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So everyday or so I log into forums to see whats new. Each day I notice one thing, the amount of people QQ'ing about SMALL or stupid things.

I compare their crys to experiences I've had in the game. I also ask myself these questions:


Why do they still sign in forums and complain so much?


If their not satisfied why do they still play?


But I also realize that the number of complaints are going down and the amount of people defending this game has increased. Server population has also increased not only on the weekends but weekdays. (For my server and my other server I play.)


In my opinion this game is very successful and will go on for years to come. I constantly hate the comparioson to WoW. This game is like what? 4 months old? You can't compare a game who's had 7 years in the making to a game 4 months in progress. But people still will, idiotic people atleast.


My question or topic is:


"Why do they still log in if they hate this game or compalin everyday on the forums trying to force their opinions on everyone else?"


Side note: The constant complains about classes is rediciuolous. Maybe you're not good at the class?

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"Why do they still log in if they hate this game or compalin everyday on the forums trying to force their opinions on everyone else?"



Attention. An infant will not throw a tantrum if there is nobody around to see it. Same goes with Torchan.

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So everyday or so I log into forums to see whats new. Each day I notice one thing, the amount of people QQ'ing about SMALL or stupid things.

I compare their crys to experiences I've had in the game. I also ask myself these questions:


Why do they still sign in forums and complain so much?


If their not satisfied why do they still play?


But I also realize that the number of complaints are going down and the amount of people defending this game has increased. Server population has also increased not only on the weekends but weekdays. (For my server and my other server I play.)


In my opinion this game is very successful and will go on for years to come. I constantly hate the comparioson to WoW. This game is like what? 4 months old? You can't compare a game who's had 7 years in the making to a game 4 months in progress. But people still will, idiotic people atleast.


My question or topic is:


"Why do they still log in if they hate this game or compalin everyday on the forums trying to force their opinions on everyone else?"


Side note: The constant complains about classes is rediciuolous. Maybe you're not good at the class?


Every day I log into these forums and wonder why people can't spell.

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So everyday or so I log into forums to see whats new. Each day I notice one thing, the amount of people QQ'ing about SMALL or stupid things.

I compare their crys to experiences I've had in the game. I also ask myself these questions:


Why do they still sign in forums and complain so much?


If their not satisfied why do they still play?


But I also realize that the number of complaints are going down and the amount of people defending this game has increased. Server population has also increased not only on the weekends but weekdays. (For my server and my other server I play.)


In my opinion this game is very successful and will go on for years to come. I constantly hate the comparioson to WoW. This game is like what? 4 months old? You can't compare a game who's had 7 years in the making to a game 4 months in progress. But people still will, idiotic people atleast.


My question or topic is:


"Why do they still log in if they hate this game or compalin everyday on the forums trying to force their opinions on everyone else?"


Side note: The constant complains about classes is rediciuolous. Maybe you're not good at the class?


Dunno, I think this game is great. I played LOTRO for the story and now this game has taken it a step further in regards to the cinematics.


Little did I know EQ would hook me way back when with storyline quests like the Enchanter epic 1.0 and over the course of a a decade increase to such fun storytelling like the Bounty Hunter here in SWTOR. Great stuff.

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Ive read a ton of theories on the subject. The one i feel is closest to the truth is:


There is a small subset of gamers that have unrealistic expectations of a game. No matter what game they play, they tend to idolize aspects of their favorite MMO or MMO's, and congeal it into a large fantasy mass in their head they label as "the standard". this could include more then One MMO (various aspects of many), or it could be only one MMO that sort of defined the genre for them. Whatever it is, they form this unrealistic idea of how a game should simply be.


this group of people are also hardline forum goers. Plus, since they're dissatisfied, it increases the volume of posts they post. either way, they post allot more then your typical player.


they also have an unrealistic viewpoint of their opinion and how many other people actually share it. It's the basic idea of hanging around a group of people who share similar beliefs, and then use that as your sample size of the population to say "you and everyone else", when it's really a small subset of people, who have gathered to together to commiserate. and in this commiseration, they think they are the "Majority".


so this group of people who think they are the "majority", who are very vocal, and have a preconceived notion of how MMO's should "be", spend the first few months of every MMO that comes out critically analyzing it with there rose colored glasses, find eventually that it doesn't meet their needs for the next "perfect MMO high", and then leave.


the evidence out here is pretty profound. I've been reading "I'm quitting...whos with me" threads since the game began, yet the player base has been steadily growing, defying their predictions. the griping slows down on the forums because they are honestly not satisfied with the game, and leave. They will usually vocalize this leaving far in advance though, becuase they honestly believe that they are part of the real majority (see the commiserate comment above).


i saw this happen with rift, Aion, Conan (though this one earned a decent amount of the grief early on...but they fixed allot too), LotRO, WoW, DAoC...just about every game I've played since late evercrack days has had this subset of players. and as each game comes out with a new feature, or does something slightly different that is better then the others, these players add it to their list of the qualities of the "perfect MMO", and the bar grows every higher for their fantasy world.


now, amidst the deterioration of the MMO perfectionists, there are honest players with honest expectations of a game, who give decent feeback and have real concerns about game balance. so not everyone who gripes is the MMO Perfectionist. But for your average player who's simply browsing the forums, it can be really difficult to separate the two groups.

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