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There goes another one...


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Tick....Lost another.



Tick.....there goes another.



Bioware I had a guild with 50+ people in it and we clear nightmare content each week. Yet I am losing players to other games. They aren't leaving the guild they just stop logging in. I have lost 15 good players cause they get bored. Don't you realize you're shooting yourself in the foot waiting so long to release 1.2?


Honestly how many subs are you going to lose before you start putting in some overtime hours to get 1.2 out? If you already are putting in OT, it's not enough.


I am not mad, just letting you know that my server is getting less populated by the day.

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I've seen your kind of post in countless mmos (free or sub ones), especially at the beginning. Mmo populations tend to fluctuate all the time, it's part of most mmo lifecycles. Personally, I prefer that they take their time and launch update 1.2 when they're 100% ready. We just have to wait 2 weeks and a half at most. Our patience will be rewarded for the upcoming years. :)
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You Release a Patch too early and it will be full of bugs and will have people complain.

You Release a patch too late and people will complain that they take forever and are trying to steal your money by making us wait.

You Release a patch at the right time and you still get people complaining.


What is the lesson here.

People like to complain

People hate change.




Baby Lalas!

Edited by ZaruenMakai
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This isn't a new trend for MMOs and it's not Bioware's fault. Many core gamers race to complete the content as fast as possible and then leave to play other games, it happens. I know it's frustrating for guild leaders, I've been in that situation several times. The best I can do is appeal to their sense of guild loyalty. I tell them that if they all jump ship at once, the guild will fold and they'll have nothing left to come back to when there is new content. I find that weeds out the selfish core gamers that aren't worth building a guild around anyways because they'll leave as soon as they think there's something better out there anyways.


The fact is, core players will always exhaust content faster than a developer can create more of it. Expecting the employees to work massive overtime to satiate your appetite for new content is completely unreasonable. These people work long hours already and EA drives their people as hard as any company in the industry.

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This isn't a new trend for MMOs and it's not Bioware's fault. Many core gamers race to complete the content as fast as possible and then leave to play other games, it happens. I know it's frustrating for guild leaders, I've been in that situation several times. The best I can do is appeal to their sense of guild loyalty. I tell them that if they all jump ship at once, the guild will fold and they'll have nothing left to come back to when there is new content. I find that weeds out the selfish core gamers that aren't worth building a guild around anyways because they'll leave as soon as they think there's something better out there anyways.


The fact is, core players will always exhaust content faster than a developer can create more of it. Expecting the employees to work massive overtime to satiate your appetite for new content is completely unreasonable. These people work long hours already and EA drives their people as hard as any company in the industry.


Wise words, wise words....

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Most of my guildies are playing other games - put it this way we now have a minecraft server, a BF3 clan and an Aion legion. We are still playing star wars but for now most of us are meeting up on mumble and staying in touch while we play different games as a guild. We're looking forward to 1.2 and plan to be back in force when it happens, but for now most of us who are still playing and haven't taken a complete SW break are levelling alts and crafting.


We got into raiding really early, and cleared all the content quite fast, but that's the way of it with new MMOs when you have a good, active guild. We're kink of becoming more of a muti-gaming clan but SW is still going to be our focus for the coming months and even though we may take occasional pre-patch breaks we're likely to be playing it for some time.

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I've seen your kind of post in countless mmos (free or sub ones), especially at the beginning. Mmo populations tend to fluctuate all the time, it's part of most mmo lifecycles. Personally, I prefer that they take their time and launch update 1.2 when they're 100% ready. We just have to wait 2 weeks and a half at most. Our patience will be rewarded for the upcoming years. :)


I know what you mean by fluctuations but this seems a little more drastic than coincidence. Also even when they launch 1.2 it won't be 100% ready. That is nothing new to Bioware. Look at EV at launch, and to this day it's not bug free.



You Release a Patch too early and it will be full of bugs and will have people complain.

You Release a patch too late and people will complain that they take forever and are trying to steal your money by making us wait.

You Release a patch at the right time and you still get people complaining.


What is the lesson here.

People like to complain

People hate change.




Baby Lalas!


Again when they launch 1.2 it won't be bug free. Look at the launch of this game, far from bug free and it was still so successful. People want the content, doesn't matter if there are a few bugs.



