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Why do people lack creativity when creating their characters?


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I was in the 2/3 Armored Cavalry Regiment. The vast majority of my platoon was the SWTOR 3rd body type. It was not because we lacked creativity and wanted to look iconic lol. The nature of the job and the physical training requirements were the reason for the body type 3s. If we were body type 4s then we were made to go on a diet and do extra PT until we looked like body type 3s. If we looked like body type 2s we were made to eat more a do extra PT until we looked like body type 3s. Body type 1s were cooks :) (Not really but it was rare to see a body type 1) The reason the look is iconic is because it fits the character type. Could you imagine Justin Beber playing Rambo?



I get it though, your edgy and cool. Cant put no label on your rebel ***. You just have to "express" your self at every given chance. People must know that you are different! Your all like "Hey SWTOR world, look at this here orange skin, LOOK AT IT YOU SHEEP!"


I hate to tell you this, but nobody gives a ****. People create their characters how they want them to look, end of story. It does no matter if its not creative, its what THEY want. Your thread was just made so you could tell people how different and creative you are, its sad.


Plus I see tons of fat Sith/Jedi running around with names like Fuzzy McDoodles. I see Warriors rocking sand people gear and Guardians decked out in trooper gear. Dont act like SWTOR is one big cookie cutter universe. I wish you could hear your self ramble on with this nonsense.



I agree with the OP, too much lemming in the player base. It reminds me of middle school playground where everyone wants to be one of the cool kids. rofl


I admit I'm not perfect my moniker and my main is named in honor of my old Orc Hunter. ;)

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Lol. When I was in the Corps, the Tank Battalion was always a slew of big 'ol boys. Thank you for your service brother.


lol same to you. My recruiter told me artillery guys caught a break on PT! I spent 3 months in AT learning how to operate that damn tank. When I finally made it to Fort Carson they told me my Company had been converted to MPs. I spent the next 6 months learning how to clear rooms lol. I guess there was not a big need for Howitzers in Iraq. I wish that damn recruiter gave me a heads up lol.

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lol same to you. My recruiter told me artillery guys caught a break on PT! I spent 3 months in AT learning how to operate that damn tank. When I finally made it to Fort Carson they told me my Company had been converted to MPs. I spent the next 6 months learning how to clear rooms lol. I guess there was not a big need for Howitzers in Iraq. I wish that damn recruiter gave me a heads up lol.


Heh, that recruiter was running you good. I was one of those "artillery guys". LONG time ago though. Got out in 95. I was an arty FO. We did LOTS of PT.


I am older now and my legs want to cramp at the memory. I better go grab a soda!

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You know.. in my 13 years of MMOs I have never once seen a Sephiroth/Cloud/Drizzt/Legolas knockoff.


I've seen millions of terrible names but never the ones portrayed as such.



You've never seen one? Wow. I want to know what servers you've been on. XD I see far too many unoriginal knock-offs of other names.

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I agree with the OP, too much lemming in the player base. It reminds me of middle school playground where everyone wants to be one of the cool kids. rofl


I admit I'm not perfect my moniker and my main is named in honor of my old Orc Hunter. ;)


And like in middle school there were the non-conformist trying to be cool by not conforming lol. Dont you get it? You try just as hard to be different as everyone else trys to be the same. The whole reason for the OPs thread was to show how different he/she is. Like you said, it reminds me of middle school.


Nobody cares what other peoples characters look like. And for the ones that do... well its kind of middle schoolish wouldnt you say?

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Cause not everyone plays the way you want them too.


When i create my characters its mainly due to viability in pve content, now this is not really an issue in SWTOR.


However, i only bother to put emphazis on char-creation if im going story mode. And so far my bounty hunter which i decided to do this with is level 13 hehe. If i want to play story mode ill play a single player game with 10 times as good story as this has.

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Heh, that recruiter was running you good. I was one of those "artillery guys". LONG time ago though. Got out in 95. I was an arty FO. We did LOTS of PT.


I am older now and my legs want to cramp at the memory. I better go grab a soda!


Yeah, I must say I like eating junk food and playing MMOs a lot better than 5am PT. Good riddance armed services!

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Oh ok I'm rolling an orange sith then.


Just kidding.


SWTOR's character creation screen is a disappointment at best. People are not getting any fun playing with it.


I created a post TBC character in WoW in 45 minutes.


My both SWTOR characters took 10 mins half of which was name selection.

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And like in middle school there were the non-conformist trying to be cool by not conforming lol. Dont you get it? You try just as hard to be different as everyone else trys to be the same. The whole reason for the OPs thread was to show how different he/she is. Like you said, it reminds me of middle school.


Nobody cares what other peoples characters look like. And for the ones that do... well its kind of middle schoolish wouldnt you say?


Quite the conundrum wouldn't you say? By your definition everyone is a lemming, conformist or non-conformist. :rolleyes:

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I just go with what I think looks the best. If everyone else is doing the same thing, so what? I'm not going to go for a look I don't like as much just to feel different. If certain skin tones and/or body types are more popular that's just how it goes.
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Quite the conundrum wouldn't you say? By your definition everyone is a lemming, conformist or non-conformist. :rolleyes:


Not everyone, there is the all important 3rd type of person... The one that does not give a **** lol. I never gave a thought about how creative/uncreative peoples characters were. I just done care, why would any adult? You play the game to have fun, you create your character how you like, what else matters?

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Speaking for myself, I mainly picked the Reddish skin type for my Sith PB because I liked the way it looked the best. I didn't much care for any of the other skin tones.


