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I'm curious as to some gender statistics in the game


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Male and only play males..have since 2001 in MMORPG's..... longer if you count D&D lol. It feels un-genuine to play a female character since I do not experience things the same way, or interpret emotions the same. Plus I tried it once and after 5 minutes I got hit on more times than I'd like to say, which was disgusting, seriously. If I were a girl I think I would still make guy characters to keep from getting hit on LOL.


Anyway, I have never wished to RP a girl in anything, nor shall I.


PS. I always assume its a girl playing a girl, I know I'm WAY wrong, had a buddy who only played girls cus of all the free stuff and help he got HAHA.

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Tried making a male character, and ... I couldn't get over how awkward his gait was.


I think it's some kind of 'uncanny valley' effect.


I don't see it with the female characters though. Not quite sure why, they still have weird postures and such. It's just not as off-putting to me, I suppose.

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Male here, play as many Males as Females though typically I usually exclusively play as a Male.


The reason I made Female characters for this game was precisely because of it being so story-heavy - I was curious how much effect gender played into the story-telling & how the romance options played out, I figured I'd find it more entertaining to see it from both perspectives, which is incidentally the same thought-train that led me to create Light & Dark point focused characters, I have dark women & dark men & also light women & light men.


I figured by doing this I get about as much out of the game as it was possible to get, my only disappointment is the changes are largely superficial for Gender (& species, another factor in my choices), though dark/light makes for some actual differences.


I figured if I'm going to play long-term I needed something to focus on because of the lack of raiding content (I'm a harcore raider for years in past games), Legacy system pretty much backs up & encourages playing alts & lets face it, playing a character to 50 reduces the enjoyment of every subsequent character that you level to 50 so you need to change the things the game allows you to change to try to mitigate the boredom of the non-class story questline quests.


EQ was Mob-grind, WoW was Quest grind, SWTOR = Alt (&story) grind.

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Female playing exclusively female characters.

I find it amazing that girls tend to only roll female characters while guys usually try both.


How's it amazing exactly? Sure, in other games where gender only changes how your armor looks (coughbikiniarmorcough), there is a different side to the game based on gender though. Example: On Hutta, a female agent can flirt her way out of danger with a thug, but the male cannot do so.

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