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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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This will be the downfall of the game, if merges dont happen soon.


Already seen massive drops on my server on both imp and rep side.


Players are simply getting bored as not enough players are on the servers to keep warzones going, groups happening. Guilds to form for operations etc.

Playing against the same reps/imps in every warzone is just boring to. Patch 1.2 will not save this.


Who cares whether someone on a high pop server quotes there server stats, or how well there doing, blah blah blah


For the majority of players, their servers are dieing.

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This will be the downfall of the game, if merges dont happen soon.


Already seen massive drops on my server on both imp and rep side.


Players are simply getting bored as not enough players are on the servers to keep warzones going, groups happening. Guilds to form for operations etc.

Playing against the same reps/imps in every warzone is just boring to. Patch 1.2 will not save this.


Who cares whether someone on a high pop server quotes there server stats, or how well there doing, blah blah blah


For the majority of players, their servers are dieing.


Source on majority?

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Right now there are 100+ 50's logged in right now Republic and Empire side on your server perhaps the issue lies with you?


On 3/1 they came out and said they were having issues and that transfers for Asian/pacific players wouldn't be until the end of April with the rest to follow sometime later. So seeing that they are having issues with transfers what makes you or anyone here think that mergers are going to be easier to implement?


Unsubbing is making it worse because it TAKES AWAY RESOURCES. When subs go down budgets are cut which usually means the cuts are from the bottom, you know the people that actually DO STUFF. Every unsub due to impatience is another nail in the game.


Any time a comment loses , they look to see what's causing it.....then they make cuts. You need a business lesson, son

Edited by dynastynyy
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Just cancelled. 18 days left on my playtime. Hopefully 1.2 arrives soon enough to change my mind. The only thing that may save my guild from quitting is the 8man premades for warzones. We'd all(my guild) still be playing if we had that from the very beginning. -_-
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Pfft.. lol only 3 pages of QQ tells you how many people actually care about this... :p


Truth is: You rolled at start into a server that said "full" and rolled there because it did not have Queue time, AND un-intelligently assumed it would keep been "full" 3 months afterwards.


Guess what is causing your low server numbers? (HINT* It has nothing to do with subs dropping)


1st People are not playing 24h/7 I used to play about 88 hours a week on December and January now I am playing 24h max a week, doing my dailies, etc. Most people are like this.


2nd Most people when they started to realize that the "normal" pop of their server was not "heavy" or "full" they re-rolled into another bigger server.


How do I know? I have my main in EU server and guess what our numbers have all but increased. I see normally 150-250 people in prime hour in my server.


Now is the moment when I point my finger at the people in these 3 pages and say "I LAUGH AT YOU HAHAHAHA!"


Lesson of The Story: Even in gaming the easy way, is not the best way ;)


This is the 3rd thread after the other 2 got over the post limit (which is 1000+ each time)

Edited by Averran
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To the guy who said there were only '3 pages of qq' im pretty sure this thread has been started over due to its high volume.


On another note, please Bioware, at least let me transfer ONE of my 50's to an active server! Just me, make this exception just once, for me.


There are currently 11 people on drummand kass on Hedaar, i checked out Fatman - 130. I just recently leveled my 4th 50, an assassin which i enjoy. So i figured i would make the grind to battlemaster. Well, it is literally 24/7, 90 percent of the time - HUT BALL.


Please, until you merge servers, just transfer my assassin elsewhere.

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very clear to see they don't give a crap. This amount of ignorance is astounding, i have game time till may, but only because i inputted a gtc earlier this month. If the game continues how it is ill just stop logging in and not renew when my time is up.
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Server Merge? I hope not. This game is fine as it is. There are more important things than dealing with some qq about "low" server populations. I've never experienced one.


Ah let me guess you are playing on one of the 6 high pop servers?



The only people against merges/transfers are the losers that play on the high pop servers that dont care about the MAJORITY on light/standard pop servers.

Edited by evildestroyer
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I would love to see a server merge. I am currently playing Assassins of Sion. I love the server. The people are friendly and helpful... but I'd really like there to be more people. I'd like for HMs not to be so hard to get together. I'd like for pvp queues to pop just that much faster.


BioWare, I am offering up Assassins of Sion as a server for low population servers to be thrown into! Give us more peeps. We aren't struggling too badly, but we will happily accept newbies!



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Please, for the love of God, don't merge the servers!


I love the feeling of absolute freedom I get from playing the game solo with no one else to worry about and no pesky jabber spamming my chat box. The feeling of wide open spaces and frontier exploration. No temptation to beg for help or ask for hints over general chat. No having to worry about other players getting upset when I win rolls for stuff!


And no embarrassment when I die trying to solo +4 Heroics over and over and over again.


Oh, wait. That last part sucks.


Oh, wait. It all sucks.


Please think about letting us get off servers with miniscule populations. Sometimes the only players on my server are a tight knit group of guildies who want nothing to do but play together.


Right now I'm going to finish Mass Effect 3 (a genre that I'm beginning to think BioWare should stick with), then wait to see how things look before I resubscribe.


I mean this is an MMO.


This low population stuff is really putting a bug up my lower gastrointestinal tract.




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Please, for the love of God, don't merge the servers!


I love the feeling of absolute freedom I get from playing the game solo with no one else to worry about and no pesky jabber spamming my chat box. The feeling of wide open spaces and frontier exploration. No temptation to beg for help or ask for hints over general chat. No having to worry about other players getting upset when I win rolls for stuff!


And no embarrassment when I die trying to solo +4 Heroics over and over and over again.


Oh, wait. That last part sucks.


Oh, wait. It all sucks.


Please think about letting us get off servers with miniscule populations. Sometimes the only players on my server are a tight knit group of guildies who want nothing to do but play together.


Right now I'm going to finish Mass Effect 3 (a genre that I'm beginning to think BioWare should stick with), then wait to see how things look before I resubscribe.


I mean this is an MMO.


This low population stuff is really putting a bug up my lower gastrointestinal tract.





Just wait till you get to the ending of ME3. It's likely you'll want to never play another Bioware game again.

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137 persons on republic side of Veela, used to be 2 hours wait at launch. Seriously, when will Bioware merge servers? ;/


137! You should be so lucky.


It is 7:20 east on a Friday night and there are 44 imp on the fleet - meaning I would guess around 30 on the repub


The biggiest issue with this lack of population and no merging thing (aside from no FLIPPING REPLY BY THE DEVS) is that, well...i'm getting bored

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I don't think playing this game with more people is going to make it more fun.

A single player game with a monthly subscription... Genius!


Now if you could play each class and only do their story quests, I would sub to something like that. Of course story updates would have to come in every other month to keep me interested, but it would be better than what we have now.

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