When it comes to making characters, for me, it's really about what appeals to me the most. I could care less about the "iconic" look. I look at all the options available, and choose the look that suits me best. I've often thought "outside the box" when it came to picking customization options for my characters (I have recently considered making a Silver-Grayish skinned Chiss instead of the "iconic" Blue skin tone, though I currently do have a Blue-skinned Female Chiss Operative).


For example, in SWG, I had a regular skin tone on my Zabrak female (instead of the whole "Darth Maul" Red skin look). However, in this game, I think the Red skin Zabrak faces look better than the plain skin tone ones, mainly cause I think the tattoos are much better looking (the Pub side tats are kind of lacking).


You could probably also ask why most Sith Twileks (if not all of em) are Red-skinned. Quite frankly, to many, it's actually the best looking skin tone of the bunch (and not just an "iconic" choice). As a matter of fact, a lot of Pub players were actually mad that they couldn't choose this skin tone.


As for the the Troopers, on my server I've seen quite a lot of the Body Type 4 ones, which always amused me (those poor out-of-shape bodies having to lug around that huge assault cannon while running...Heart attacks waiting to happen...lol).


At the end of the day, it really boils down to what each player likes the best. Some may choose to go for the "iconic" look, while others might look at all the options first to find what works best for them. How people choose to make their characters look shouldn't affect you in any way, shape or form. After all, we're all entitled to our own ideals and opinions, aren't we?

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Can't speak for everyone but, when I created all eight of my characters on my early launch day, I went with what I found aesthetically pleasing (as much as could be with the limited options.)

The only one in hindsight I'd probably do different is the yellowish skin tone I chose on my Twi'lek. Looked okay when I made her but, doesn't go that well (imo) with the armors she so far has had (only level 20 tho.)


Still a shame to me that a game like Saints Row 2, which came out in Oct'08, had TONS of character customization and your character appeared in the cut scenes as you made them while this game lacks so much of that.

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Just because a choice is popular with a lot of people doesn't mean it wasn't a creative or imaginative idea. You're making quite the logical fallacy when you say it is.


There is no correlation between creativity and popularity.


You are only correct if you assume the person creating their character has not seen what is popular. If you log in first with, say, a Twilek and see red sith with red hair all over the place and then make one that looks just like it, that is NOT creativity, and you are influenced by what you saw and were unable to do something unique. Therefore, to say there is no correlation isn't entirely true.

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Not everyone, there is the all important 3rd type of person... The one that does not give a **** lol. I never gave a thought about how creative/uncreative peoples characters were. I just done care, why would any adult? You play the game to have fun, you create your character how you like, what else matters?


Then you think as I do. Unfortunately, I suspect the bulk of the subscriber base doesn't fit in this category otherwise you wouldn't see so many sephiroths and drizzts running around.

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Can't speak for everyone but, when I created all eight of my characters on my early launch day, I went with what I found aesthetically pleasing (as much as could be with the limited options.)

The only one in hindsight I'd probably do different is the yellowish skin tone I chose on my Twi'lek. Looked okay when I made her but, doesn't go that well (imo) with the armors she so far has had (only level 20 tho.)


Still a shame to me that a game like Saints Row 2, which came out in Oct'08, had TONS of character customization and your character appeared in the cut scenes as you made them while this game lacks so much of that.


Very few games, even current ones, have the customization that Saints Row has. All games have things that they do extremely well, and Saints Row did customization extremely well. With that said, Saints Row got a lot wrong as well. You cant get mad that GTAs driving is not done as well as Forzas driving. You cant get mad that Mass Effects shooting is not as good as CoDs shooting.

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Then you think as I do. Unfortunately, I suspect the bulk of the subscriber base doesn't fit in this category otherwise you wouldn't see so many sephiroths and drizzts running around.


If you thought as I do then you would not defend the OP. I do not get the drizzts and sephiroths reference.

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Funny. I made my first Pureblood the other day, choosing the lightest skin tone I could and smallest body frame available. It was a total roleplay build, since she was born and raised a slave. It seemed to me a slave would've had a more deprived and / or difficult childhood, with malnourishment and overall mistreatment to contend with. I was hoping to capture that as I created my character, so she's just plain tiny, scarred, and her skin is more "sallow" than the normal Pureblood would be.


I'm waiting for Legacy to hit before I make her twin brother, stolen away when he was still an infant and raised by the Jedi. He will be healthier than his sister, so I imagine his skin might be a darker red-tone. But I hate body type 3 and 4, so I'll most likely leave him at 2. Healthy but not Terminator, shrug.


Not sure I'd label my character creation anymore creative than someone else's, though. I have a story stuck in my head. It's mine. I respect other people have different stories and styles in their heads. That's fine by me. So long as each person is happy looking at that particular face during the cutscenes, it's all good, imo.

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Actually you're wrong, being different in many ways IS being creative.


Creativity - the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.


"Meaningful" is the operative word there. Applying deliberate techniques to create something specific and definable. Most who try to do this get carried away in the pursuit of creativity and only develop random obnoxiousness and try to fool the simple minded into believing that something creative is in their presence.


Being different just for the sake of trying to be creative isn't necessarily a good thing. Just because nobody else dyes their arm pit hair green, does not mean that you doing it will be any indication of your superior creativity, it just makes you an idiot.


Subtlety and simplicity are often the best approaches to creativity. Too often people go to the extremes, well beyond anything I would consider creative.

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