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The rakghouls aren't scary.


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They're sith-spawned mutants engineered by a Sith lord seeking to rule over an army and find a way to cheat death [like lots of Sith do]. This isn't Walking Dead. It's a Star Warsvideo game.


Personally I'm annoyed at the whole "infectious zombie" plot butchering everything in pop culture nowadays. It creates things like this OP. Look at vampires... butchering them created Twilight--THAT'S horror. Walk into a zone filled with half-naked werewolf teenage boys and Edward flies out of nowhere professing his love to me. I'm screaming like a woman all alone at my computer, neighbors think a little girls being murdered next door. It's emasculating, I don't want it.

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Why is it that in game they talk about the rakghouls being such a threat capable of turning you into a monster by spreading a contagious disease yet our character seems to be immune?


I can dive into hordes of rakghouls and have them beat on me yet the worst I get is a debuff that reduces my health by 1-5%.


How do they explain my character unable to turn into a rakghoul? Seems awfully convenient I am the only one immune to the disease apparently...


I was just replying a private mail about by character changing appearance cus of the Dark Side Tier II cus I thought I had gotten a bug in the game that made my character look terrible after I did the infection quest. Didn't know I changed cus of the Dark Side. Anyway, in Rift there is this quest where you get infected and you have only so long to live. In this game I guess you could carry around a cure, and or if you didn't have one you needed to get back to the medic. Hell in Rift some guy even took out my kidney in a cave and I had to find a cure before I died. So yeh to that... But could it wait till I finished on the planet.... And er only the browny/orange ones infect you anyway. And I can gather a biochem item from their dead body.. Evil or what....


One other thing is that the grey or brown ones fight rotation is very predictable cus you get so long then they flatten you and thats when you get infected. So you would need to learn how to take down the heavier mobs before the slam....


PPS I have gotten some nice blues and even a purple off the elites.... That one on the path by where you get the Datacron is a good source.

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Excellent, lets ask for permadeaths in this game. Or better yet, you'll be a rakghoul forever! You would never get of Taris but at least you will be able to make other people unhappy by turning them as well.


Nice hyperbole. That's not at all what I was asking if you read the thread. I just want it to be a little more believable and not just my-t00n-is-immune-to-evrything-cause-hes-a-hero!!!11


Maybe let me get infected with a 8 hour timer to get it cleansed. If not I turn into a rakhghoul and some npc walks up and shoots me. After that I could spawn at a med center and continue playing as normal back to my old self. Make sense?

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Yea man and how come i can run around hoth naked without freezing?:rolleyes:


You get an injection with an anti-frost serum when you arrive on Hoth. The NPCs say something along the lines that the dose can get renewed at each outpost.

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This isn't Walking Dead. It's a Star Wars video game.


Even then, it could work in the Star Wars Universe because I'm pretty sure an Organization would experiment or accidentally create a Zombie Plague.


But yeah, truly so far the closest to "Zombies" to have existed in Star Wars, next to Rakghouls and the Brain Worm (sort of) would be the Death Troopers Incident


You get an injection with an anti-frost serum when you arrive on Hoth. The NPCs say something along the lines that the dose can get renewed at each outpost.


Us Chiss laugh in the face of those that need the use of a "serum" to handle the coldness :p

Edited by Altyrell
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Wouldn't it be cool if they infected you, and then you couldn infect other people, and then those people would infect others as well as NPCs, and it would even spread to the Imperial Fleet (and Republic counterpart)...yeah.


Wow has already done that.

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So, you want fear from a video game? You want a rush from the fear you get from a video game?


You're doing it wrong ...


Knowing that your character would leave a corpse behind, with all your gear on it, and that you would have to run back to it naked to loot your own stuff... was bringing something close to fear to the players. A failed raid could mean hours of corpse recovery, and multiple deaths (with exp loss) on the way. (Everquest 1)


Driving a tank for up to an hour, to get to the front line in WWII Online, knowing that a well placed anti tank gun or a bomb, or even a sneaky sappper could one shot you... (WWIIOL, aka Battleground Europe)


Yes fear of death is possible in a video game... just not popular.

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