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Hybrid Commando


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I've been thinking of trying a hybrid commando and was wondering how it played @ lvl 50.


The idea would be to be able to do good dps when not needed to heal in ops and be able to take both a dps or healer role in HM FPs.


I was figuring either just giving up Bacta Infusion for Grav Round (and switch some of the supporting skills to dps) or stopping at field triage, giving up trauma probe and preventive medicine to be able to get up to charged barrel and rotary cannon.



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I was going to build an assault specialist but using armour piercing cell instead of plasma cell. I don't know if it would have worked, but i was hoping that i would get elemental damage (ignores armour) and 35% armour penetration at the same time. Unfortunately, i think that 1.2 is putting an end to all of that because you must have plasma cell active to receive ionic cell.


It might work the other way though. Will high friction bolt stack with grav round? The damage from 4 grav rounds, 1 incendiary round and then a friction bolt would be quite nice i think. Something like this?



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I use it from time to time when i want to burst.

I can suggest this.

Change to armor piercing.

Inc Round>Assault plastique>charged bolts>HIB. If you cast them correctly they will damage the target at the same time and you will have a spike damage of around 7k damage. (My set up if iam lucky can give me almost 10k spike damage :) )

After doing that go back to plasma shell to try to activate HiB by using Full Auto or CBs.

The only thing is to pick the correct target and not having someone interrupting your rotation.

Of course you will not see the damage numbers at the end of the wzs that Gunnery gives you but the number of DBs vs your deaths might satisfy you :)

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They seem creative, the only problem you might have is the ammo management :)

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I've been thinking of trying a hybrid commando and was wondering how it played @ lvl 50.


The idea would be to be able to do good dps when not needed to heal in ops and be able to take both a dps or healer role in HM FPs.


I was figuring either just giving up Bacta Infusion for Grav Round (and switch some of the supporting skills to dps) or stopping at field triage, giving up trauma probe and preventive medicine to be able to get up to charged barrel and rotary cannon.




For pve it is a little tougher to justify dual-role hybrid specs (i.e. we'll ignore those cases where hybridizing two dps trees is ideal). I'd imagine with sufficient gear you can work it without issue but generally speaking it's not a great idea for relatively fresh 50's (i.e. if you have a columni/rakata tank in hardmodes/regular ops it is a little different).



That said, pvp can be an entirely different matter. While my commando is situated at full gunnery for warzones until dual-spec comes along (guild is light on ranged dps) my sorceror recently specced to a heal/dps hybrid that he's having a blast with and can be extremely effective.


Generally I see a hybrid spec as such to be 70-80% healer, 20-30% dps. Changes based on situation of course but it is nice for example in huttball to be your ballcarrier's dedicated healer and keep him alive, then if the other team has the ball come out of left field with a sudden big damage punch.

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I've thought about a couple different hybrids but I could only see using them for PVP.


Heal / Assault:




Heal / Gunnery




Gunnery / Assualt




This last one looks crazy and it is. You trade Demo round for a permanent +30% armor ignore on HIB (in addition to AP cell, charged barrel and vortex bonuses) and the instant cast incendiary round.

Edited by CidTrip
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