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Bountry Hunter and Mercs super OP VS Maurader


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If anything, it's Gunslingers and Snipers that are strongest to counter marauder. Mercs and Troopers are fairly easy in most situations once you have all your defensive cooldowns (1v1, that is); but yes, the fact that Tracer/Grav rounds cannot be evaded can really shorten your marauder's lifetime.
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Go to the Marauder forum. There is plenty of help there. Build, rotation and tactical advice.

Marauder is not for everyone, but if you take the time and learn your class and the ones you are trying to kill it gets easier.

Edited by Badlander
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you play a marauder/sentinel: you eat any other class ni 1on1 and you can do it pretty fast and you can jump to everywhere. you can also slow others, stunn them even if you have to stand still yourself, it can save the ball carrier and help him escape towards the goal line!




And you are getting a buff. Only Juggs rage specced can stand against you and we are getting nerfed (I play vengeance). It seems as if Mara/Sent are going back to pre release OPness.


To the OP: Marauder actually takes a bit of skill. I have lvl 50 merc/Juggs/Mara Juggs is the most satisfying but Mara takes a little more skill to roll people; against good marauders My Juggs gets rolled. Against average ones and below I kill them but just barely.

Edited by Foenixz
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You do realize each class has it's own pro's and con's correct? Each class also has its strengths and weakness versus various classes. Do some research and learn to use all your tools before you cry to nerf everyone you have trouble against. I swear I have never seen such a big group of people crying since Sephiroth killed Aerith.
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Arsenal mercs have a significant edge over any melee class in Huttball. Start on top of a ramp. If melee jumps to you, Jet Boost. If they somehow get back, Rocket Punch them down and now they can't do anything. Good melees will avoid Mercs when they're set up in a optimal position like that since it's really hard to get position on a class with 2 KBs. They'll rarely leave their good position to participate on either D or O, and if they do a Marauder certainly has no problem fighting one on flat terrain.
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Arsenal mercs have a significant edge over any melee class in Huttball. Start on top of a ramp. If melee jumps to you, Jet Boost. If they somehow get back, Rocket Punch them down and now they can't do anything. Good melees will avoid Mercs when they're set up in a optimal position like that since it's really hard to get position on a class with 2 KBs. They'll rarely leave their good position to participate on either D or O, and if they do a Marauder certainly has no problem fighting one on flat terrain.


we have a significant edge over melee classes ON CATWALKS. you said it yourself, on flat ground we are not getting away from anything. that leaves us with a tactical advantage on 1 of 3 maps, so who wins overall?

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