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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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Where have a I heard this before? "Lawl, WoW is a joke I give it 2 years then everyone quits." "OMG! TBC SUX! Vanilla ftw! I can't believe Blizz ruined the game, I give this game 6 months max." "WOTLK is a total joke! I wish they just keot it like TBC. Blizzard you bastards! WoW is offically ruined." "Dude, I wish we could go back to the good ole WOTLK days, f'ing Blizzard. They don't know how to make good games at all." Dare I say it, there will be the same outcry for MOP. Someone will always hate a game and yet still pay subs. There are a lot of stupid people in the world.
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Pretty much this.


See LOTRO, even that Franchise had to go F2P once they moved away from the likedvision of the basic game and went the direction of Grind / WoW with the Moria Addon.


BioWare has already shown us, with the (grind for more basic races or useless Options to use in heroic moments) Legacy-System how much they care for player requested features.


i says it lasts at max 2-3 years before going F2P.


Your average MMO player knows precisely "diddly" about the MMO business and that includes the hardcore forumites. On top of that, the vast majority of these "suggestions" are purely motivated by self-interest. In essence, these "suggestions" only sound good in the head of those who suggested it in the first place. That combination would be a lethal one should players be allowed to dictate the course of the game. In fact, no successful business would allow such absurdity from taking place. Does Apple let their customers design the next iPhone or iPad? No, the late Steve Jobs was famous for telling the consumers to shut the f up and just let Apple do their thing, hence his whole anti focus group stance.


With that said, let's not even get into the argument of "what you want isn't necessarily what other people want". How could a developer implement a "suggestion" when there are 100 diverging opinions on the same topic? Just look to our very own Congress to see that type of incompetent "democracy" in action. Now with regards to TOR, I can only think of a few time(s) where nearly the entire player base showed similar unanimously opinion towards an in-game issue. Crew skill completion pop-ups and the ship droid yapping being two of them. Guess what, both of these are getting changed in 1.2.


This is not to say that developers shouldn't listen to the players at all. However, realistically speaking, out of 100 suggestions/feedbacks, there might only be 1 or 2 that are truly viable. As such, all player suggestions need to be carefully vetted before it can even be considered for implementation.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Will this game last 10 years... That all depends on future content and how fast it comes out.. No game will last a long time if the paying customers aren't fed content on a regular bases.. So we'll just wait and see how the future unravels :)
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You mean like the idea to open 30 new servers because there was an hour or so queue on many of the servers? That was the players idea and sadly Bioware buckled to the pressure. Now there are dead servers because of the players!


Truer words have never been spoken. Bioware fell into the same trap as Blizzard did and I hope they learned their lesson well. The hate machine doesn't care what BioWare does as long as the game fails; The moment the servers are merged you would get an endless parade of:


"OMGzorz dead game is dead server merges so soon!!!"


"OMGzorz I has to change meh legacy name!!!1111"


Sure there are some folks who are genuiunley disillusioned they wanted a more hardcore experience and TOR isn't that kind of game but they vote with their wallet because crying about a MMO that isn't your cup of tea is senseless; would that everyone could be that levelheaded.

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Will this game last 10 years... That all depends on future content and how fast it comes out.. No game will last a long time if the paying customers aren't fed content on a regular bases.. So we'll just wait and see how the future unravels :)



This, pretty much. Every long-lived MMO keeps putting out content updates. Everquest... still around. Asheron's Call... maybe 500 players but still around. Vanguard... still around. DAoC... still around. City of Heroes, the Superhero MMO that got demolished by being released right before [6 months or so] WoW came out and completely wiped out it's player base... STILL AROUND.



Only bad MMO's get shut down. Asheron's Call 2, [who remembers that one?] Shadowbane [PvP hardcores can't keep a game alive.] and the Lego MMO [Good idea, poorly done.] and etc.



So 10 years? Like the fellow I quoted.... as long as they keep putting out content updates, people will keep playing. TOR is a quality game, like it or not.

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Sure there are some folks who are genuiunley disillusioned they wanted a more hardcore experience and TOR isn't that kind of game but they vote with their wallet because crying about a MMO that isn't your cup of tea is senseless;



Actually, most of the complaints about how TOR isn't 'what they wanted' or 'what they were looking for' are followed up by statements saying 'i'll play it until XXX comes out.'


And I regard those statements as some kind of dependency on MMO's. It's sad and frightening, really.

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No, if they listened to any of 1/2 of the crap on these forums, we'd bury the game in a week. Most of the ideas tossed about here are absolutely horrible.


That is so true, if any game was created by the player community, it would be the worst game ever.

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Some stuff on the SWG shutdown.


Never swallow PR without being fully certain of what it's hiding.






It's not about "lying", it's about what sub numbers actually represent.


So, to back up your statement, you give links to Internet bloggers as legitimate sources? Really? How about you find something more official than that.


That's the trouble with the Internet, random people can post crap and others will link to them as though they have any merit whatsoever. Sorry, not buying it.

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I will! but not as a pandaren (which are cool and in the lore and was designed way before the film kung fu panda) Going human monk me thinks. As for the pet battle system, pokemon was one of the biggest games for nintendo on the gameboy. So cannot be all bad.


TOR could do with a few side distractions.


Of course you are. EMFH is just too good to pass up for PVP, amirite?



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TBF the monk class was the one glaring ommission from WoW (reguarding EQ1).


It'll probably be quite popular.


Of course it will. Because it will be overpowered for a better part of the expansion. Blizzard does this when they add new classes to the game, to get people to play them (deathknight, anyone?).

