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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Ok so this was the only place I could find to leave my feedback. Hopefully it goes noticed. I really enjoyed the game while leveling up a few characters the stories were awesome and I liked the cinematic styled conversations and the graphics. I also enjoyed the pvp mechanics as well. And every character having a companion was a nice change.

After I reached level 50 though the game sort of stagnated a little. It became a little difficult to gear up.

In pve there was no random group finder for hard modes to automatically partner me to a suitable group. This made things difficult because it meant I had to do a large number of dailies to get halfway geared and then still have trouble finding groups. I think they should adopt a similar system to wow were you are automatically partnered with a group needing your role given wait times and grouped across servers. This would make gearing up a lot easier.

In pvp I did like how everyone from 10-49 was grouped but it makes me wonder if this was a mechanic put in place because Bioware do not yet have the ability to facilitate grouping across multiple servers. Once you hit 50 it is hard to gear up and can seem rather pointless because there is no filter and the fresh 50's are put in with everyone right through to the warlords. Meaning they barely damage them and get 2 shot. This is kind of flawed as it makes it harder to gear up through reduced comms and medals. Grouping across servers and a better filtration system (grouping according to rank) would fix this.

So that's my thought on it. I waited a long time for this to come out and I haven't given up hope but I think I will come back when the game matures a little bit.

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I'm not one for 'goodbye" posts but since this is up thought I'd share as I just cancelled my sub. Maybe some cretin in BW will read this.


The game is missing too many elements that are considered "basic" in MMOs today. I seriously feel like Im playing a game that is 10 years old.


I have missed HALF the content in the game due to lack of groups further due to the game not having a decent LFG system. This is unacceptable to me and a game-breaker. A previous poster is right: since grouping is so difficult one has to do dailies in order to get gear and this as the ONLY means of obtaining gear is a total bore. Which brings me to...


Low populaiton servers. I had to completely reroll on a more popular server due to low pop and no ability to transfer. A waste of 2 months.


The auction house search functions are truly atrocious, there is no way to look for specific items that are needed. So for those of us that like to play the market its difficult and time-consuming.


As a PVPer in a PVE guild, it gets very expensive switching specs. Dual-spec should be a basic element in an MMO, yet SWTOR one of the newest doesnt even allow for that.


In short the game did not meet my expectations so I'm moving on. Hopefully in the future they will pull their heads out of the a@@es and make a progressive game, not this 10 year old featureless waste of time.


For those of you that enjoy it, goodie for you and Cheers!

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100 people in that instance, yeah, that's populated. Especially when there's damned near that many no matter what planet I go to.


Good gawd, how many people do you need to play with?!


I played LotRO for two years. We often had more than 100 people in Bree alone (the human city), and there could be hundreds scattered all over the rest of the world. Then we come here and find less than 30 people on an entire planet all the time. Yay...

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Already cancelled and tried again but cant stomach it any more. Huge SW fan but this isnt SW ,its Dragon Age etc with pewpewpew.


  • Boring stories (sorry they are)
  • Rubbish low res 2004 graphics, (what material is it that EVERY piece of light and medium armour is made from? Rubber leather?? or Heavy armour..plastic, no real metallic feel or hard textures )
  • Audio work is rather weak. Footsteps dont change much from snow to gravel to metal and everyone wears slippers according to the sounds I hear.
  • Every class starting area is tedious and alt work is just throat slittingly numb, same old quests over and over...same blandness..2 options per side!
  • 4 classes/8 Adv Classes. Boring, skills and abilities same on each side makes for NO fun for replay value. Compare DAoC=45 classes!
  • Empty servers (can go from 1-50 without ever talking to someone or grouping EVEN WHEN YOU WANT TO!!)
  • AH , rubbish search and utility...seems based on pre 2001 style (SWG had better)
  • Static worlds where there are huge roads with no vehicles, no one moves more than three feet ...but wait....they all talk ...wooooo :/
  • Legacy unlocks that gold farmers can buy you...lame.
  • PvP where any melee class can own anything else if you try (if you carry a glowy its a doddle just try it...oh you cant..not enough WZ pops)
  • Companions who sad little men and single females can flirt with and marry ( really..get a grip , its pathetic)
  • "Mounts" that look like janitors floor polishing machines or grass mowers..or HUGECANTSEEANYTHINGBUTTHISCAR things that idiots use in fleet.
  • X-wings with shields
  • Orange weapons and armour...yes..hate them..they destroyed the thrill of finding loot or epics etc. Same old armour or weapon from start to finish just pop augment/mod in etc. Really worse thing EVER in an mmo...apart from NGE . BW even made loot boring./golfclap
  • Wookies that were weaker than cheese armoured ewoks..shameful.
  • Legacy surname/family.Yeah my slightly light hearted republic name fits my evil sob sith....not even got option to turn it off properly and have suitably evil one for empire side.
  • Space combat...I let my 4 yrd old do mine ...seriously its that bad she can complete a stack of them especially the escort ones.
  • Useless guild utility and function.All that guild build up before launch and then ingame its like a wet hanky.
  • Weak chat system..everyone just uses general for example..no colour coding, linking bugs out.
  • No RP rule set (rp servers have suggestion not rules, make any stupid name and is doesnt matter)
  • Bonus missions..utter drivel...bonus drudgery.



All of course my opinion and I am entitled to it as much as the guy who comes along next and says " you poopyhead the game is great kkthnxlabye u pwned" because I paid for my game not you (or him).