This isn't a new trend for MMOs and it's not Bioware's fault. Many core gamers race to complete the content as fast as possible and then leave to play other games, it happens. I know it's frustrating for guild leaders, I've been in that situation several times. The best I can do is appeal to their sense of guild loyalty. I tell them that if they all jump ship at once, the guild will fold and they'll have nothing left to come back to when there is new content. I find that weeds out the selfish core gamers that aren't worth building a guild around anyways because they'll leave as soon as they think there's something better out there anyways.


The fact is, core players will always exhaust content faster than a developer can create more of it. Expecting the employees to work massive overtime to satiate your appetite for new content is completely unreasonable. These people work long hours already and EA drives their people as hard as any company in the industry.


You are right we exhausted the content too quickly. I am not asking for more end game content I am asking for content that should of been in the game at launch. Guild banks? Combat logs? Seriously how were these things not included in launch. Combat logs alone would keep me happy for a month.


Sorry your guild can't seem to hold peoples interest, don't see how this is BWs fault.


As I said in the original post, they are still in the guild just not playing anymore. So yes it is BioWare's fault that they can't keep subs interest for more than a couple months. Go troll somewhere else.


Most of my guildies are playing other games - put it this way we now have a minecraft server, a BF3 clan and an Aion legion. We are still playing star wars but for now most of us are meeting up on mumble and staying in touch while we play different games as a guild. We're looking forward to 1.2 and plan to be back in force when it happens, but for now most of us who are still playing and haven't taken a complete SW break are levelling alts and crafting.


We got into raiding really early, and cleared all the content quite fast, but that's the way of it with new MMOs when you have a good, active guild. We're kink of becoming more of a muti-gaming clan but SW is still going to be our focus for the coming months and even though we may take occasional pre-patch breaks we're likely to be playing it for some time.


You are right I need to broaden my horizons more. Maybe I will try to get some people back in to League of Legends. Good input :)

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I've seen your kind of post in countless mmos (free or sub ones), especially at the beginning. Mmo populations tend to fluctuate all the time, it's part of most mmo lifecycles. Personally, I prefer that they take their time and launch update 1.2 when they're 100% ready. We just have to wait 2 weeks and a half at most. Our patience will be rewarded for the upcoming years. :)




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As I said in the original post, they are still in the guild just not playing anymore. So yes it is BioWare's fault that they can't keep subs interest for more than a couple months. Go troll somewhere else.


No, it's not. It's yours. Keep your members more interested by actually playing with them, and helping eachother. Recruit low levels, and help them up to yours. Get them active in pvp.


So many ways to keep your guys interested besides endgame.

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Oh no~~ people are still subscribing but not on as much!!! BW, fix!


I mean, really? They're releasing major new content every couple of months.


People have lives, and the game is new. It's huge for a new game, so it took a little while for people to finish everything they came here for, but now, they're off doing the rest of their life. BW *is* fixing, you see. There'll be new content next month. And every few months... Lots of new stuff.


The only thing that can sink this game is the people giving in to short attention spans and throwing themselves overboard.


*hands you a brick and a chain* You first.

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Not the Devs fault everyone play MMO's 80 hours a week, and now cry, there is nothing left to do! I guarentee All the codex findings are not 100%...


But anyway, these are silly posts we will see now until the game goes offline...enjoy.

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Same thing on many servers. A vast majority float between standard and light anyway, go to any server grouping forum and almost all have same complaint. The content is quick and laughable, I mean who would have thought the main reason I log on to SWTOR is to PVP? I mean no reason to even leave fleet, the Codex upgrades hardly work, space combat dailies are done in less then an hour.


Then you get what I thought would be a good idea to keep people on server with Legacy. So what to they do? They basically make all legacy crap buyable with credits anyway making Legacy pretty much pointless. Allowing people to jump all over. To say it is not a companies fault though I think is wrong. Tired of the response to server queues first week to be more servers...people jump to a new one because they cant meet up with friends then a week later when all servers die down they go back leaving the other server a ghost town. Tired of bending to impatient players who wont last anyway. Suck it up and wait in queue and be happy your server is full. I mean a week in and all the queues were gone on majority of servers. I love when my server has a queue first week i get excited...if you are so impatient that you cant wait for a queue chances are you arent very hardcore and you will probably move on for other games anyway so just pick a non queue server and enjoy.

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