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Actually, most of the complaints about how TOR isn't 'what they wanted' or 'what they were looking for' are followed up by statements saying 'i'll play it until XXX comes out.'


And I regard those statements as some kind of dependency on MMO's. It's sad and frightening, really.


I noticed that as well. When I gave up on WoW, I didn't play an MMO for nearly 4 years. Nothing really suited.


I don't know if it's dependency or constantly seeking "the perfect MMO", each time becoming more and more jaded, more easily frustrated and pretty much setting themselves up for disappointment.


Either way...too bad. :(

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My dream is that this game lasts 10 years.


Can you imagine the legacy perks we'd all have by then? How much content we'd have per expansion pack?


If this game lasts 10 years it will become the most epic, engrossing, and immersive cinematic experience, in MMO history!


(all we need is SGR, and it will be utter perfection ^_^)





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So, to back up your statement, you give links to Internet bloggers as legitimate sources? Really? How about you find something more official than that.


That's the trouble with the Internet, random people can post crap and others will link to them as though they have any merit whatsoever. Sorry, not buying it.


In the absence of official evidence, speculation runs rampant. As it stands, those that can give official statements about the full hows and whys of the shutdown have refused to do so, preferring instead to make noncommittal and vague statements.


The only official statement from Lucasarts concerning SWG was actually shown to be a lie.


So, if these guys aren't talking, people will go elsewhere to get evidence, truthful or otherwise.

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I'd like the game to continue for 10 years, but I know it won't -for me-. I'm largely waiting to see what 1.2 has to offer but right now I really do feel like I'm playing a single player game. I took off for a month during Feb and returned to level a character from scratch. I have literally been trying for 3 days during primetime on my server (Ajunta Pall, which I don't think is underpop'd) to find Flashpoint groups for Cad and Mando. Mid level instances. Nothing, not even a nibble.


What upsets me about that is how It sticks me with no real opportunity to get social points which I need for some of the Fleet gear I want. It's a cascading sense of disappointment for me now. I'm really -really- hoping 1.2 provides some answers.


Anyway, SWTOR isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but I really hope BW takes notice of some of the current issues going on and seriously addresses them.

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Ten years


Probably will


For me


lets see, the longest any MMO held my attention was 3 years


This one has already passed how long I stayed in quite a few of them, in another 6 months it will pass how long I stayed in WOW

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If they keep focusing on making alts and going through the story over and over again it wont last as long as it will if they move more to end game progession. The alts and replayability is fine but there is only so much you can do before it become extremely boring and retpetitive or you just run out of alts to make since it is so easy to level to 50.
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Yes, it is a legend and gaming history as one of the biggest flops and an example of 'what not to do'.


Sure, SWG did so much wrong, like having an explorable universe, walkable ships in all sizes you could fly around and decorate as you want, off rails space combat, gigantic planets, having an apartment in a Jawa sandcrawler, atmospheric flight, a social community, working economy...


yeah, all so bad examples, I´m truly happy that SWTOR has such a smart game design and offers neither of the above!


A true concept for success, enjoy your "cinematic experience" of nothing to do, re-roll as many characters as often you want and kill the same A.I. free mobs as often you like.

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Sure, SWG did so much wrong, like having an explorable universe, walkable ships in all sizes you could fly around and decorate as you want, off rails space combat, gigantic planets, having an apartment in a Jawa sandcrawler, atmospheric flight, a social community, working economy...


yeah, all so bad examples, I´m truly happy that SWTOR has such a smart game design and offers neither of the above!


A true concept for success, enjoy your "cinematic experience" of nothing to do, re-roll as many characters as often you want and kill the same A.I. free mobs as often you like.


And all of that took time to implement.

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So, to back up your statement, you give links to Internet bloggers as legitimate sources? Really? How about you find something more official than that.


That's the trouble with the Internet, random people can post crap and others will link to them as though they have any merit whatsoever. Sorry, not buying it.


This is a pretty good interview they had with SoE Smedley.

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Of course not! Dont you know the world is supposed to end this year?


This is the newest MMo out right now. Its about maybe a little over 3 1/2 months and you expect mass content? Wow. And then compare it to already established games. You guys act like its been out over a year...

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


Why wouldn't it be, Ultima Online is still going, Everquest is still going, Dark Age of Camelot is still going. It's incredibly rare that an MMO actually closes. Of those, only Everquest is free to play and that has only happened after 12 years.

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It's too lofty for me to assume any game would last 10 years, even if I thought the game was flawless. No real way to tell what will happen in the industry over such a long time period.


That said, if the game is going to have a high populace for a long period of years, it's going to take some sort of innovations.


WoW is the easiest example. It may be starting to fade away now but the game had an incredible run. It did so by constantly innovating. While I doubt even longtime WoW players will say they approved of EVERY innovation in the game, they really did add a whole lot of new ideas to the mmo genre over the years.


For SWTOR to have a good run, it needs to do the same. The new ideas added don't have to be in the vein of WoW, but they need to be well thought out. WoW had a knack for adding something, then 6 months later it just felt like all MMOs should have that feature, they felt right. If something is in place that feels like a barrier to having fun, it should be looked at.


It means stepping outside of comfort zones and realizing that just because something is a certain way and has been, it does not need to continue as such. Their legacy system really has a LOT of potential. What they have in 1.2 is a basic shell and a decent start, however I'm sure we could have a thread spanning hundreds of pages where we each chimed in on neat things that could be added to it in the future. The concept of allowing progression on one character to improve other characters is limitless, it's just a matter of building on it.

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