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Scoundral vs Gunslinger


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I am sitting in front of my Class trainer and can't make a choice. My Main is a Vigilance guardian, and I want something different, but I am unsure how I will like the turret style play. Scoundrel would be the backshot spec think, PVP will be the main focus. I have seen videos, and see both roll face in PVP, Argue amongst eachother and make the choice for me :)
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You will get only personal opinions as answers.


My personal opinion is that scoundrel is the natural smuggler. Gunslinger on the other hand has two blasters. Thats it:)


Arguably the Gunslinger will be a bit better to play after patch 1.2 so if you like two blasters then Gunslinger.


If you dont want to be rooted to cover and sometimes want to heal a bit then scoundrel.


My personal preference right now is scoundrel but my first smuggler was gunslinger - so go figure.

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Gotta be honest, i dont know how people can possibly stand rooting themselves in pvp. The only time i see snipers/gunslingers being effective is when they find a good space to just cast uninterrupted. Ive destroyed them easily on my scoundrel, operative, mercenary, and marauder.


But if youre not good at mouse turning or key binding, go with the gunslinger.

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Go Gs if you want to dps well and don't mind getting rolled by melee in pvp, go scoundrel if you wanna heal pvp.


It's no big feat but, I am a conqueror Scrapper scoundrel. I play the class well, but it's just a constant nerf fest and it's not worth the hassle so far. I am not the only one either, numerous top scoundrels/ops on my server would of rather went GS (or any other class). A solid player on a GS can literally devistate a warzone and cause some serious havoc for an enemy team, there are few out there, but you'll know they are there when you see one. Generally our premades will focus one down while cc'ing healer's, we don't do that for any other class that isn't giving our healer's a hard time (glued to them when they have no cd's).


I'd consider them much more threatening then a scoundrel from a dps perspective, but again if you want to heal go scoundrel for sure.

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Gotta be honest, i dont know how people can possibly stand rooting themselves in pvp. The only time i see snipers/gunslingers being effective is when they find a good space to just cast uninterrupted. Ive destroyed them easily on my scoundrel, operative, mercenary, and marauder.


But if youre not good at mouse turning or key binding, go with the gunslinger.


That's a bit subjective, don't you think?


I think that depends on whose playing not the way the class was built


I've destroyed sorcerers, sages, marauders, sentinels, operatives and scoundrels with my gunslinger.


If those gunslingers you've fought only stayed rooted for the rest of the fight, then they may not be utilizing the class properly.

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That's a bit subjective, don't you think?


I think that depends on whose playing not the way the class was built


I've destroyed sorcerers, sages, marauders, sentinels, operatives and scoundrels with my gunslinger.


If those gunslingers you've fought only stayed rooted for the rest of the fight, then they may not be utilizing the class properly.


just finished a huttball match against a sniper who stayed in cover the whole time. i love it when they let me go through my rotation with out moving. he never got a shot off.


again, you can say hes just a bad player. maybe he is. but i have never lost against a sniper/gunslinger except maybe the few times i tried going head to head against them on my mercenary. and hell, with all the alacrity i got on my merc, i can stack all my tracers, run through my rotation, and then reapply my stack before most snipers/gunslingers get half their rotation done. not saying its a bad class, in fact ive seen a few snipers beat me for top damage. im just saying, from what ive observed they need to be secluded and capable of just free casting. if their knockback doesnt work then most dont know what to do

Edited by DarthPunitor
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i cant speak to scoundrels as i set to being a gunslinger when the announcement for the AC was made, and i haven't looked back.


as far as game play mechanics go the Sharpshooter spec is a great single target burst damage spec. as soon as you get the burst volley ability you will notice that you can loose all your energy before realize whats going on. fortunately most things are unable to live through that.


Gotta be honest, i dont know how people can possibly stand rooting themselves in pvp. The only time i see snipers/gunslingers being effective is when they find a good space to just cast uninterrupted. Ive destroyed them easily on my scoundrel, operative, mercenary, and marauder.


But if youre not good at mouse turning or key binding, go with the gunslinger.



it does depend on the player. and level. early on Gunslingers and snipers have nothing to repel people from there cover posts and help them stay in cover effectively. now granted we have the hardest time against the close ranged stealth classes. but they are not unbeatable by us. as long as i don't panic and i haven't already blown my CC and counter CC abilities it is possible to take down operatives and assassins even when they get the jump on me.


i don't get the point on mouse turning as your character auto faces for attacks as long as you are not moving.

Edited by RavinKing
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i don't get the point on mouse turning as your character auto faces for attacks as long as you are not moving.


Mouse turning and mobility is essential for stealth classes, especially with such abilities as back blast/back stab. Frankly, its not that i have a better spec or rotation on my stealth classes than other players do. Honestly, ive managed to go head to head with many high levels at a lower level simply by messing up their los.


Are you saying that gunslingers/snipers have an auto focus while in cover? I wouldnt have noticed, i dont play one. but that just validates my point, if you effectively mouse turn, then you should play a gunslinger for auto focus or what ever.

