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What will your spec be post 1.2 if you don't cancel


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I'll be trying out Iron Fist, or a variant thereof. I never played it before, but I like the idea of big crit rocket punches. Hard to test on the dummy though, we need a dummy that can attack us to proc rocket punch and see actual dps.


Other than that I've been playing the usual 4/6/31 pyro build. It still does good damage (I match my dps pre 1.2 of 400-600 in warzones). That is with only champion gear(before I played in rakata), so I think when I am geared up it will be pretty good and I'll get some 500k games in again.


I don't like the changes to pyro though. I don't really care about dps, but I enjoyed the playstyle of pyro before. Now it feels forced, and restricted by a silly cooldown. Before it was fun, free and had a flow that YOU dictated, not an internal cooldown.

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I run Powertech/Pyro Build that is 5/5/31 and I do just fine in most isntances and PVP. Do I top all the charts...nope...But Im not fully geared in rakata or anything like that. I have Good lvl 51 number 23 mods in all my orange gear from running dailies on Belsalvis and Ilum. I still get invited to groups, still run HM FPs, still do all PVE content except Operations cuz my guild isnt big enough yet to have a constant group to run them.


But point is Nerf SMerf....I still get through content fine...still provide my DPS roll to my teamates and still sit in the middle of the pack in Warzones, wich is where I was before patch, So yeah maybe your build isnt pulling all the numbers it might have been. Tweak your build a bit and continue on your merry way. As long as you know how to play your style you are specd for and your fellow groupmates do ok with theirs too there shouldnt be an issue getting through the game on any level.

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I fully intend on playing my PT and on keeping my account active no matter what.


These aren't nerfs, bringing an overpowered class into balance with the others is called "balance", want to play OP? Go play a single player offline game and download a character editor.


Pre 1.2 the majority of the classes one saw in PvP were Telekinetic Sages, Snipers, and Mercs... I just find it absolutely hilarious how the mentality of "Going to take my toys and go home" seems to creep in.


No single 1 subscriber's $15 a month is any more important than anyone else, no single 1 subscribers enjoyment is more important than the next, to put on a tirade such as this is akin to saying that one doesn't care about the overall game, the enjoyment of everyone else, so long as one gets their way on how "they" want to play.


In this, all I can really say is "Adios" the game will continue without you and potentially be much more enjoyable for others without logging in every 2-3 days and seeing a threatening /ragequit post on these forums.

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My point here is, if you were already displeased with the game from the very start, unsub and find something else. Because nothing is going to change that, not continuing to play and definetely not adding yet another post to the endless list of whiney posts that are already here.


I think the point of these posts are that people were not displeased with their class until the patch hit. When we had a small, albeit useful, niche that suddenly got gutted, I don't think it's uncalled for to complain about it. I also think it is positive for people to not feel like they are alone, and to form a discussion involving their displeasure with said changes. I mean, if BH all got buffed would you criticize everyone who got on to say how much they like their class because there's too much enthusiasm on the boards?

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Why do you posters keep assuming Sorcs aren't getting nerfed? Go look at their forum posts. My Sorc has two BIG nerfs that took all the fun out of playing the class. My level 50 Bounty Hunter is also a has been. In fact, SWTOR will soon be a has been.


As for posters who call me a whiner, I play for fun, when a game is no longer fun, I'm gone. Simple as that. And, I have a right to gripe if I want to. So there! :p

Edited by Cryshal
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I'll just cancel my sub. Bioware went WAY to far with the nerf, and then they also buffed one of the strongest classes marauder and sentinel, and they did NOTHING to the most OP of them all Assassin and shadow lol.... Bet bioware's kids plays these classes. Edited by DEuZZ
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morons, the nerf completly ruins pt pyrotechs.... 6 seconds to proc railshot.... ***. now we are *********** worthless


im running pt pyro after 1.2 and just as i expected it works even better now more constant procs instead of having a round of bad luck and dying due to it because you overheat and nothing is proccing so who is the moron now

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I have a level 50 Arsenal merc, with a few points in pyro and healing. I don't see a problem. I still can back up heal when i need to, and the tracer missile nerf really isnt bad. Just adapted to the changes and moved on. I may not be happy with the DFA reduction, but I can understand it. Anyone who didnt see the BH nerfs coming were blind. Before, my BH could pretty much deal with whatever came my way with Mako healing me. Now I have to be a tad more careful with what I attack. TBH, ragequitting over nerfs is kinda silly. When things get nerfed, somewhere down the line, they might get readjusted. Iveseen it happen in LOTRO and COH. And the changes don't seem overly drastic to me.
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I am still playing a PT tank spec after the patch and none of the changes bother me.

Balancing the classes is always an ongoing process, which won't be completed in just a few patches.


Off topic - I still can't understand people, who are "bragging" about canceling their sub. Are you trying to get some kind of approval, trying to make the snowball roll or just advertising for other games? Quitting over a loss of interest or enjoyment is fine by me, but why do you want us all to care so much? Are you trying to scare Bioware and make them undo the nerf? :D

Edited by MarcoG
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Im glad people are continuing to play, I cant be arsed. I will stay until my sub runs out then go find something else to occupy my time. I really cant justify paying a sub when I have no interest playing gimped classes. Good hunting all, Run fast and shoot straight.
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