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Vette and 1.2 Global Companion Unlocks


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Yes, I can imagine Vader tolerating her behavior. Can you imagine Vader needing a shock collar to implement his will? LOL. You talk about inspiration, but please tell me where Vader ever has need of a shock collar, haha. The fact that you want to keep it on her makes for a [expletive removed] poor imitation of Vader to say the least. It proves impotence on your part.


So because the system limits us from playing like Vader, it's okay to limit us from playing like Vader. Your logic is circular.


(You also don't explain why you think Vader'd tolerate her, so you'll forgive me if I don't find that unsupported argument persuasive.)


Is it really ad hominem if it's stating a fact?


Since your opinion is fact, apparently, and feel that personal attacks can replace respectful discussion, there's little point to continuing conversation with you.

Edited by MaterTenebrarum
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Vette = Gault = Andronikos = alll range dps companions


Its not game breaking and the companion bonuses are neat at best, they are not game changing, stop crying.

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Except you don't, because you're not reaching full potential on any given character otherwise, thus leaving out the full benefits. Each character has five companion slots, which can yield benefits, even if the slot's already been reached on the server.


Its not game breaking and the companion bonuses are neat at best, they are not game changing,


Never said otherwise, just that in 1.2, the legacy system assigns a penalty to not being nice to Vette in a class that should've been designed to where being nice to anybody was not the default option.


stop crying.


I'm not. I asked a question, laid out my reason for asking it, and I've even made suggestions for improving the situation. I've also been pretty explicit that I don't expect such a resolution anytime soon -- the earliest we'd see new dialogue is probably a year away at best. I just feel that BioWare's made a mistake here, and am explaining why.


If offering constructive criticism is equivalent to crying for you, I fear that you must have some frustrations in dealing with anyone's opinion that differs from your own.

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What alternative could bioware really provide though..should you choose to play like Vader and not free Vette, wouldn't that mean that she'd just be your slave servant, and thats the end of her story? hah, I mean they could have a side story lined up that would make it interesting, but its hard to base things like that on one complete decision..tbh, i didnt free Vette and i didnt know of any of this till i read this thread, and honestly im still not bummed by it hah, also even though I think its cool that you aspire to play like Vader, not every Sith Warrior has to be like Vader..Malgus himself had a twi'lek lover I believe
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Originally Posted by Tadshackles


Except you don't, because you're not reaching full potential on any given character otherwise, thus leaving out the full benefits. Each character has five companion slots, which can yield benefits, even if the slot's already been reached on the server.



Still you seem to be in a pretty deep rant because you chose to play your sith warrior in a certain manner and that is keeping you from a tiny, non game changing, Presence boost.


No degree of correctness in the way you expose your arguments keeps this from being a huge overreaction to something that, for starters, has a math solution:


IF PresenceBonus > ROLEPlayingTheToonYouEnjoy => Free Vette


IF ROLEPlayingTheToonYouEnjoy > PresenceBonus => Just shut up.



Edited by Urkanan
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So because the system limits us from playing like Vader, it's okay to limit us from playing like Vader. Your logic is circular.


(You also don't explain why you think Vader'd tolerate her, so you'll forgive me if I don't find that unsupported argument persuasive.)



Your logic is equally circular. If the system limits you from playing like Vader, then why is a very non-vader option (shock collar) somehow more vaderish than the alternative option?


Ultimately you're going to have to make a roleplay leap to cover why you would tolerate not just her, but any companion. This is not anything unique to Vette whatsoever. Try telling Quinn you don't want him assigned to your crew and see how far you get. I told him that maybe I'd use him as a human shield and he still joined gleefully. The only way to keep him off my ship is to give up all advancement on my class quests. Obviously I had to suck it up and take an option I'd never have taken to continue.


The RP leap in Vette/Vader case: He finds her skills highly useful to his goal, and uses fear, not the shock collar, to keep her doing his bidding. Not all that different from when he hired Bounty Hunters.


