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Bioware Should Not Have Done an Early Access?


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Look around, you can see it already. Thread after thread of complaining. I pre-ordered on Day X, I should get in now!" follows "I didn't pre-order by my mommy said I'm special so I should play now!"


To me, it feels like a recent commercial, where a family is singing Christmas carols, and a little ***** of a girl uses it to rail against her family of gifts she didn't like. This is a gift, not an entitlement. Bioware and EA could have easily said "you want to play this game? Tough, you'll wait till the 20th."


Thats one thing I'll never understand about MMO players. Just because they pay for a game, so many (note, I said many, not all) feel that they should be coddled and spoiled and have their every little unrealistic expectation realized. And doing an early release just seems to feed that sense of entitlement.


Personally? I couldn't care less if I get in today, tomorrow, or even on the 19th. Why? Because I know how to turn the computer off, put some pants on, step outside and have a life that doesn't revolve a glowing box in my room. If I do get in early? Great... but I won't be changing any plans. Friday I'll be taking my wonderful girlfriend out for a night on the town. Saturday I'll be making pasteles with her family. And Sunday... then I'll sit down and see if I can get some Sith-stomping in. If not... I can wait.

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The crying will quiet down as soon as everyone is in, as long as everything's working. Will at least reduce the crying on the 20th, because areas will not be insanely crowded and servers should be stable. It's like giving candy to a baby: instant happiness even after a long wait.
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They should make decisions on what they will do, based on what's best for the game... Not what causes whining on the boards.


I figure I might make it in sometime this weekend, and that's fine with me. But the fact that some people didn't bother reading up on how it would work, and are mad about it, isn't a good reason not to do something.

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OP, well said


I for one have been laughing at a new forum filling with 51 pages of 75% of threads complaining about not being 1st, 15% telling the 75% to stop whining, 5% asking questions & last 5% saying they've cancelled because they didnt get in 1st.


Any new player reading these forums to gain an insight into the game pre-store purchase will probably think 'well....loads of cry-baby/whiners but nothing about the game, I wont bother'


Just sitting and waiting for an e-mail that probably wont come today as I didnt pre-order til end of Oct and will be glad for any EGA, any is far better than none. Must be from coming from the UK and used to queues/waiting in line :p

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Overall this has been a joke of a launch for an MMO.


Staggered release was a terrible idea.

No grace period was a terrible idea.


You may not think so, but this leaves a distaste in the majority of the communities mouths and they will be quicker to turn on SWTOR if something does go wrong after the handling of release.

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I agree, so many sisi lala's complaining! Why are there so many babies? here's a pacifier, to hold you over until you get in.


I for one will enjoy the game at my leisure, not rushing to 50.


I've lurked in these forums for the past 2 years, only posting a few times because no matter what you say or how brilliant your thread may be, theres always going to be some troll to rain on your parade.


I just don't understand this generation, no respect for themselves or others, no dignity, no giving of thanks, no honor.


Anywayws I'm done.


thank you bioware, I look forward to playing when it's my turn.

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Overall this has been a joke of a launch for an MMO.


Staggered release was a terrible idea.

No grace period was a terrible idea.


You may not think so, but this leaves a distaste in the majority of the communities mouths and they will be quicker to turn on SWTOR if something does go wrong after the handling of release.


You seem to be confusing majority with vocal minority.

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Overall this has been a joke of a launch for an MMO.


Staggered release was a terrible idea.

No grace period was a terrible idea.


You may not think so, but this leaves a distaste in the majority of the communities mouths and they will be quicker to turn on SWTOR if something does go wrong after the handling of release.


Good, I hope they do.

The [gaming] community needs less whiney babies that cry when they don't get what they want when they want it.


If you've been around for any MMO launches you'll know that the servers would be massively overloaded, the starter zones would crash [or be laggy or too crowded to level] and server populations would be massively imbalanced in favour of one faction.

Staggered release fixes this.

If people want to cry about not getting in 7 days early after being told "Up to 5 days"; let them.

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Overall this has been a joke of a launch for an MMO.


Staggered release was a terrible idea.

No grace period was a terrible idea.


You may not think so, but this leaves a distaste in the majority of the communities mouths and they will be quicker to turn on SWTOR if something does go wrong after the handling of release.


No it leaves a sour taste in the mouth of the self entitled spoil kids.


I don't care about the EGA i'll get in when i get in. But i guess thats what happens when i had to work for everything and didn't get hand me outs.




staggered release was great idea!

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