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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Too many stuns in this game (pvp)?


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Yeah, with the points you mentioned there, they don't HAVE to remove stuns, but just make them harder to cast and have shorter durations. (i feel so silly whenever i get stunned and lie on the ground rolling around <-- what stun is that?)


I don't mind the amount of stuns that much. But all stuns/roots should break with damage. Also I would like an answer to the above question as well.

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mezzes alone will still make a nealry pure dps race. you need both to have some complexity. beside of this mezzes only would mean that you need to remove all kind of dots or do you want to make dots not breaking mezzes?


system is very fine as it is.


No they are much more tactical, because you have to think about who you mezzing and any splash damage rather than "stun and burn".


And DoT breaking mezzes is perfectly fine, and indeed the point, which again makes things much more tactical.

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The point about how players aren't paying attention to resolve, and the point on how players aren't timing their stuns is very relevant to a certain warzone - Huttball. It's so common for players in Huttball to stun the 'ball-handler' so many times such that by the time the 'ball-handler' is on his way to score his resolve bar is already filled up (and I hate how I can't even knockback - not stun - a player on full-resolve); it just reflects on how resolve isn't working because players aren't ever going to pay attention.


Guess I'm one of the very few ones that actually pays attention then.

I mean you could also cc or push away the people that guard/heal the ball handler.

CC, root, snare focus the healer,(no heals for the ball handler), knockback people off the platforms(so they can't get back unless theyre a warrior or jedi), pull the ball handler with a harpoon of the platforms. That players aren't paying attention to resolve isn't a fault of resolve, if I can manage all these things I mentioned above so can everyone else.


Is it a pain in the *** in huttball? Yes it is, but so is easy scoring by just leaping and pulling around that the force users can do. Heck even the simply throwing around of the ball can be considered OP if your team does it well. I even joked yesterday in 6-0 win huttball for us, were I said it's like our characters have huge hands, because you simply have to throw the ball in a wide area and the member closest to it catches it (thats the strength or weakness of it) I don't have to aim precisely on a team mate for it to land where I want it. I could go to the sides of the platforms instead of going through the obstacle course on either side and get pulled by a fellow Sage,

(guardian leap if on guardian) or just pass it.

To be honest the DR system were you try to fear or whatever for like about 4 times and the target becomes immune works so much better, but then again theres even more ccs stuns there. Also more classes though. :p

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Guess I'm one of the very few ones that actually pays attention then.

I mean you could also cc or push away the people that guard/heal the ball handler.

CC, root, snare focus the healer,(no heals for the ball handler), knockback people off the platforms(so they can't get back unless theyre a warrior or jedi), pull the ball handler with a harpoon of the platforms. That players aren't paying attention to resolve isn't a fault of resolve, if I can manage all these things I mentioned above so can everyone else.


Is it a pain in the *** in huttball? Yes it is, but so is easy scoring by just leaping and pulling around that the force users can do. Heck even the simply throwing around of the ball can be considered OP if your team does it well. I even joked yesterday in 6-0 win huttball for us, were I said it's like our characters have huge hands, because you simply have to throw the ball in a wide area and the member closest to it catches it (thats the strength or weakness of it) I don't have to aim precisely on a team mate for it to land where I want it. I could go to the sides of the platforms instead of going through the obstacle course on either side and get pulled by a fellow Sage,

(guardian leap if on guardian) or just pass it.

To be honest the DR system were you try to fear or whatever for like about 4 times and the target becomes immune works so much better, but then again theres even more ccs stuns there. Also more classes though. :p


Based on my experience, people seem to prefer the stun button over the the much more effective 'push over the ledge' button; then they get surprised when their stun doesn't give them enough time to kill the target.

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Why must all stuns be 4 seconds?

they aren't! many are only 2s

Why is Resolve so bad?

its fine

Why don't roots affect Resolve?

because sentinels/marauders and guardians/jugg would be totally out of control!

Why must everyone and their mothers have instant, AoE knockbacks?

not everyone has a knockback and especially not everyone has it instant.

Why is so much CC AoE (Flashbang, Awe).

to actually give the fight depth and not only stupidly spam damage skills to win the dps race

Why is most CC instant and almost unavoidable?

because it would be useless otherwise :rolleyes:


but a question for you:

why are so many people that obviously do know shi.t about the game they are talking about complaining about it?


most complains would resolve on their own if these people instead would start to learn how this game works.


