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crew mission choices


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I don't think the mission selection choices are balanced between the different skills.


There are always 5 choices to start. In diplomacy, that is 5 missions split between 2 item types: companion gift missions or medical supplies missions. You rarely have a problem finding several good missions to choose from to get the stuff you are looking for with diplomacy.


With bioanalysis, you get 5 missions split between four item types: 2 different types of vendor-sold supplies, bioanalysis compounds and bioanalysis samples. Each of the four items gets roughly the same number of missions. With bioanalysis, the "good" missions only show up half as often as with diplo.


Seems to me, they should either lose the missions that reward you with stuff you can buy off the crafting vendor, or give more than 5 choices for bioanalysis.

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This is how mission skills work for every type, though.



For example, Archaeology gets Color Crystals, Power Crystals, Artifacts, or purchasable crafting supplies. That's it. ALL of these items can be farmed in-game.

Scavenging gets you metals, compounds, and flux.

Bio gets you, well, you said yourself.


Finally, slicing gets you lockboxes and augments, and soon will be augment parts.



Treasure Hunting gets you gemstones, companion gifts, and lockboxes.

Underworld Trading (the worst right now) gets you companion gifts, luxury fabrics, companion gifts, companion gifts, and occasionally underworld metals.


All of the Mission-based skills have lower drop rates than the gathering-based skills. The reason is that mission skills yield better grades. You get blue or purple level materials exclusively from missions, rather than the green (common) gathering items you get from the gathering skills.


Now.. if your argument is that the drop rates in mission-based should be improved, or that there should be fewer freaking companion gift missions, I'd support that.

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I think companion gift missions are just like vendor loot missions (or as you call them purchasable item missions. And with bioanalysis, you get two different types of vendor loot missions squeezing out the real missions.


These missions are just junk and should be removed. Either that or toss in a couple more mission choices for those skills that have vendor loot missions.


5 choices is just fine for skills like diplomacy where there are only companion gifts or medical supplies. You can almost always find decent medical supply missions with those odds.


But when you have the same 5 choices covering twice as many mission types, it is much harder to find the mission you are looking for.



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If one skill has 4 different things you can get (hyposyringes, processors {both vendor-sold, btw}, compounds, samples), then having 5 missions choices is not the same as another skill that has 2 different things you can get (medical supplies, companion gifts).


With the first skill, you are not even offered a mission to go get the thing you want nearly as often. Rich moderate or bountiful doesn't even enter in to it. With 5 missions split between 2 reward items, you get offered a mission to go get the stuff you want every time, almost.

With 5 missions split between 4 items, you very frequently don't have any missions offered for the thing you want. And almost never can you send out 2 companions for the same thing, unlike the other skill.


It is frankly a lot harder to get what you want from bioanalysis than it is from diplomacy. It isn't balanced.

Edited by DrSlate
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I think companion gift missions are just like vendor loot missions (or as you call them purchasable item missions. And with bioanalysis, you get two different types of vendor loot missions squeezing out the real missions.


These missions are just junk and should be removed.


You're kidding, right? While the missions that return the 10cred and possibly ~50 cred merchant purchaseable items should probably be removed, (which would include ALL the bio first aid/syringe missions), the ones that return the more expensive vender purchaseable missions frequently do so at a SUBSTANTIAL cost savings over the vendor. May as well then get rid of the other missions too, and buy all your green mats at the rediculous GTN price from people actually running around harvesting them.


Gee, go to the vender and buy flux at ~400 each, or pay 2k creds and get almost 30 of 'em. I'll take the almost 10k savings, TYVM.

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I think the best solution is to stop offering 5 mission choices for every skill, and start matching the # of mission choices with the # of mission reward types. That would be more balanced than the current system.
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What is driving me nuts is that sending one companion on a Archeology mission for Artifact fragments often removes the one and only mission for Gemstones I have in Treasure hunting and leaves me with lockboxes and companion gifts... *** is up with that? :mad:
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