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I tried PVP, its actuly not to bad, but I cant help but notice the cheaters and hackers have taken it over. Not much point in the honest folks even joining in on it.

I read somewhere that this will be addressed in next big patch.

A day late and a dollar short.


May want to add an incentive to keep the honest folks around, as in ( you dont cheat, you get better armor than the cheaters could have obtained by cheating? ) Reward honesty.

Might even clean up the act of some of the cheaters that way.

In the mean time, have a GM attend a few PVP events put the cheaters in a dunce cap and give them a title of "Iam a cheater" ( that they can not remove )


I cant wait to hear the flames from the cheaters on this lol

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I tried PVP, its actuly not to bad, but I cant help but notice the cheaters and hackers have taken it over. Not much point in the honest folks even joining in on it.

I read somewhere that this will be addressed in next big patch.

A day late and a dollar short.


May want to add an incentive to keep the honest folks around, as in ( you dont cheat, you get better armor than the cheaters could have obtained by cheating? ) Reward honesty.

Might even clean up the act of some of the cheaters that way.

In the mean time, have a GM attend a few PVP events put the cheaters in a dunce cap and give them a title of "Iam a cheater" ( that they can not remove )


I cant wait to hear the flames from the cheaters on this lol


What cheats and hacks are you talking about? I ask because a lot of times i see people quickly jump to the conclusion of people hacking or cheating when really they are not. I was once accused of cheating cuz i crit a guy for 5k with project on my shadow, which is not even that great of damage and I've seen higher lol. I'm not saying that there is no hacks out there, I'm sure there is, but I'm also sure its a small minority that do hack.


And reward honest players? How about punishing the hackers, if proven to be hackers, with banning them, no reason to give rewards for doing what you're supposed to do.

Edited by JFTremb
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they wont ban them theyre trying to figure out how to make money off of them. They did the same thing in lotro and dcuo. Dcuo had it the worst with hackers though. This game really reminds me of that with these warzones.


I honestly suggest to not do the warzones i dont bother with them. This is why open world pvp first instead of warzones would have been a better idea...oh well


You can try naming them on a site but you better have proof but in the end it wont do any good. All these games are the same instead of doing the responsible thing I.E banning them they just ignore it would make the exploiting less but it will still be there the problem isnt so much the exploiters its the poor coding and fixng the exploits (yes they do eventually fix the exploits)


Like i said warzones should be 2nd to open world pvp not the main pvp of the game. Open world will have exploits and hacks to but nothing to what warzones will b/c its a confined area where as open world is on a larger scale...

Edited by hargrave
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they wont ban them theyre trying to figure out how to make money off of them. They did the same thing in lotro and dcuo. Dcuo had it the worst with hackers though. This game really reminds me of that with these warzones.


I honestly suggest to not do the warzones i dont bother with them. This is why open world pvp first instead of warzones would have been a better idea...oh well


You can try naming them on a site but you better have proof but in the end it wont do any good. All these games are the same instead of doing the responsible thing I.E banning them they just ignore it would make the exploiting less but it will still be there the problem isnt so much the exploiters its the poor coding and fixng the exploits (yes they do eventually fix the exploits)


Like i said warzones should be 2nd to open world pvp not the main pvp of the game. Open world will have exploits and hacks to but nothing to what warzones will b/c its a confined area where as open world is on a larger scale...


Many holes this entire post has.

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Ok if you tell me how they "cheat" then i can tell you one thing... yes it would be possible to write a hack but seriously, i have NEVER seen a guy which doesnt take any damage or one-hits people in PvP and if the damage and hp is actually checked by the server its IMPOSSIBLE to do that. People may use speedhacks or something which i doubt.


I believe bioware got enough counter measures to prevent the executable from being debugged by any kind of debugger and also to prevent people from hooking their dlls, at least people who are not as experienced with that.

Edited by HellFlame
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Many holes this entire post has.


you'll find that with a lot of his posts


i originally rolled on a average to unpopular server, and only saw hackers occasionally. after reporting them they'd stop or just go away.


since moving to a higher population server I have yet to see anyone hacking or cheating.


if you see them, report it. but probably they aren't even cheating, but using an ability they have that you aren't aware of

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Their are hacks and people messing around with lag ( lag switching ) in game. The Devs even admitted it at the guild summit. So to those of you who are saying there are none are WRONG.


They also said the software to find the people is being installed and 1.2 will be the time they need to find and ban them. They have even hired a bunch more people to work on finding the hackers. All this was said at the guild summit.

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There are several hacks out there.... Speed, Damage.....many more..


I, and my entire guild have filled out so many tickets, had so many live chat agents in game, and still it's an ever increasing problem, with no evident results. I hope they get this issue resolved in 1.2

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god I love the denial, To me there are 3 reason for the denail. 1- your doing it, 2 your a dev trying to pretend its not happening, 3 Ill be nice and not say.


Iam sorry, google cheat/hacks swtor it will make you sick.


And here we have one person admitting to cheating, WHY? because he knows bioware is NOT going to do a darn thing about it.


Lets be real here folks.

Banning=guaranteed loss of income

Not banning or pretended to ban= maybe a loss of income

ok this is money out of your wallet we talking about, wich do you pick?

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think ur trippin dood, no seriously...


i dont cheat, im too easy to kill..