Even addressing two of those points would make PvP A LOT more enjoyable.


no it wouldn't. not even for you. maybe for a short time playing a sentinel you wuold enjoy pawning everyone as a nonstoppable damage machine but i bet even you would get bored after some time.


to make this all more fun it would be 1000000000000 times more usefull that people like you shut up and start to understand how it works and most important:


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Based on my experience, people seem to prefer the stun button over the the much more effective 'push over the ledge' button; then they get surprised when their stun doesn't give them enough time to kill the target.


Tell me about it! I know common sense is pretty much dead these days, but I'd hope that after playing several wzs people would well suck less. I'm not expecting them to be pvp gods, but seriously some people I know they could do much better it's just....

Or I go damn, got pushed into the acid pit or the fire vent.

Heck even the air vents occasionly blow you into the fire vents.

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While I do think there are way too many CC's in this game, you do have to have some. Also the number of CC's wouldn't be so bad if resolve actually worked.


So many times I'm carrying the ball with a full resolve ball and I still get CC'd. No idea how this happens.


One thing is sure, they won't remove CC's from the game or adjust them most likely, they're too lazy. What they could do is adjust resolve to increase more quickly or stay active longer. That seems like an easy fix that would go a long ways towards fixing "stun wars".

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While I do think there are way too many CC's in this game, you do have to have some. Also the number of CC's wouldn't be so bad if resolve actually worked.


So many times I'm carrying the ball with a full resolve ball and I still get CC'd. No idea how this happens.


One thing is sure, they won't remove CC's from the game or adjust them most likely, they're too lazy. What they could do is adjust resolve to increase more quickly or stay active longer. That seems like an easy fix that would go a long ways towards fixing "stun wars".


In my experience snares and roots still work or attacks that have slowing components like Telekinectic Throw. If your Resolve Bar is completely white like I mentioned earlier you're completely immune to stuns, like cryo grenade, force lift, knockbacks, flashbang, force stun and so on. You become suseceptible to those once your full white bar is zero, if eople throw their cyro grenade or whatever at you while its still going down youre still immune.

Ive noticed my cryo grenades and force stuns not working when someones resolve bar is almost full as well, like it cant handle it because its overkill. (normally a force stuns makes an empty bar full)

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I agree with most of you here, I don't mind the stuns but why they came up with a stupid system like "resolve" is beyond me.


But jug/guardian push ability and stun when they leap are the most annoying thing ever.

Edited by heikaze
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Perhaps. it's just that i can't get into a fight without being stunned for half of it... doesn't this annoy you guys?


it annoyed me before i learned to play....


you try to play like in other games ignoring the different rules/dynamics. your fault!

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I'd like to see some sort of immunity after your CC breaker is used also. Nothing crazy, like 2 sec or something. Too many times I've used it just to be CC'd again immediately.


actually this might be a good idea, though 1 or 1.5s would be enough. but actually it is not really much needed. you just need to wait 1-2s before using your cc breaker because in such grp fights you'll eat more than one stunn anyway, even while you are already stunned. hence you get immune ;)


people won't be able to coordinate stunns so well that they actually chain it. 2 or at max 3 stunns (depending on their duration) and you are immune.

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The real problem in this game is the resolve system. It blows. If it doesn't prevent stun locks then it's a total and utter failure. The resolve system is more than happy to let you get stunned 3 times in a row and die while stunned with a full resolve bar. That's a clear and obvious design flaw. Either increase the amount of resolve gained from each stun, ESPECIALLY ones that allow people to hit you while you're stunned, or make it so all CC breaks when the resolve bar fills up. Also, add roots to resolve. Roots are devastating to melee classes and this game has tons of them. Roots attached to knock backs are especially stupid. Fix resolve and the effect of over-abundant CC in this game won't be so obvious. As it stands now, resolve is infinitely worse than a simple diminishing return system.
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The real problem in this game is the resolve system. It blows. If it doesn't prevent stun locks then it's a total and utter failure. The resolve system is more than happy to let you get stunned 3 times in a row and die while stunned with a full resolve bar. That's a clear and obvious design flaw. Either increase the amount of resolve gained from each stun, ESPECIALLY ones that allow people to hit you while you're stunned, or make it so all CC breaks when the resolve bar fills up. Also, add roots to resolve. Roots are devastating to melee classes and this game has tons of them. Roots attached to knock backs are especially stupid. Fix resolve and the effect of over-abundant CC in this game won't be so obvious. As it stands now, resolve is infinitely worse than a simple diminishing return system.


i disagree: stunns already increase resolve bar far enough. you may want that mezz icnreas it more than now but ... well we could discuss this.


but do not add roots to resolve!


which melee classes are you talking about? sentinel/marauder? are these really in a position to complain?


scoundrels/operatives? without way to get distance to them many classes are dead meat after getting surprised from stealth.


or do you mean guardians/jugg? good played with the right pvp build you rarly can root them when you actually need to.


i do not see any issues here.