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Mouse turning and mobility is essential for stealth classes, especially with such abilities as back blast/back stab. Frankly, its not that i have a better spec or rotation on my stealth classes than other players do. Honestly, ive managed to go head to head with many high levels at a lower level simply by messing up their los.


Are you saying that gunslingers/snipers have an auto focus while in cover? I wouldnt have noticed, i dont play one. but that just validates my point, if you effectively mouse turn, then you should play a gunslinger for auto focus or what ever.


as far as i know every class auto faces as long as you are not moving around. the key is movement, melee classes have to move to stay on top of there targets so turning becomes important but from ranged classes. we can just stand still as the only motivation to move would be to get away from the damage.

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as far as i know every class auto faces as long as you are not moving around. the key is movement, melee classes have to move to stay on top of there targets so turning becomes important but from ranged classes. we can just stand still as the only motivation to move would be to get away from the damage.


Well i am constantly mobile on all of my toons. But no, one reason i rolled a scoundrel/op was because of all the los issues they caused me on my merc before i became profficient in mouse turning. arsenal specs are somewhat hampered in terms of mobility, but when stacking tracers on a target running around you, you HAVE to turn with the mouse to keep him in sight.

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I took my Gunslinger to 50 mainly by PvPing plus the main story questing - I play a grenade/bomb spec and tend to get focused on quite often. Melee operatives are my worst nightmare, Im practically dead after their stun wears off and before I can react to them.

PvE can be a challenge but using Risha (and keeping her barrel and armour as high as possible) makes it doable. Guss (healer) changed everything though, but he joins quite late (should have been a lot earlier in the story for gunslingers at least).

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my personal preference would have to be the gunslinger mostly because i like the burst damage better on him than with the scoundrel. idk though, its just ur own personal preference really. gunslinger is just ranged dps and scoundrel is heals or close range dps
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Well if you haven't chosen yet I'd say go with the gunslinger. People seem to have the idea that being rooted as sharpshooter is your only option. Personally, I think cover is an interesting concept and is just a different play style. I respec'd my sharpshooter to a saboteur/dirty fighting build and I do decent damage, have great energy management (courtesy sabotage), decent defense (courtesy sabotage), and unlimited mobility. I'm not confined to cover and because my slinger doesn't have the flashy animations that come with the high tier abilities, I'm rarely targeted and I'm free to run around and devastate. There are options other than staying still and aiming a shot!


Although its nice to be able to respec to healer, let's face it, you're a gunslinger for one reason: devastation with flare.

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I went Scoundrel for versatility, I can heal or dps for my guild if I went GS on the other hand all I have is DPS. DPS is all well and fine, but if I ever wanted to heal I'd have to reroll so cut out the middle man
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Personally I play a scoundrel because i was looking to play a healing class, but since I do a lot of PvP it ended up being quite surprising on how variant on how much healing I was doing. Healing Scoundrels once we use up all of our energy we become a dead weight at trying to keep people up with emergency medi-pac because we can use med-scan to gain back some of our energy with crits on it, because one to many people will die. Truthfully we get the ability to run around unlike most gunslingers who have to plant their shield and stay put while they blow all their energy in one go. They do a significant damage, however once they are on the run from behind cover it drops significantly from what it could be. "I only know this because im basically doing the same thing when healing, and trying to do a little damage when im behind cover with the sticky grenade and charge blast." However you lose that when a sith marauder gets behind you and starts wailing on you. Also since a lot of the scoundrals abilities require stealth and the advantage of surprise, because I know all of you have either have had a scoundral or imperial agent run up behind you in stealth hit you with a blow back then follow up with a stun while they whip out another blow back and then find some cover while you're not looking and start unleashing a small barrage of bullets then try to run behind someone else and back-blast them while they are not looking. Now i have seen gunslingers try and do this technique however their abilities are more suited for staying back and trying to regulate how much energy they pour out so they can keep up their wave of damage. I think that probably the most annoying thing for a smuggler is when they are in the middle of pvp and they are trying their hardest to stay alive and kill the other player that their energy is all gone, and they have already used their cool head ability. I have seen this one to many time because once this happens all smugglers are just sitting ducks. I think that if we had a faster regeneration of energy that it would make us harder to kill in PvP and PvE because some Elite Opponents can get you into the lack of Energy situation and you start to see both your companions and your hit point bar start to decrease very rapidly. Which is probably why they gave the smuggler the get out of death card, or the dissappering act which i shamelessly admit to have used many many times. So in my complicated way of thinking i think in PvP scoundrels rule the world, but for Flashpoints and such the gunslinger is more suitable for the task.
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I have a lvl 50 Gunslinger, and I never realized how often I died wasn't normal until I started playing a Sith Warrior alt! I enjoy the cover style of play, but it seems practically worthless in a number of PvP scenarios. (Words cannot express how much Huttball sucks for a Gunslinger!) If you do go with Gunslinger, you'll probably want Biochem because you will burn through medpacks like crazy.
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Really dont know why people complain about cover, it can be a blessing especially when facing warriors, but bad slingers just stay in cover all the time, I'm in and out of it all the time in between kicking a guy in the nuts and flashbanging and running. I have a slinger and a scoundrel, and perform well on both, but slightly better on the slinger
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