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Arenas PLZ!!


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Where are the arenas??? This game lacks pvp content and Arenas take little dev time because they are small.


I don't even care if there are rewards. They are nice because you can actual learn to play and fight when you are new. Most of the Wzrzones. Your objective is not to kill but to do other things like run with the ball or suicide so to stop a cap.



Arenas give you a small set battle where you can learn what is working and what is not against certain classes.



I have only seen 1 enemy in world pvp so far and he was a 50. So learning there doesn't seem to be a option

Edited by Lt_Latency
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For real...


Help us out BW make one 100m * 150m Room it's all we need to get started...


U can throw in the rest later!


los, z axis and all the other little toys are not as important as getting in there in small groups and killing one another!

Edited by Izola
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I'd even take just a straight up death match where you throw us on the civil war and gauge the score by kills and not by objectives. That'd at least be something fresh. Good old fashioned death match or arenas, even if you just make a 100mx100m box with nothing in it.
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I don't understand this desire for death match warzones (truth be told, it does strike me as an epeen thing, but I could be wrong). While I know that there is a vocal group that espouses this desire, I honestly think it's a pretty small minority. That said, who am I to get in the way of other's enjoyment! To each their own.


Since (I think most people will agree with this) most players are not interested in a death match warzone for various and sundry reasons which I'm sure have probably already been brought up ad nauseum, any deathmatch warzone will pretty much always have a super-long queue (I mean, queues are long already), and if by some insanity deathmatch is part of the normal warzone queue most people will frequently quit if they get into one leading to global frustration...


Why don't you guys just go to Tattooine? The arena area there doesn't get much more "death matchy" in my experience, lol. What does Tattooine not have? The convenience factor or some such?

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I don't understand this desire for death match warzones (truth be told, it does strike me as an epeen thing, but I could be wrong). While I know that there is a vocal group that espouses this desire, I honestly think it's a pretty small minority. That said, who am I to get in the way of other's enjoyment! To each their own.


Since (I think most people will agree with this) most players are not interested in a death match warzone for various and sundry reasons which I'm sure have probably already been brought up ad nauseum, any deathmatch warzone will pretty much always have a super-long queue (I mean, queues are long already), and if by some insanity deathmatch is part of the normal warzone queue most people will frequently quit if they get into one leading to global frustration...


Why don't you guys just go to Tattooine? The arena area there doesn't get much more "death matchy" in my experience, lol. What does Tattooine not have? The convenience factor or some such?


Right!! because most warzones have most of the players focusing on the objectives and not just trying to beat the heck out of each other...............oooohhhh wait........I might be wrong about that.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Right!! because most warzones have most of the players focusing on the objectives and not just trying to beat the heck out of each other...............oooohhhh wait........I might be wrong about that.


No, you're right. What am I not getting here?

The only time I don't see players focusing on objectives is when a win is obvious and we're just trying to make sure all teammates have 4 medals. Granted, there's always going to be the newcomers who get distracted in side combat, but that's just an experiential thing.

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No, you're right. What am I not getting here?

The only time I don't see players focusing on objectives is when a win is obvious and we're just trying to make sure all teammates have 4 medals. Granted, there's always going to be the newcomers who get distracted in side combat, but that's just an experiential thing.


oh plz, You know how many time you can cap voidstar because no one is watching one side. How hard is that to watch your map and see if you have teammates on both doors.



You know why it happens every single game??? Players are busy running into the action.

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While they're at it, make sure that CC and Interrupts aren't usable in arena as well. Should just be an objectiveless DPS race... just like all the Call of Doody transfers want...


Because the objectives in this game are rocket science??

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