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Is The Story That Good, or rather Boring?


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I never played MMO'S for story. I like pvp. I was just excited to finally have a mmo with story, unfortunately it wasn't a noteworthy one to me and didnt alleviate the GRIND feel that all MMO'S have.


And I despise pvp. Nothing like listening to some guy in chat, and there's always one, whining how "you all suck!" when we don't get through the door fast enough to suit him or some fellow doesn't pass the ball fast enough to suit him. Oh, yea, or having someone wait until I'm finally getting to the champion I need to kill at the very end of the tunnel on whatever-planet and then I've finally got his health down to just about done, and THEN some schmuck from the other faction decides it's a good time to engage me in a fight. Seriously? No, I don't find that at all fun, sorry.


Me, I just want to play my story, move from quest to quest, engage the enemy NPC's in fights I can best determine, move on to the end-game, with friends I enjoy talking to and playing with, in routine synchronized motions in boss fights, winning the items and loots I've been fighting for, again and again.


As has been said, several times over, to each their own. I don't enjoy pvp, so I don't play pvp, while you may not like the story, so you space-bar your way through it. In the end, it really doesn't matter. Make your game whatever you want it to be. I'm going to have fun, regardless.

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I'm sorry but if you found the stories interesting in this game you need to read more or just watch more TV or movies or something. The 'story' in this game was a pathetic misuse of money.


"I don't like the story in this game. If you do, you are stupid." That is basically what you are saying.


Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't good, it just means it is not entertaining for you. You are taking an opinion and trying to turn it into a fact. Fortunately, saying this doesn't make you right, it just makes you look immature.

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