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Not really good myself but this is what I've learned so far:


- Learn your class and your role: are you healer, tank or DPS? act like it.

- Warzones: The objectives are what matter, not the ability to kill an opponent

- Know your abilities: if the Ability A gives a boost to Ability B, don't activate them in the wrong order. Create a rotation that works best for you.

- Pick your opponents: Not every opponent will be your cup of tea. If you see a tank and a healer together, don't go for the tank, but kill the healer first instead.



That's about it... Would love to see more professional tips here as well :-)

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I know there have been numerous guides, both to particular specs, to specific warzones, gearing up for the level 50 bracket, and just to pvp in general. I don't have a link to them, though. Search function should probably turn up some of them, and some others will be stickied in the PvP forum.
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Im really really bad at pvp is there any tip?


We need more information to provide help. :) What level are you? You may be gimped by being lower level and therefore having less abilities to be useful in a pvp group.


What class/spec are you? Strategies are going to vary widely based on this info. In addition to the PVP forum, check out your class/spec forum for additional tips.


Lastly, as a poster stated above, it's all about OBJECTIVES. It can be really boring standing around guarding a turret in Civil War when everyone else is fighting mid-point, but you're performing an important job (just remember to call incoming when it happens!)

Edited by Suepy
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