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Dungeon Finder ?


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I have seen this mentioned as a topic that was brought up at the Guild Summit. Does anyone happen to have a link to further detailed information beyond it is something planned and will not be cross server? Something from someone like a developer or the part of the summit where it was actually spoken about via transcript or video? I have searched but can find little beyond the simple base facts.


This mechanic needs to be in place and a priority plain and simple. Anyone that argues otherwise is either on a high pop server and/or has a lot of friends playing on the same server (or a troll just looking to start drama w/some pseudo fail logic to explain or dismiss the concept). I pay to play socially and it simply sucks when I know that there are other people out there wanting the same thing but due to me being on my ship or a different location I miss out on grouping. At peak playtime hours for my server, on the weekend, it can take an hour or more to get a simple fp together or not happen at all due to people becoming tired of sitting around.


I feel like I am playing an Easter egg hunt or a find Waldo now adventure at times. This is not fun and I know I am not alone here on this topic. I love the game and know that it is going through growing pains, I don't plan on unsubbing like many I know any time soon...but this should be implemented soon. Least that is my two cents on it.

Edited by MrJohnson
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I have seen this mentioned as a topic that was brought up at the Guild Summit. Does anyone happen to have a link to further detailed information beyond it is something planned and will not be cross server? Something from someone like a developer or the part of the summit where it was actually spoken about via transcript or video? I have searched but can find little beyond the simple base facts.


This mechanic needs to be in place and a priority plain and simple. Anyone that argues otherwise is either on a high pop server and/or has a lot of friends playing on the same server (or a troll just looking to start drama w/some pseudo fail logic to explain or dismiss the concept). I pay to play socially and it simply sucks when I know that there are other people out there wanting the same thing but due to me being on my ship or a different location I miss out on grouping. At peak playtime hours for my server, on the weekend, it can take an hour or more to get a simple fp together or not happen at all due to people becoming tired of sitting around.


I feel like I am playing an Easter egg hunt or a find Waldo now adventure at times. This is not fun and I know I am not alone here on this topic. I love the game and know that it is going through growing pains, I don't plain on unsubbing like many I know any time soon...but this should be implemented soon. Least that is my two cents on it.



They already stated that they're adding some sort of tool for FPs and Heroic Quests, but I'm not sure how it will work yet. I do know that it will be same server, which leads me to believe that free server transfers will be implemented at or near the same time.


It will likely be a 1.3 addition in 3 or 4 months.

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They already stated that they're adding some sort of tool for FPs and Heroic Quests, but I'm not sure how it will work yet. I do know that it will be same server, which leads me to believe that free server transfers will be implemented at or near the same time.


It will likely be a 1.3 addition in 3 or 4 months.


At least it further insight into their thought process on this concept, thank you. If anyone has a link to developer commentary on it I would appreciate it greatly but thanks for the positive info guys.

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This mechanic needs to be in place and a priority plain and simple. Anyone that argues otherwise is either on a high pop server and/or has a lot of friends playing on the same server (or a troll just looking to start drama w/some pseudo fail logic to explain or dismiss the concept).


Why is it so hard to assert an opinion without throwing out insults at those who disagree with you? Also, change is coming, you just have to be patient.

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What kills me is people always think that huge tracts of the playerbase are just waiting to run some more dungeons for loot they don't need just as soon as it can be x-realm. If the content out of dungeons in this game was meaningful enough, we would never see posts like the OP's outside of an occasional server shunned bad. Edited by Vlaxitov
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Personally, I think same server grouping is much better than x-server. And no, I am not on a highly populated server. I say this because reputation for ones character is held to a higher degree if grouping on the same server; by lessening the chances of wanting to ninja loot with worry of reprisal etc. It will also strengthen relationships among players on the same server. You will find players you like grouping with more than others and eventually your friends list will start growing. Wait times might be longer but I dig it!
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I really do not want a cross-server LFG tool in this game.


It damaged the social element in the WoW hugely as people just sit and wait inside cities waiting for the tool to get them the group. When they do get in a group, at most you will get is a "hi" and "bye". There is absolutely zero communications between players required for either getting a group or during the instance as everybody knows what to do and it's simple. Even some miracle happens to occur and you manage to actually socialize with another person in that group, it is futher hindered by the fact that person will most likely be on a different server.


Socializing and making acquaintances/friends is just as important in an MMO in my opinion than leveling or gearing. WoW took away that element of the game by taking communication between players to an absolute minimum.

Edited by anaz
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I really do not want a cross-server LFG tool in this game.


It damaged the social element in the WoW hugely as people just sit and wait inside cities waiting for the tool to get them the group. When they do get in a group, at most you will get is a "hi" and "bye". There is absolutely zero communications between players required for either getting a group or during the instance as everybody knows what to do and it's simple. Even some miracle happens to occur and you manage to actually socialize with another person in that group, it is futher hindered by the fact that person will most likely be on a different server.


Socializing and making acquaintances/friends is just as important in an MMO in my opinion than leveling or gearing. WoW took away that element of the game by taking communication between players to an absolute minimum.


I could not agree more. Although the Everquest is basically dead now after 13 years running; in my opinion the grouping aspect has never been matched by any other game. This MMO has the opportunity to do the same.

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I really do not want a cross-server LFG tool in this game.


It damaged the social element in the WoW hugely as people just sit and wait inside cities waiting for the tool to get them the group. When they do get in a group, at most you will get is a "hi" and "bye". There is absolutely zero communications between players required for either getting a group or during the instance as everybody knows what to do and it's simple. Even some miracle happens to occur and you manage to actually socialize with another person in that group, it is futher hindered by the fact that person will most likely be on a different server.


Socializing and making acquaintances/friends is just as important in an MMO in my opinion than leveling or gearing. WoW took away that element of the game by taking communication between players to an absolute minimum.


Agree 100%

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What kills me is people always think that huge tracts of the playerbase are just waiting to run some more dungeons for loot they don't need just as soon as it can be x-realm. If the content out of dungeons in this game was meaningful enough, we would never see posts like the OP's outside of an occasional server shunned bad.


I am talking about same server dungeon finders, never said anything about x-server. I simply would like to see a tool so I can find groups easier on my own server instead of fruitlessly trying for and hour or more at peak hours. Simple enough.

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