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Do ppl want sandbox?


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I see loads of threads that say the game isnt hard enough and is too quick and easy.Final fantasy XI was real hard,long and slow but created lots of community and accomplishment yet didnt have millions of subs.What is it ppl want then?btw i loved FFXI :D
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The overall picture I see from the demands is that they want a 1000h singleplayer game with chat functions and pvp that they can play with their friends. Choose from 27 different and unique classes that have the same exact abilities and to be able to complete that 1000h game in 2h, while afk, with cinematics that auto-skip themselves and a dialogue system that is fully voiced and responds realistically to everything you can possibly think of, while being skipped.


Oh, and a crafting system that allows them to make the best things in the game, instantly and without materials yet be deep and interesting so they can go raid, alone, to get the same gear again and a merit badge for doing so.

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I think Minecraft speaks volumes about how much a sandbox MMO could draw if built by a major player based on a major IP, however I don't think this is the game nor IP for it. There is too much already built into the lore/stories and as we have already seen on these forums, a lot of role-players get upset even at the smallest things like any class being able to use <insert color> sabers.


Also, as a side note:


"Your typical gamers nowadays are entitled, self-important, generally immature (at least as far as their public persona goes), unrealistic, and have no idea what they want out of a game." - Tarbacca


^ - Truth.

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I think BW did a great job of accomplishing this game how they did. I was always a sandbox type of player. But they pulled off the themepark well.


The storyline is great, and the many instances were what I was afraid about for this game, yet it turned out well. They usually aren't my cup of tea, but they pulled it off well.

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I've come to the realization that I prefer 'themeboxes' or perhaps 'sandparks'...namely, hybrids of sandbox and themepark.


As themepark designs go, I really enjoying SWTOR. I hope they add in more sandboxy elements to make it more of a themebox, but if not, I'm not gonna cry over it.

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I've come to the realization that I prefer 'themeboxes' or perhaps 'sandparks'...namely, hybrids of sandbox and themepark.


As themepark designs go, I really enjoying SWTOR. I hope they add in more sandboxy elements to make it more of a themebox, but if not, I'm not gonna cry over it.



My thoughts exactly

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I've come to the realization that I prefer 'themeboxes' or perhaps 'sandparks'...namely, hybrids of sandbox and themepark.


As themepark designs go, I really enjoying SWTOR. I hope they add in more sandboxy elements to make it more of a themebox, but if not, I'm not gonna cry over it.


I approve this message. There are several Sandbox elements (such as played based economy, bases, etc.) that I miss when I play SWTOR. But I also like to beat these scripted encounters that the theme-park provides.

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Not really no. I think the theme park theme works best with TOR.


SWG was the epitome of a sandbox and 90% of it (yes made up statistic based on subjective experience) was lifeless and empty.


This is not an "exploration game", it is a "killer" game and it seems to work well for many...obviously not all.

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yeah id love to see what happens when they make this game hard


my guess is,the same thing is gonna happen that happened in my last game.the casuals will cry,bioware will nerf


but meh,considering the only solo content there putting in 1.2 is legacy crap.im sure after people get tired of buying new spacebars cuz they broke there old ones this game probably isnt gonna be worth playing cuz everyones gonna leave


i mean,rolling alts are only fun for so long,those alts eventually get max lvl

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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I think Minecraft speaks volumes about how much a sandbox MMO could draw if built by a major player based on a major IP,


I agree with your assessment of Minecraft. I also agree that such an approach wouldn't work for many major IPs like Star Wars. People come to these games for the experience of being in the world. You're not going to see a sandbox Harry Potter MMO for example. You might see a sandboxy Skyrim/Elder Scrolls MMO however.

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