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Trooper Commando is the worst pvp character ever...


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Why do commandoes and mercs cry so much about interrupt?


Let's say my interrupt comes up every 12 seconds. It locks you out of grav/tracer for 4 seconds. So, you grav, grav, (I am already down 5-6k hitpoints)I'm finally in range to interrupt you, I interrupt, you can now use ANY OTHER SKILLS FOR 4 SECONDS, like, I don't know, heal yourself maybe? Shoot with auto attack a few times, whatever. Now, you have 8 seconds of grav/tracer spam that I can't do anything about. At 2800-3200 damage a hit, who is going to survive another 8 seconds of this?


The problem most grav/tracer players have, is they are idiots that get stuck in the one button mentality. They sit there, pounding on that button for 4 seconds, doing nothing but getting pounded on. One comm on my server has geared himself with a ton of alacrity. His grav rounds go off at a rate of 1.08 seconds. In 8 seconds, how much damage is that, while the opponent is waiting for that interrupt to come back up? Sure, they can stun you, knock you down, whatever. But guess what, this works to stop abilities of *ALL* classes, not just commandoes. No one can use abilities while face down or stunned, so let's stop pretending interrupt is oh so bad for the turret classes.

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I love playing my gunnery-spec'd commando. Of course, life is much better if an awesome healer is keeping me in the game.


Truth be told, most classes take me down in 1v1, and I don't think it's entirely because I'm a noob. So if I get noticed, I pop a concussion charge or cyro grenade and displace.

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Why do commandoes and mercs cry so much about interrupt?


Let's say my interrupt comes up every 12 seconds. It locks you out of grav/tracer for 4 seconds. So, you grav, grav, (I am already down 5-6k hitpoints)I'm finally in range to interrupt you, I interrupt, you can now use ANY OTHER SKILLS FOR 4 SECONDS, like, I don't know, heal yourself maybe? Shoot with auto attack a few times, whatever. Now, you have 8 seconds of grav/tracer spam that I can't do anything about. At 2800-3200 damage a hit, who is going to survive another 8 seconds of this?


The problem most grav/tracer players have, is they are idiots that get stuck in the one button mentality. They sit there, pounding on that button for 4 seconds, doing nothing but getting pounded on. One comm on my server has geared himself with a ton of alacrity. His grav rounds go off at a rate of 1.08 seconds. In 8 seconds, how much damage is that, while the opponent is waiting for that interrupt to come back up? Sure, they can stun you, knock you down, whatever. But guess what, this works to stop abilities of *ALL* classes, not just commandoes. No one can use abilities while face down or stunned, so let's stop pretending interrupt is oh so bad for the turret classes.


You're a shadow. Many interrupts are 8 seconds, and some specs go down to 6 seconds.

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You're a shadow. Many interrupts are 8 seconds, and some specs go down to 6 seconds.


Knights/warriors go to 6, yes. And many are 8 seconds, this is true. Let us do the math with those, also, if you would like. 8 seconds means you get 6k-8k damage output in 4 seconds every other 4 seconds. During the 4 seconds you are locked out, you can full auto, heal, whatever.


Yes, I know that knights are going to be a pain, but if they leap to you, interrupt you, and you knock them back 50 freaking feet, then heal, then start the spam again, their leap is not back up yet, so even though the interrupt is off of cooldown, they are too far away to use it on you for another 2 seconds.


Now, if the talent for sorc/sage worked on their lockout debuff, I could see them as being a real problem. Locking you out for 6 seconds would be nasty. But, at least on my sorc, the talent is broken, and does not increase lockout to 6 seconds.

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...strafe strafe strafe strafe strafe? Is that hard? Does that mean I should be paid to play? :p


Im gonna say your full of crap.. TO many classes have a snare. That same dumb ***** snare does NOT go towards resolve bar. SO kiting people are is damn near bu llsh it when in a 1v1. Unless someone stuns or slows the class chasing its really dumb.


On a side note Commando/BHmercs arent good at 1v1. In fact I think they are the worst. They are a support class that needs help to perform well.

Edited by Orcron
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Lol I gotta just say to the arsenal/gunneries out there.. you're not being interrupted even the majority of a warzone. In those times, you can explode pretty much anything in 5 gcd's or less. It's just like a sorc or BW in warhammer, you have to constantly have attention paid to you or people will die. I'm not even gonna explain how I feel about ars/gunns in the op/up department, just that you're very powerful if played properly, and shouldn't be complaining.
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Stop. Just Stop. He wrote "Concussive Round" twice. "Concussive Round" and "Concussion Charge" are two completely different abilities.




