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Merc Arsenal/Pyro Therorycraft


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I am starting this thread to get some other ideas on end game stats and abilities for Merc Dps.


I currently have an Arsenal spec merc http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300McZrIkrordokfzZ0c.1 . It is a 5/33/3 spec mainly for pve. My current unbuffed Tech damage bonus is at around 760, 333 crit, 130 surge. I am in full rakata gear with some mods changed to balance out my stats. I focus on as much power as possible over endurance. My current rotation is 3 tracers to get buff on boss, (if barage procs)unload(if it doesnt) heatseeker, railshot repeat. Depending on situations I will use fusion also.


With the current Rakata gear we know there is hardly no surge stats in the gear. So I have taken some crit bracers and aug with surge as well as columi eliminator aug. I have the 4 peice set bonus, but took the rakata tech helm over eliminator because it had more power and aim and less endurance.


I know 1.2 is coming up and alot of stuff with change. But at the moment I would like to know what some of you other end game mercs are focusing on as far as stats and squeezing as much out of your dps as possible. I appreciate any involvment in this thread. Again this is a discussion, and mainly geared towards current end game geared mercs.

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ALL my raiding gear is modded to gut accuracy (you still need some though) and replace with surge, power and crit. I have no idea what the individual enhancements add up to. It's easier to talk in terms of what you're aiming for. I think dps mercs should aim for this:


Surge: 73-75%

Crit: 30-33%

Accuracy: ~100%

Power: Whatever's left


That should dictate your mods. Adept and Battle enhancements are good.


You should really get Advanced Targeting for that 3% accuracy increase too.


Ofc always pick aim over endurance for raiding. It doesn't hurt to have a biochem endurance stim for pvp though.

Edited by Diddley
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Pre 1.2 we really didn't need any accuracy. Most of our damage came from tech attacks, and we could just stack crit/power/surge as much as we wanted. However with the nerf to TM damage and the boost in Barrage procs for 1.2, I feel like hitting or being very close to 100% RANGED accuracy is going to be a must have.


Before any buffs, with full rakata sans a few enhancements that I had to use columi for, my RANGED stats are:


Bonus Damage: 493.2

Accuracy: 99.67

Crit: 31.81

Critical Multiplier: 75.19


I feel like that's pretty close to where a lot of Arsenal mercs will want to be come 1.2.


I could be wrong, but I think missing any unload ticks is going to be a huge DPS loss.

Edited by Areaz
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here is my build. I basically take out everything that does not add to my dps which is why i have 2 points for the extra endurance.


Unbuffed I am sitting at around


70% Surge

38% crit

111% accuracy

(these are tech stats)


Surge seems to hit diminishing returns at 70 so i decided to stack crit after that.

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Pre 1.2 we really didn't need any accuracy. Most of our damage came from tech attacks, and we could just stack crit/power/surge as much as we wanted. However with the nerf to TM damage and the boost in Barrage procs for 1.2, I feel like hitting or being very close to 100% RANGED accuracy is going to be a must have.


Before any buffs, with full rakata sans a few enhancements that I had to use columi for, my RANGED stats are:


Bonus Damage: 493.2

Accuracy: 99.67

Crit: 31.81

Critical Multiplier: 75.19


I feel like that's pretty close to where a lot of Arsenal mercs will want to be come 1.2.


I could be wrong, but I think missing any unload ticks is going to be a huge DPS loss.


unload is a special attack, and it too has a 10% increase over base accuracy like tech accuracy. Essentially only rapid shots has base accuracy. Every other attack is 10% higher, including the ranged ones like unload and railshot. Sure, they are ranged and not tech but are also special attacks which get the 10% accuracy increase.


Just mouse over your base accuracy and you will see special attack accuracy in the breakdown.


Now, other players (and maybe even bosses, not sure about their exact specs) do have the ability to dodge/deflect ranged attacks and not tech. So, if you want to mitigate that then yes you will want to stack more accuracy. Then there is also the offhand accuracy, but that damage is also lower.

Edited by McGarnagle
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here is my build. I basically take out everything that does not add to my dps which is why i have 2 points for the extra endurance.


Unbuffed I am sitting at around


70% Surge

38% crit

111% accuracy

(these are tech stats)


Surge seems to hit diminishing returns at 70 so i decided to stack crit after that.


You can't trade surge for crit in the enhancements (which is mainly what you will be changing). You trade surge for accuracy or alacrity. Crit and power are interchangeable. Crit also has diminishing returns while power does not. My suggestion is more surge, less accuracy, and less crit, more power.


Take crit to 33% or below and replace it all with power. Get surge to about 74 or 75% (111% accuracy is close to useless so the diminishing returns on surge don't mean much since that accuracy is not doing much).

Edited by McGarnagle
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You can't trade surge for crit in the enhancements (which is mainly what you will be changing). You trade surge for accuracy or alacrity. Crit and power are interchangeable. Crit also has diminishing returns while power does not. My suggestion is more surge, less accuracy, and less crit, more power.


Take crit to 33% or below and replace it all with power. Get surge to about 74 or 75% (111% accuracy is close to useless so the diminishing returns on surge don't mean much since that accuracy is not doing much).


+/- a few percent i agree with this completely

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unload is a special attack, and it too has a 10% increase over base accuracy like tech accuracy. Essentially only rapid shots has base accuracy. Every other attack is 10% higher, including the ranged ones like unload and railshot. Sure, they are ranged and not tech but are also special attacks which get the 10% accuracy increase.


Just mouse over your base accuracy and you will see special attack accuracy in the breakdown.


Now, other players (and maybe even bosses, not sure about their exact specs) do have the ability to dodge/deflect ranged attacks and not tech. So, if you want to mitigate that then yes you will want to stack more accuracy. Then there is also the offhand accuracy, but that damage is also lower.


Where do you see that it's listed as a special attack? All I can see is that it's in the "ranged" category, which would make me think that it falls under ranged accuracy.


I have had unload/rail shots miss while under 100% ranged accuracy. Obviously someone on the PTS able to test this could prove it pretty easily but we'll all know post 1.2

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