Taking off Vette's collar is such a minor speedbump that its silly to even make a fuss about it. Especially since all your shock collar conversation options get replaced with "Shut Up Vette" options. You get constant ways to treat her badly in the personal conversations that happen after.


Unlocking her collar is no different than giving gifts to a companion you hate to get their affection dialogue. Its poor Roleplay either way. My Warrior can't stand Quinn, but if I want his bonus I need artificially raise his affection, or man up and accept the penalty for my RP choice. I chose the latter. I need nothing from him.


Would Vader shower gifts on his officers to improve morale, or not care that people don't like him? Like the fun math equation in the previous post more simply shows, with each and every companion you have to make some choices between Roleplay and benefits. Not just Vette.

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Whoever said anything about having her love me? I'd be fine with her at -10K. I just don't care for the notion that a Sith Warrior gets straightjacketed into bowing to their slave's will if they want the full benefit of the character. I just don't see why BioWare, who took pride on letting players have control over the story, would set up Vader's class to something like this, with no alternative story that'd fit the archetype.



You keep bringing up Vader. I gotta ask. Where did you get the idea that the Sith Warrior's personality is based off on Vader's ?


You make a toon, you give him / her the personality you want. You're not supposed to play him / her in any specific way.


What Darth Vader would or wouldn't do with Vette is irrelevant. And no one knows. You want to humilliate and torture one of your female companions ? Fine, do so. That's you, the player, not the Sith Warrior class. Just don't hide behind Vader. It's sad...

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A players character personality is based on whatever they feel like basing it on, I don't think anyone else can, or should dictate that. Moreover; it is especially inappropriate to insult them over it - which is what I'm getting from some of the people here in this thread. Edited by ProsaicProse
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From http://mmo-mechanics.com/news.php?article=1-2-legacy-system-preview#2:




At present, if a player chooses not to free Vette, her storyline derails into an infinite loop of her asking for freedom, which many Sith Warrior players feel, for a variety of reasons, is not appropriate for their SW (or, for that matter, Darth Vader, the iconic character upon which the class was based). As of 1.2, this goes a step further, and not freeing Vette provides a clear mechanical penalty.


To my knowledge, Vette is the only companion who forces a player into a "right" choice to continue their storyline, even if the choice is diametrically opposed to everything else the player's character would do. Is BioWare going to address this, or are Sith Warriors who cleave too close to the ideal going to remain penalized for it?


Wait... so you can either RP or Min/Max, but you can't do both? Omg... the horror!

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So because the system limits us from playing like Vader, it's okay to limit us from playing like Vader. Your logic is circular.


My logic isn't circular. It's reality. Perhaps that's your problem? You're NOT playing like Vader by keeping her collar on. You can try to convince yourself of this lie, but don't fault the game for your inability to emulate a non-Vader character.


(You also don't explain why you think Vader'd tolerate her, so you'll forgive me if I don't find that unsupported argument persuasive.)


For one, she's a skilled assassin. She's been in prison for it. I believe she's assassinated something like 15 people if memory serves. But I'm sure THAT won't be enough to convince you because you really want a torture sim, as evidenced by your other telling thread on this subject.




Since your opinion is fact, apparently, and feel that personal attacks can replace respectful discussion, there's little point to continuing conversation with you.


Yes, and your emotional attachment to this argument reveals more about you than it does about any supposed flaw in the game. It doesn't DESERVE respectful discussion. Thought you'd figured that out by now.

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I don't understand where everyone keeps mentioning it is 'vader-like' to have slaves. Snaking himself was a slave, and wanted nothing more than to free his mother from slavery. So I find it a stretch to somehow claim vader was a slave monger.
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Wow great question man, I freed her on my mara simply cause i like to max companion affection, but people who either heavy RP or just want to stay true to their class do seem to be gimped by this.


i wouldnt really say there gimped since its legacy and you cant use it in warzones and operations anyway


i mean,killing mobs is srs business

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