, depending on their abilities and inclinations.


The movies focus on the Jedi Knights because it's Star Wars, but they're not all there is to the Jedi Order, even in the movies.


Well said.



I'd feel more sympathy if all Jedi classes were like this. But there are 4 Jedi (and 4 Sith) Advanced Classes for Jedis. 3 of them use light-sabers, 1 of them does not. Don't complain because you picked the one that doesn't.

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]Obi Wan never in his life sneaked around


I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not....since about 30 minutes of the original Star Wars consisted of Obi Wan sneaking through the Death Star in order to disable a tractor beam..

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I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not....since about 30 minutes of the original Star Wars consisted of Obi Wan sneaking through the Death Star in order to disable a tractor beam..


He does at least some sneaking in every movie he's in. All of them in fact, if you count 'being a ghost' as inherently sneaky.

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I just want to use vapaad and focus on heals or do ranged dps at the same time!!!!!


Really though, Jedi have different roles depending on who they are. Comics, movies, and books all agree on that. Qui-Gon wasn't the best at lightsaber combat remember? Mace Windu invented his own style of lightsaber combat! Totally love that people think jedi are all great swordsman by default. Not true.

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To me, the ability to 'use the force' defines a Jedi much more than wielding a light-saber. In Empire Strikes Back - did you ever see Yoda use a light-saber? If Ben Kenobi or Luke lost their light-saber, would they suddently stop being Jedis?


A light-saber is a tool that Jedi use. It is not what defines them. To me, it makes perfect sense that some Jedis would choose to use it more or less than others, depending on their abilities and inclinations.




I kinda agree with you. But didn't Obi Wan admonish Anakin after he lost his saber in the speeder chase "This weapon is your life" or some such thing?


Of course he probably meant that because anakin was aparently being trained as a more melee type of jedi.

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Yeah, that's just the way it is... A Jedi Sage focuses in Force skills.


The lightsaber can deflect blaster bolts, and it's an obvious symbol. To me, that is enough for a Jedi Sage.


I understand the "stat stick" complaint, but if you want to actually fight with your saber, you have three advanced clases that can do it in the Republic, be it with one, two or dual-bladed lightsabers.


You didn't get to use your lightsaber much in KOTOR I or II as a consular, either... But it didn't seem like a problem to me back then, and it doesn't look like it now, in SWTOR.


Everybody knows that the best Jedi masters usually seek to avoid combat by all means. That is exactly a Sage's philosophy, and it goes well with the fact that we almost never strike with our sabers. We try to avoid conflict, and if it isn't possible we cast the force as our ally in battle. Totally understandable and lore-respectful.

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I am okay with how sage is designed. In a game that is broadly based and needs to work on many computers and in many situations, you won't see the saber used that much. I do however see the lightsaber used when I see the word 'deflect' pop up. Therefore I see it used at our side for defense purposes.


We are proficient with the lightsaber but not masters of lightsaber dueling like a knight is. We focused our training into the intricacies of the force around us. We create bursts of energy to throw at enemies. We pull things around us to throw them at our enemies. We trained in that area. We didn't train each day dueling with our master with our saber.


And to use the illustration that they were using a bit ago, bioware has given us 4 different balls to pick from. Don't complain that you chose the basketball but are wanting to throw it like a football or kick it like a soccer ball or slap it with a hockey stick. It would be your fault that you didn't see within the first 15 or 20 levels that you weren't a melee character.

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I am okay with how sage is designed. In a game that is broadly based and needs to work on many computers and in many situations, you won't see the saber used that much. I do however see the lightsaber used when I see the word 'deflect' pop up. Therefore I see it used at our side for defense purposes.


What´s your point? I don´t see any relation between comp specs and lightsabers at all.


We are proficient with the lightsaber but not masters of lightsaber dueling like a knight is. We focused our training into the intricacies of the force around us. We create bursts of energy to throw at enemies. We pull things around us to throw them at our enemies. We trained in that area. We didn't train each day dueling with our master with our saber.


And to use the illustration that they were using a bit ago, bioware has given us 4 different balls to pick from. Don't complain that you chose the basketball but are wanting to throw it like a football or kick it like a soccer ball or slap it with a hockey stick. It would be your fault that you didn't see within the first 15 or 20 levels that you weren't a melee character.


Thing is, lightsabers were meant to be USED. Sure, some are more proficient with it, like the other "balls" you mentioned. All we would like is to be able to somehow use it for more than just deflect blaster shots. We already have 2 melee skills, but it wouldn´t hurt to have a couple more, or even buff those 2.