I have not seen a hacker on krayt dragon

I am no a 'your too nice to say'


I am sure their are cheaters.. but very few. Accounts get banned is why, who wants to put in all that time and lose it.


Get a groop and fight it out.. stop trippin out.

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Holy snikies you are not kidding this explains a ton when you check some oh the hacks cheats from goggling cheat/hacks swtor it explains why some Wz's are so lopsided, especially when its a premade using them.

And here I though starting 3-4 people short was bad, live and learn.


I have tried to defend swtor but think I am done trying to defend such a broken game.

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Cheating in an MMO? Never!!


Sarcasm aside.

Sure there are probably people cheating, and most of them are probably doing it in ways you'd never notice in a million years, like PVE grind/crewskill "botting" or some other low profile things.


People cheating in ways you can notice? For the vast majority of MMO's this is the deal.

Almost every time, what you think is cheating is going to be you failing to understand something (maybe due to lag somewhere) normal, legitimate, and working as intended and insisting that it's far more likely that someone hacked the game than you missed something.

Some few times it will be someone exploiting a bug or glitch, it will eventually get fixed, heaps of people will reap short term benefit from it and some serial offenders will get disciplined/banned if the glitch is serious enough.

Incredibly rarely it's a genuine "third party" hack or cheat - it may never get "fixed" but it won't actually be ignored. In almost every MMO ever, people caught doing this kind of thing won't get to keep their accounts.


I'm valor ~65. I've never personally seen someone obviously cheating in however many 100's of games it took me to get there. I've seen people exploiting, sure, but "hax"? Not once.

This leaves me thinking this problem is not as common as the OP would have us believe

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Holy snikies you are not kidding this explains a ton when you check some oh the hacks cheats from goggling cheat/hacks swtor it explains why some Wz's are so lopsided, especially when its a premade using them.

And here I though starting 3-4 people short was bad, live and learn.


I have tried to defend swtor but think I am done trying to defend such a broken game.


You're probably looking at outdated sites because the specific "exploit" you're talking about was fixed a few patches ago.

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Maybe I'm blind when it comes to recognizing cheaters but I've hardly seen any during my play since early access.


I've seen 2 guys either hacking or glitching by running through the floor & scoring in Huttball, one guy running through walls in Huttball, and several guys hopping the fence in Void Star. Other than that, I haven't seen anything that caught my eye.


I was accused of hacking once in Huttball when I hit the air jet, got knocked towards their goal, immediately hit force speed upon landing to get past the fire & was called a speed hacker.


I think that some of the cries against hackers aren't hacks at all, just people's ignorance of other class' skills.

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god I love the denial, To me there are 3 reason for the denail. 1- your doing it, 2 your a dev trying to pretend its not happening, 3 Ill be nice and not say.


Iam sorry, google cheat/hacks swtor it will make you sick.


And here we have one person admitting to cheating, WHY? because he knows bioware is NOT going to do a darn thing about it.


Lets be real here folks.

Banning=guaranteed loss of income

Not banning or pretended to ban= maybe a loss of income

ok this is money out of your wallet we talking about, wich do you pick?


Im going to go with number 1 and here is why. I did USED to use this crap back in the day in eq/aion, you know what I did the same thing sayin its lag, its this its that. You know what. I bet 95% sure that the ppl saying theres no hacking are HACKING. So guess what there are hacks in this game. Hell I watched a lvl 10's + run right by me with no problem.... HMMMMM. And i will tell you in my eq days there was hack that would kill you 1 shot. I used it. So it wouldnt surprise me is there is a dps hack in this game. But that one i havent seen. The speed hack yes def exists. Did I ever get caught hacking in eq/aion no cause i did it smartly. Well aion didnt care and eq would bann you, But when I hacked eq it was at the end of my time of playing that game and was moving on to other games. So all u ppl that are in denial i was in ur shoes at one time. Have nice day.

Edited by Hordaur
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Let me see if I understand this.


We have people admitting to cheating.

We have Devs sayng they know about it, and are going to fix it.

There are well over a dozen hacks/cheats downloadable from the net for SWTOR


Yet we still have people telling us its our imagination or we are ignorant.


I can however, believe its not on all servers.


After all when they run people out of playing PVP on a server, Iam sure they move on to another, and sooner or later start QQing that no one plays PVP anymore.

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hacks Ive seen during my own warzones are blatantly obvious teleporting, even more obvious speed hacks, not so obvious wall hack/glitches and maybe some damage hacks. However, they where all last months news. Havnt seen any this month, but having said that could be with in relation to population dropping by something like a 3rd (lots of bans perhaps..).
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What cheats and hacks are you talking about? I ask because a lot of times i see people quickly jump to the conclusion of people hacking or cheating when really they are not. I was once accused of cheating cuz i crit a guy for 5k with project on my shadow, which is not even that great of damage and I've seen higher lol. I'm not saying that there is no hacks out there, I'm sure there is, but I'm also sure its a small minority that do hack.


And reward honest players? How about punishing the hackers, if proven to be hackers, with banning them, no reason to give rewards for doing what you're supposed to do.


Currently the most common hacks are position and moving hacks. They have become less common, but since this game uses an old design that has client computers determine position in the game instead of having the servers determine position, they are still prevalent.

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