Concussive Round has a 2 second cast time, just like he said.


...and with all the splash AoE damage going on in PvP, I hardly see how casting that is even worth the two seconds, unless there is a noob healer standing way back from everyone...

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L2P. Commandos are awesome.


Thank you. I live in terror of a commando/BH Merc PvP nerf. If there is a L2Play way to imterupt us, so be it. Fair is fair. I like my heavy armor and good ranged damage.


If anything they reskinned wow a little too closely making melee too wimpy, would a City of Heroes-like scrapper class be too much to ask for? Jedi/Sith I mean.


But leave my commando and merc alone kthxbie.

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Lol I gotta just say to the arsenal/gunneries out there.. you're not being interrupted even the majority of a warzone. In those times, you can explode pretty much anything in 5 gcd's or less. It's just like a sorc or BW in warhammer, you have to constantly have attention paid to you or people will die. I'm not even gonna explain how I feel about ars/gunns in the op/up department, just that you're very powerful if played properly, and shouldn't be complaining.


Powerful if left alone but bad if on the run. Poor escape moves/defenses.

If left alone yes I agree powerful. But as designed they are a support class an if someone team wise leaves em be to unleash well thats the teams fault.


On a side not the 1.2 changes I do not find it to be a nerf. In fact I find it to be a buff slightly. But thats on paper reading w/out playing the PTS

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...and with all the splash AoE damage going on in PvP, I hardly see how casting that is even worth the two seconds, unless there is a noob healer standing way back from everyone...


The AoE is thrown on people that group up too much. I love when people do that. Mortar Volley + Hail of Bolts and like 3 people die.

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I just kill you first because I despise Comm/Mercs If you're not annoying me with TM/GR spam you're rolling an overpowered healer spec that can't be interrupted. So I make it a habit to kill you, regardless of whether it benefits my team or not.


every two minutes they're immune to interrupts for 12 seconds.


that is far from can't be interrupted :p

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Here is my take, and I welcome any thoughts:


When I started playing SWTOR, I had NO knowledge of PVP and I solely created a character (commando / gunnery) for my PVE game. Once I got to LVL 50 the only thing to do was PVP. I found out the hard way that a Gunnery Commando is almost always dead in a 1v1 scenario. Actually I don't think I've ever won a 1v1 now that I think about it.


In WZs it's 50/50: if you play with a good cast of characters the gunnery commando is just fine. Keyword being "fine". I consider the gunnery commando to be the "clean up crew", like going after enemies that are below 50%. If I have a tank and a healer nearby, the Imps feel the pain.


Now I have to take offense to the "spamming grav round" comments. I do agree the GR is a big part of the Commando rotation, but it's NOT the only command, nor the only one I use. The problem is (at least with the gunnery commando) a majority of your commands are from standing still. I actually use grav, full auto, demolition-round and impact bolt. Demo round and impact (along with the basic hammershot) can be used while in motion. For area, I use mortar volley, but that is a pure luck shot, but for close range I use pulse canon. I've run down a lot of Imps spamming hammer shot, demo round and impact bolt. So to say GR is the only command is just wrong.


I'm a pure gunnery spec so I have almost no healing, none that's worth a damn. I haven't read about the 1.2 nerfs, but if they in anyway reduce the amount of damage a commando will do in PVP, then it might not be a viable class in the future.


Here's the deal: the commando class is not flashy or heroic class when it comes to PVP. You basically are fodder for flashy "gwar" looking Sith to kill. However if you get a good support team, you can be the silent damage dealer off to the side that helps the team win. If you want to be a 1v1 superstar, pick another class...

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Here's my two cents.


80% of the rage is because you're bad at your class. For every person exaggerating about how their AC is the "worst ever" I can give you an example of someone who excels in that AC. My point? Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal evidence. At the least, play another class so you have something to compare to. If you don't have time to do that then tone down your QQ claims a bit since you know they're not objective in any way.


Now for the other 20%. Are certain classes more suited for 1 v 1? Yes. Are you playing 1 v 1's in WZ's? Maybe. Should you be? Sometimes, if they pissed you off enough. Should you only be doing that? Only if you don't care about winning the actual match.

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Here is my take, and I welcome any thoughts:


When I started playing SWTOR, I had NO knowledge of PVP and I solely created a character (commando / gunnery) for my PVE game. Once I got to LVL 50 the only thing to do was PVP. I found out the hard way that a Gunnery Commando is almost always dead in a 1v1 scenario. Actually I don't think I've ever won a 1v1 now that I think about it.