And i DID see sages were all bout the Force. And it was fun for a while. But it really pisses me off, when i find a nice new saber to use it but can´t really "use" it at all.


I tried to switch classes to better suit my needs, but i can´t stand all the grinding again. The game already feels singleplayer enough to me.


It seems im not alone with this feeling about the sages. Ingame i´ve met lots of people with that exact same opinion.


What u other sages think?

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Ok... I read The First 5 1/2 pages and then Just jumped to this post so SOME of these things MAY have been pointed out already but here it goes.


1.) the Sages Light saber Is More For defense then offense it is To deflect baster bolts/ incoming projectiles, To parry any melee attacks if people get to close and to counter attack those who would use melee against you... It Has a Purpose, maybe Just not he purpose You want.


2.) Shadows DO NOT have to use the stealth Tree, Which means they DO NOT all sneak around, plenty of them are straight forward warriors, Who can Tank or DPS depending on your play style. And they are Not "Rouge" They can easily be Light side Typical heroic Jedi who follow the council's directions and follows the code.... They just employ different skills and tactics to accomplish these goals.


3.) Neither Sages or Shadows are restricted To "skirts"... Yes there Are a lot of lower robes to choose from, but there are also mod-able "leg-wraps" which look just like Normal Jedi Pants, as long as its "light armor" they can use it.


4.) You say You don't care about Lore... But If the Character is Supposed to "Feel" like a "real Jedi" wouldn't Keeping to Lore within its class be part of that?


5.) At some point game balance and MMO "Roles" do come into play, Having a Good Ranged DPS or a Healer Class is Important, Having a Jedi that can do Both of those things is Actually pretty cool and has a place within the lore... And makes for a Good Team Dynamic, if you do things properly.


The One thing I will Say is ALL Jedi Should Be able to Stick to A single Traditional Saber Form If they choose to... I think the trade off Of that should Be if you Don't have Dual sabers or a double blade Equipped You loose out on the use of an Ability/skill that "requires it" making you choose your skills more wisely to fit your style. That solves the problem Of Style Vs Play Style and Keeps the classes basically the same for those people who are happy with how things are, but give the choice for some small changes.


Edit: went back and read what I skipped, Stand by my original statement although apparently I did repeat a little of whats been said.

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I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not....since about 30 minutes of the original Star Wars consisted of Obi Wan sneaking through the Death Star in order to disable a tractor beam..


It was me joking - if you read the whole sentence - Obi Wan never in his life sneaked around and neither did Han Solo EVER complain about it in A New Hope... it contains what I hoped would be the right amount of a hint of sarcasm!


I apologise for any confusion caused, I was making the point that if the movies are going to be the only source of lore ArlindoGMNeto was going to refer to then there was evidence to be shown which backed up what I was saying.

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As a sage, i hate how my lightsaber is just used as a stat stick. We are force users, right, but we´re JEDI nonetheless.


My sugestion: give us the tools to fight efectively in melee.

A little boost in health, a few talents and skills (players will have to sacrifice some healing or balance talents) should do the trick.


Or maybe lowering the base dmg on the force skills. Then players would have to choose to be a healer, or a healer, "pure force" or a melee hybrid.


The "pure force" sage would be more like a controller, and not a heavy dps like the current state. That would fix the WZ crowded with sages / sorcs problem.


The hybrid would be a controller that engages on melee, fighting with a lightsaber, but also helps the team using crowd control skills and debuffs.


The healing spec is good as it is.


These are just ideas, you guys feel free to add, improve, etc.


The main idea is to get rid of the "hey, im a jedi, i have a lightsaber but im just hold it in my hand and spam rocks at you".


I can certainly see your point. I wouldn't say no to another melee ability or two, just so long as it doesn't cost me a ranged ability in return (or is optional via talents). But that's just me.


Bioware introduced 4 Jedi ACs, 3 of which are definitely melee. Only one (sage) is pure ranged. This is the one it seems you chose to play. In all honesty I must ask, why did you choose to play this if you want to melee? I'm not trolling you and fully respect your opinion, but I am curious. Was it because you wanted to heal?


For me personally, if I want to melee then I run with my lvl 50 Guardian (and have a blast with it). When I want to hang back with ranged abilities or heal, I bring out my Sage. Best of both worlds IMO.


...though I will /sign any petition to give Sage a saber throw to replace the rock throw animation. :)

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There's a couple of things that would be nice, if only for appearance sake:


Remove the saber restrictions from the AC(s) all together. If you want to walk around with a double bladed saber or two sabers, that's fine. Yes, I understand it might not be practical in some cases where the Sentinel/Marauder come in and they're using two sabers.


