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What is your legacy name and why did you choose it?


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Because I wanted something that could work with both factions, and light or dark side characters. And in a game with 'Star" in the title, astronomical terms are Win.


Most of the time I display it as "the Nova" legacy. Except on my Scoundrel, who I made her first name to be a cheesy play off of it. So my Smuggler is a cute little red head named "Captain Starri Nova"


It's so cheesy I smirk every time I think about it.

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Stormraiser.. Its star warsy and all the other names i wanted were taken. I can understand unique first names as identifiers. But for gods sake bioware legacy names should not be unique. Never get any of the names i want grrrr. You end up walking around with names like douchen mcdouchenheimer because the name raziel or something else cool is always taken.
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I have one character so I guess the legacy thing doesnt do much for me but I enjoy having a last name its more realistic.


My name is Kharjo Fizar. Kharjo is a name listed in the recomended names for Male Khajiits in Oblivion. Later it was actually used by Bethesda as a name for an NPC companion character Kharjo in Skyrim.


I got the name from the name list from the oblivion guide book way back and have used it before. My last name (Legacy name) is Fizar. The reason I chose it was to well match my first and now still only character Kharjo.


Fizar is the last part of the last name of the Khajiit leader of the blackwood company in Leyawin, Cyrodil in Oblivion. The full name was too long so i took the last part Fizar and it goes really well with Kharjo both being Khajiit names.


I really love Khajiits and Khajiiti lore and Elder scrolls 4 oblivion is one of my favorite games of all time. The last character I made was a Khajiit stealther named Kharjo.


In skyrim I named my first and only character Kharjo also a stealther who dual wielded now. I discovered bethesda took my name for an NPC and so I had Kharjo folow me around after completing his quest and there you had it Kharjo and Kharjo. So Fizar is my legacy name and that is how I came up with it.


Many Khajiits in elder scrolls are criminals, mercenaries and or just evil. My character is a dark side merc so I just love my name I am really happy with it.

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Legacy name: Darasuum (pronounced da-rah-soom)


It comes from the Mandalorian language (also known as Mando'a) and translates into 'Forever'

Used this to fit with the first name's of my toon's also taken from Mando'a


Narir'dral - (pronounced 'nah-reer draal') - translation 'To act Strong'

Narir'oyayc - (pronounced 'nah-reer oy-aysh') - translation 'To act Alive'


Piece them together and it all fits quite well i think.

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My legacy name came from my Greek side of the family. Our last name is Agriostathes, so i just used the front of it and it works great. Most people on my server know my legacy name.




Rykkazz Agrios

Belorr Agrios

Odyss Agrios

and more...

I love my Legacy name.

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Cer - Goddess of violent deaths in ancient Greece - I thought this fit a sin dps

Zurvan - an ancient god of infinity/omnipotence - good name for an agent I felt

Izhaera - name I always use for my off race (alien, not human/elf) tank


Legacy - al-Raqis - "the dancer" in Arabic also the original spelling of Arrakis which Dune fans should know of.

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Arrkyle is my Legacy name, i chose it because it came off as something unidentifiable with many cultures and languages, its not too odd of a name maybe even unique.


Kagetsu Arrkyle~


Sexy :D

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