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The point about resolve only filling up when you're dead or near dead is so true based on my experience. It makes resolve so useless.


I'm just not used to how stuns are used so indiscriminately in SWTOR - no one bothers timing it or anything, it's just stun whenever it's not on cooldown; and if I'm not mistaken, EVERY class has some form of stun in this game, which just makes it that much more likely you'll be faced with a stunlock situation.


This is so spot on it's not even funny. Every stun has essentially no setup to use or anything and has a short cooldown. There's also not even a way to remove them outside of your cc break. For whatever reason they decided dispels need to be next to pointless, given that about every single stun and even some roots and other effects aren't classified as any spell type. While it's nice every 2 minutes when I can break a stun when 3 sorcerers all decide to open with their electrocutes from 30 yards and give me full resolve, when they do it again a minute later I just have to eat the full stun even if I have a friend standing next to me facepalming at their waste.

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The point about resolve only filling up when you're dead or near dead is so true based on my experience. It makes resolve so useless.


I'm just not used to how stuns are used so indiscriminately in SWTOR - no one bothers timing it or anything, it's just stun whenever it's not on cooldown; and if I'm not mistaken, EVERY class has some form of stun in this game, which just makes it that much more likely you'll be faced with a stunlock situation.


Because resolve is broken.


Even if you white bar resolve, the immunity is almost inconsquential to the player. As someone with a CC immunity skill I see it all the time. I also CC a lot. If you are trying to get out of an ugly situation resolve doesn't work. You'll get rooted once you get immunity as every good player knows. Ha. He just burned that breaker. Root.


Everyone know it. White bar. He's moving root that sucker.


Heck its in the resolve guide above.


So you get stun, stun White bar half health, cc breaker. root. You can hope for heals/cast them, but honestly your likely dead.


If your a GS you lose all your main dps skills. You cannot kb. You cannot shield as it requires cover. So your taking massive dmg rooted. I get root tons by good players who see cover screen. I look forward to 1.2 fixing this issue for me.


Then you have slows. Aka lightning. This freaking garbage slow that does nothing to resolve really is a joke. After a few jolts As in half way through your resolve should be filled.


I also agree that the CC breakers in this game are just about useless.


If you go white resolve that should be an immediate CC breaker. Thus giving everyone a free breaker.


Its a fun factor issue. There is to much of the stun/slow/root/mez/cc all over the board.


I think its just not as fun to play. Add more kb/pull/push. That is fun. Slowed down and unable to act isn't fun.


That is my two cents.

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As a Jedi Knight I tend to start with my leap, which stuns for a second, then I do a quick sunder for 2 stacks, leading into Force Stasis, damaging and holding the enemy stunned for a few seconds, then after another sunder stack (now to 4) I use Force Push, Blade Storm, and then leap again after the push knockdown has expired, and repeat.


In this way, I can not only stun lock someone, but move them in any direction I want.


I love my Jedi Knight so much in PvP, however there is always a Sith who has the same idea :(


Isn't Force Leap more of a root than a stun?

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There is too many knock backs and stuns in this game, that cripple for way too long, by the time you can recover your already dead anyway. Also Another thing that should be stopped, is how players can run in rings around you, so you cant face them (Not facing the enemy) to either target them, or fire at them, this is so much an obvious exploit.


I have had this done countless times to me, and they some how can still get the damage in to your toon, even though you cant even lock on them to fight back. This game, as it is, stinks, PVP is a joke. (Mainly at our expense)

Edited by dronepilot
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There is too many knock backs and stuns in this game, that cripple for way too long, by the time you can recover your already dead anyway. Also Another thing that should be stopped, is how players can run in rings around you, so you cant face them (Not facing the enemy) to either target them, or fire at them, this is so much an obvious exploit.


I have had this done countless times to me, and they some how can still get the damage in to your toon, even though you cant even lock on them to fight back. This game, as it is, stinks, PVP is a joke. (Mainly at our expense)


"running rings" around you is in no way an exploit. It's a strategy to always be at your back for exactly the reasons you stated.

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