But would it be so terrible if instead of the foci/shield that are normally fixed in stats could be modded like anything else? Sure it's another expense to keep your shield/foci/saber modded but it would allow some versatility. The limiting factor that could be applied would be the hilt/mod/enhancement/crystal you could put in it. For example, if you're a sage, you could only place foci mods in the second saber if you opted for that appearance.


Personally, I would love to have my Guardian using a double bladed saber with a shield, or two sabers, one with weapon stats and the other with shielding stats (would make blocking animations more interesting if they would fix the bug that stops actions when it happens).


Beyond that, I don't want to melee as my consular. But what I would like is a free ranged attack like saber throw that didn't have a force cost and did as much damage as Single Strike.

Edited by Edoniltebaun
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Now, I'm no mind reader, but it SEEMS like the OP's major hangup is that the sage has a LIGHTSABER, one of the most powerfull (ceartainly the flashiest) melee weapons in the Star Wars universe and NEVER uses it as a melee weapon.


Instead of giving the sage more or more powerfull melee attacks, what if we tackled this problem in a different way? Supose BW made all single bladed wisdom sabers into something else, such as a focus staff. Change the name and animation for all of them, but let them keep the same stats/mod slots. This would make it clear that they are NOT lightsabers any more but purely stat sticks and NOT meant to hit people with. Perhaps this would chanage the feel of the sage just enough that they could be seen as a purely ranged figher.


Then again, I could be totaly missing the point of what the OP is unhappy about. Wouldn't be the first time.

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Now, I'm no mind reader, but it SEEMS like the OP's major hangup is that the sage has a LIGHTSABER, one of the most powerfull (ceartainly the flashiest) melee weapons in the Star Wars universe and NEVER uses it as a melee weapon.


Instead of giving the sage more or more powerfull melee attacks, what if we tackled this problem in a different way? Supose BW made all single bladed wisdom sabers into something else, such as a focus staff. Change the name and animation for all of them, but let them keep the same stats/mod slots. This would make it clear that they are NOT lightsabers any more but purely stat sticks and NOT meant to hit people with. Perhaps this would chanage the feel of the sage just enough that they could be seen as a purely ranged figher.


Then again, I could be totaly missing the point of what the OP is unhappy about. Wouldn't be the first time.


Here is the Problem With that... The Sage IS a JEDI... And SHOULD have a Light Saber, Not something else... The Problem here is that The OP feels ALL Jedi should be melee capable, and thats it.


He wants A Jedi, With Force Powers, that Uses the Saber as Well, AND has a traditional single Saber style instead of the dual saber or double bladed style.


He Feels the Guardian has crappy animations which is why he chose a "single saber sage"... and is now disappointed at his limited saber use.


But again, The Saber IS a Sign Of the "Jedi completing his trials and becoming part of the order"... Besides that It serves a practical purpose, It has its defensive uses, as well as some minor offensive capabilities. The Sage needs His saber, Its Part of his defensive posture as well as providing a counter attack for melee opponents.


The problem is that the OP Would enjoy the "Play style" of a Shadow More... But is hung up on the Double blade the shadow uses as well as the misconception that somehow "shadows are rouge jedi"


So The Only Real Answer to this is to remove the Saber restrictions on AC... But that really only works and makes sense if You Allow everyone to use a single saber, but DO NOT allow everyone to use a specialized saber... and If you do that, people will complain about Them being limited when others are not.

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Now, I'm no mind reader, but it SEEMS like the OP's major hangup is that the sage has a LIGHTSABER, one of the most powerfull (ceartainly the flashiest) melee weapons in the Star Wars universe and NEVER uses it as a melee weapon.


Instead of giving the sage more or more powerfull melee attacks, what if we tackled this problem in a different way? Supose BW made all single bladed wisdom sabers into something else, such as a focus staff. Change the name and animation for all of them, but let them keep the same stats/mod slots. This would make it clear that they are NOT lightsabers any more but purely stat sticks and NOT meant to hit people with. Perhaps this would chanage the feel of the sage just enough that they could be seen as a purely ranged figher.


Then again, I could be totaly missing the point of what the OP is unhappy about. Wouldn't be the first time.


You hit the spot there buddy. Thats exactly my point. I just don´t agree (and trust me, im not alone) with the BW concept of a "mage" jedi. I mean, sages are fun to play, its nice to be able to dish out some Force attacks and although healing is not my thing, well, the option is there as well. But having a lightsaber and not being able to use it at some extent is just frustrating. All the clothing, hats and so on, are pathetic atempts to turn a jedi into a mage/priest from fantasy games.

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