In WZs it's 50/50: if you play with a good cast of characters the gunnery commando is just fine. Keyword being "fine". I consider the gunnery commando to be the "clean up crew", like going after enemies that are below 50%. If I have a tank and a healer nearby, the Imps feel the pain.


Now I have to take offense to the "spamming grav round" comments. I do agree the GR is a big part of the Commando rotation, but it's NOT the only command, nor the only one I use. The problem is (at least with the gunnery commando) a majority of your commands are from standing still. I actually use grav, full auto, demolition-round and impact bolt. Demo round and impact (along with the basic hammershot) can be used while in motion. For area, I use mortar volley, but that is a pure luck shot, but for close range I use pulse canon. I've run down a lot of Imps spamming hammer shot, demo round and impact bolt. So to say GR is the only command is just wrong.


I'm a pure gunnery spec so I have almost no healing, none that's worth a damn. I haven't read about the 1.2 nerfs, but if they in anyway reduce the amount of damage a commando will do in PVP, then it might not be a viable class in the future.


Here's the deal: the commando class is not flashy or heroic class when it comes to PVP. You basically are fodder for flashy "gwar" looking Sith to kill. However if you get a good support team, you can be the silent damage dealer off to the side that helps the team win. If you want to be a 1v1 superstar, pick another class...


Grav round spammer refers to one of two things:


1)people who spec full gunnery and never use things like demo or full auto on CoF procs. (doing it wrong)


2)hybrid cm/gunnery that replaces charged bolts (primary attack) w/ grav round to benefit from the current bug of grav round debuffs from multiple sources stacking.


Type 1 = easy to kill because they don't live up to full potential.


Type 2 = annoying, but should go away post 1.2


Those of us who play gunnery right pwn face, and will continue to do so post 1.2.

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I have two war hero toons, and sadly one is a BH merc. When the new game began a few months back, it was unclear to me the relative value of each class with regards to pvp. I rolled a BH as my alt because I liked the armor models and it's fun to blow stuff up. However, Merc BHs are possibly the worst class in 1v1 pvp, as they lack strong defense and they are too easy to shut down. Their weaknesses are not always apparent in group play because if postioned well they can appear strong if left alone.


I guess I should have abandoned the BH toon a long time ago since I do enjoy pvp, but I still like the armor models and its kind of fun playing an underdog class against other players. I have to admit that I chuckle each time someone loses to me 1v1. Against decent players, frankly I don't stand a chance unless I can use the terrain to my advantage. Sometimes, I get lucky. IMO BW should give mercs a little bit better defense to balance them better.


In the meantime, I wish I could change over to PT-pyro w/o having to re-roll.

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I have two war hero toons, and sadly one is a BH merc. When the new game began a few months back, it was unclear to me the relative value of each class with regards to pvp. I rolled a BH as my alt because I liked the armor models and it's fun to blow stuff up. However, Merc BHs are possibly the worst class in 1v1 pvp, as they lack strong defense and they are too easy to shut down. Their weaknesses are not always apparent in group play because if postioned well they can appear strong if left alone.


I guess I should have abandoned the BH toon a long time ago since I do enjoy pvp, but I still like the armor models and its kind of fun playing an underdog class against other players. I have to admit that I chuckle each time someone loses to me 1v1. Against decent players, frankly I don't stand a chance unless I can use the terrain to my advantage. Sometimes, I get lucky. IMO BW should give mercs a little bit better defense to balance them better.


In the meantime, I wish I could change over to PT-pyro w/o having to re-roll.


Yeah, 1v1 I don't expect much, but that isn't why/how I pvp anyway.


If someone trys to 1v1 me, I just kite em back to my healer :)

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Obvious Troll. I played a Commando to level 34. One of the strongest PvP classes in the game....almost to the point of being OP. You want a hard class? Go play a Sniper.


Sub-50, you're totally wrong. Snipers are noticeably more powerful than Mercs (bordering on OP) at lower levels. Mercs are by far the least mobile class in the game (which is a major problem in PvP). They're significantly less mobile than Snipers, even considering Snipers' reliance on cover. Snipers at least have instant attacks they can use when moving between cover points. Mercs don't have any instants that aren't a huge waste of resources, on long cooldowns, or too weak to be useful.


I agree with a lot of the posters in this thread who note that Mercs are excellent if left alone (which mostly means they're supporting an organized team), but that they're relatively weak 1 on 1 or whenever they're under fire (outside of the 12/120 seconds that they can pop their cooldowns).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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