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New month, same answer.


Yes, I will keep my sub until I am no longer having fun.

That day has yet to come.


Same, same, and as someone that understands how MMORPGs evolve and grow, I don't see any change occurring.


Hopefully the "I hate this game, I'm quitting and boycotting EA" posts will end at three months and we can come to the boards and actually discuss issues that will help them better the game even more.


One can only hope. ;p

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I will continue playing because I still enjoy the end game / playing with alt. But I won't play swtor when diablo 3,tsw and gw2 is out, but who knows maybe bioware give more exciting updates in future :)


Pretty much. Diablo 3 is going to have better single player and better multiplayer than SWTOR does.


How friggin' sad is that?

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I played LotRO for two years. We often had more than 100 people in Bree alone (the human city), and there could be hundreds scattered all over the rest of the world. Then we come here and find less than 30 people on an entire planet all the time. Yay...


I'd rather have smoothe gameplay over an entire crowd of people I'll never see or play with. I've been in games, too, where there were more than 100 in an area. I never saw them. Never even knew they were there. In RIFT, there would be that many or more in an area during an event, and still I could only see 25 people at a time. In LotRO, you can't see them all, much less interact with them in any meaningful way.


What's the damned point of having more people than you can shake a stick at if you can't even interact with them??

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Pretty much. Diablo 3 is going to have better single player and better multiplayer than SWTOR does.


How friggin' sad is that?


I doubt that very seriously... Couldn't stand D1 or D2, what will make D3 any better? Viewing all the released info and videos on it, nothing.

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I doubt that very seriously... Couldn't stand D1 or D2, what will make D3 any better? Viewing all the released info and videos on it, nothing.


Better combat, more interesting boss mechanics, higher diversity between classes, more challenging... things that make a game good, as opposed to things that make a cinematic good.


SWTOR needs less movie, more game.

Edited by Gungan
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i have been reading the thread posting and have noticed how a lot of people compare this to WoW, i can see their gripe with SWTOR but on the same hand i dont see their complaint all they got to do is look at how long WoW has been around and then how long SWTOR has been active since december. enough said if people dont like SWTOR go back to WoW.
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i have been reading the thread posting and have noticed how a lot of people compare this to WoW, i can see their gripe with SWTOR but on the same hand i dont see their complaint all they got to do is look at how long WoW has been around and then how long SWTOR has been active since december. enough said if people dont like SWTOR go back to WoW.


I think you are the first person to ever say this!


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Pretty much. Diablo 3 is going to have better single player and better multiplayer than SWTOR does.


How friggin' sad is that?


What multiplayer, you mean co-op?Nice try though.


The answer to OP's question is Yes, again, because the game is good and i enjoy playing it, it's Star Wars and it's awesome.

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What multiplayer, you mean co-op?Nice try though.


The answer to OP's question is Yes, again, because the game is good and i enjoy playing it, it's Star Wars and it's awesome.


Because the PvP in this game is so awesome! Illum worked out great~



I wasn't going to play D3 but then I played TOR and I realized I took Blizzard for granted. they make much better games then Bioware.

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Better combat, more interesting boss mechanics, higher diversity between classes, more challenging... things that make a game good, as opposed to things that make a cinematic good.


SWTOR needs less movie, more game.


You do realize, of course, that you're attempting to compare a 3PS to an MMO? That is literally apple to an orange...

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I wasn't going to play D3 but then I played TOR and I realized I took Blizzard for granted. they make much better games then Bioware.


I take it you didn't play WoW when it was only 3 months old? TOR at 3 months old is five times the MMO WoW was at 3 months old. No, it doesn't make a difference the time difference. A 3-month-old MMO is a 3-month-old MMO.


And please stop trying to compare a 3PS to an MMO, please? There is no comparison, it's not even the same genre for gawd's sake...

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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You do realize, of course, that you're attempting to compare a 3PS to an MMO? That is literally apple to an orange...


It would be an apple vs orange comparison, if TOR didn't play like Guild Wars 1 - an instanced co-op RPG with warzones/arenas. TOR doesn't play like an MMO, stop calling it one.


It would be more apt to call it orange vs tangerine - they're both orange citrus fruits.

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It would be an apple vs orange comparison, if TOR didn't play like Guild Wars 1 - a coop RPG with warzones/arenas. TOR doesn't play like an MMO, stop calling it one.


It's more like orange vs tangerine.


Having a full group in exceedingly beneficial in this game. For FPs, Ops, and even leveling. There are xp bonuses, loot bonuses, etc to grouping for leveling quests. How is that only "co-op"? You can solo them, or you can do them in a group for better xp and loot.


What the hell more do you want?!

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Having a full group in exceedingly beneficial in this game. For FPs, Ops, and even leveling. There are xp bonuses, loot bonuses, etc to grouping for leveling quests. How is that only "co-op"? You can solo them, or you can do them in a group for better xp and loot.


What the hell more do you want?!


A non-static, far less instanced world that doesn't herd you along down a linear corridor.

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No plain and simple, this game is a failure. Ea and Bioware DO NOT listen to what the community wants as a whole. The game will still be here just with tens of thousands less subscribers.


Well, WoW had the same thing. I subscribed for all of 2 months, cancelled, and never looked back. Tens of thousands is really nothing, isn't it?


Right now, TOR has over 2 millions subs and growing. BioWare said 2 years before the game even launched that it wouldn't be for everyone. Despite that, they predicted millions of subs.


Looks like they were right on both counts. :)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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