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How long does it take to get to Valor rank 65?


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That's only 100 matches, assuming I get my Medals (and I do). Shouldn't be too difficult.


Using the chart listed above its 587435 valor.


So thats ~195 wins... so probably closer to 250 games total.

At 15 mins per game thats 62.5 hours :p


Even saying you win quicker than that your still looking at over 2 days played time for 40-65

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Pre 1.1.5 you'd be screwed.


Now though...You could get it in a weekend if you played 15+ hours a day (with a premade).


Also, to the poster who said 195 or 250 total games...what kind of horrible win percentage do you have? :p

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It's about 180 matches to 60- probably around 220 to 65. Including wait times, random bugs that boot you like d/c or perma stuns that boot you- average about 30 min per match- you're looking at around 110 hours- almost 5 full days of pvp. For a casual playing an hour a day- that's a third of a year.


For a no lifer playing eight hours a day- it's only about 15 days of playing. Of course, some severe no lifers can do it in half that time- and if you use Ilum valor trading you can turn that into days if not hours of play.


So, truth be told- it depends on you.

Edited by fungihoujo
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30m per match? What game are you playing lol.. The maximum time a huttball or voidstar takes is about 15 minutes. Typically my games end in about 8-10 minutes and the wait time is about 2-3 minutes during peak hours. I got from 55 to 61(10k from 62) within the last 7 days. I basically just did 10 games a day and it took about 3 hrs/day. My guild has been clearing 10/10 NMM all on tuesday so I've been using the extra time to PvP. I plan on hitting 65 this weekend. Edited by Tumri
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  • 2 weeks later...
In case anyone is wondering, mission complete as of last night. Skipped a lot of days and only got the dailies done on the ways that I did play. I hit the grindstone hard yesterday, though, and went from 62-63. So it was definitely doable.
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Whats the point really just required 60 to get your gear..lol and after 1.2 its all free and clear...but doesnot take long depending on the time you put into it,, I wont give you numbers becuase the truth is its all a big guess and factors of how well the game goes and how many games are avaible during you time of play.. now if you were like certian players IE the players that dont ever leave their computers and having nothing better to do than too play video games probably not long...But if your hammering the game nonstop to get to 65 your going to burn out...
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Whats the point really just required 60 to get your gear..lol and after 1.2 its all free and clear...but doesnot take long depending on the time you put into it,, I wont give you numbers becuase the truth is its all a big guess and factors of how well the game goes and how many games are avaible during you time of play.. now if you were like certian players IE the players that dont ever leave their computers and having nothing better to do than too play video games probably not long...But if your hammering the game nonstop to get to 65 your going to burn out...


Korrealis Prince (and whatever the Republic equivalent is) - being removed come 1.2.

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