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Honestly, what this game lacks for me is immersion into the world(s).


General Environment:

  • Starport furniture is now accessible for players to interact with.
  • Cantina furniture is now accessible for players to interact with.
  • Signs have been placed around the galaxy for guiding players.
  • Added hundreds of new filler NPC's in Cantinas, Starports and open world areas.
  • Courascant and Nar Shadaa has had a significant boost in roaming, stationary and interactable NPC's. Planets will feel a lot more busier.
  • Weather effects will now persist on all planets.
  • Night and Day cycles have been applied to all planets. (Cycle will go from Morning to Day to Evening to Night. Sky will slowly change over the course of the cycle).
  • Fixed a lot of the Holo Signs and signage in general on Nar Shadaa, Courscant and Corellia to be more unique and pleasant to look at.



  • Fixed all bugged codex entries and re-introduced planet achievement titles.
  • NPC's have been added on Dromund Kaas and Courascant for players already level 50 for bugged codex entry acquisitions. Entries are purchased from the vendor one at a time to prevent system lag. There is no cost.


Character Appearance:

  • Option added in Social to choose whether to show freckles or hide freckles.



  • A more interactive and highly customization space section has been inserted into SWTOR that which reflects JTL from Star Wars Galaxies exactly.
  • Cybertech profession can now craft Space parts based on lvls 1 - 10. Cybertechs can also RE looted space parts.
  • Smuggler's space mission from past missions are now tweaked to smuggle stuff and get by.
  • Bounty Hunters are now meant to attack specific bounty targets.


New Player Content:

  • Pazaak and Sabaak is now accessible for players to interact with. You gain half the social points you normally would per play. Visit any local Cantina to invite players for a quick game.
  • Made the Chess table at every Cantina interactive and playable with both companions and players. You may also challenge local NPCs to the game (only withing the Cantina). Gain half the usual social point. Visit any Cantina to play.
  • Swoop Bike Races have been added to some planets. Due to Swoop Races being an underground event you must discover the locations yourself. Happy hunting, racing, and bidding! Half the usual social points will be gained when interacting with players only!
  • Introducing new medical centers! Players will recieve 1 social point for buffing another player inside these medical centers! (Player must not have buff already applied. A player cannot continuously rebuff a player to grind Social Points as their is a 5 minute debuff for each player you buff. You must wait 5 minutes to apply your buff to an individual you have already buffed). Medical centers will hopefully soon become a central hub of gathering for players to form groups for heroics and/or Flashpoints and operations.


Just a little something I thought of at 4am EST while playing. It'd be nice to at least have the codex entries all fixed..

Edited by Nerifes
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Honestly, what this game lacks for me is immersion into the world(s).


General Environment:

  • Starport furniture is now accessible for players to interact with.
  • Cantina furniture is now accessible for players to interact with.
  • Signs have been placed around the galaxy for guiding players.
  • Added hundreds of new filler NPC's in Cantinas, Starports and open world areas.
  • Courascant and Nar Shadaa has had a significant boost in roaming, stationary and interactable NPC's. Planets will feel a lot more busier.
  • Weather effects will now persist on all planets.
  • Night and Day cycles have been applied to all planets. (Cycle will go from Morning to Day to Evening to Night. Sky will slowly change over the course of the cycle).
  • Fixed a lot of the Holo Signs and signage in general on Nar Shadaa, Courscant and Corellia to be more unique and pleasant to look at.



  • Fixed all bugged codex entries and re-introduced planet achievement titles.
  • NPC's have been added on Dromund Kaas and Courascant for players already level 50 for bugged codex entry acquisitions. Entries are purchased from the vendor one at a time to prevent system lag. There is no cost.


Character Appearance:

  • Option added in Social to choose whether to show freckles or hide freckles.



Just a little something I thought of at 4am EST while playing. It'd be nice to at least have the codex entries all fixed..


I wish these would be the 1.2 patch notes! I can live without the freckles though ;)

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A lot of good ideas, but I will chime in against adding to many NPCs.


While it would be immersive, it would also cause huge headaches for those with older machines, or who are just having random problems with frame rate as it is. It could also make things extremely confusing in areas that are supposed to be crowded like Nar Shadda.

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A lot of good ideas, but I will chime in against adding to many NPCs.


While it would be immersive, it would also cause huge headaches for those with older machines, or who are just having random problems with frame rate as it is. It could also make things extremely confusing in areas that are supposed to be crowded like Nar Shadda.


Time to gear up their PCs then, it´s 2012 and game specs should reflect that. Perhaps there could be an option though for low end machines.

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Time to gear up their PCs then, it´s 2012 and game specs should reflect that. Perhaps there could be an option though for low end machines.


A simple solution for those of us with the money and/or tech savy to do so. But gaming is no longer the sole domain of the tech minded hardcore PC user.


A lot of people buy their computers pre constructed, and have no idea how to upgrade their machine without buying a whole new one. They barely understand things like "system requirements".


If they want to add things that greatly increase the demand on people's machines, they MUST have an option for it not to be there, easily accessible by joe casual.

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A simple solution for those of us with the money and/or tech savy to do so. But gaming is no longer the sole domain of the tech minded hardcore PC user.


A lot of people buy their computers pre constructed, and have no idea how to upgrade their machine without buying a whole new one. They barely understand things like "system requirements".


If they want to add things that greatly increase the demand on people's machines, they MUST have an option for it not to be there, easily accessible by joe casual.



Are you really sure that MMO players are not tech savy? I mean TOR is not Angry Birds or something, it´s a pretty complicated and "nerdy" genre. Perhaps BW should start polls on which kind of systems we actually have.

Other games simply don´t care about it and require to get a new bleeding edge graphics card, which is the other extreme. But only optimizing for the low-end rigs is also wrong.


If the engine gets optimized it should work to add interactive NPCs (not in warzones of course, but in stations, friendly areas, etc.)

The game´s got horrendous framerates in Warzones sometimes, even on my high-end PC with solid state drives and up to date graphics card.

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General Environment:

  • Starport furniture is now accessible for players to interact with.
  • Cantina furniture is now accessible for players to interact with.
  • Pazaak and Sabaak is now accessible for players to interact with. You gain half the social points you normally would per play. Visit any local Cantina to invite players for a quick game.
  • Made the Chess table at every Cantina interactive and playable with both companions and players. You may also challenge local NPCs to the game (only withing the Cantina). Gain half the usual social point. Visit any Cantina to play.
  • Swoop Bike Races have been added to some planets. Due to Swoop Races being an underground event you must discover the locations yourself. Happy hunting, racing, and bidding! Half the usual social points will be gained when interacting with players only!
  • A more interactive and highly customization space section has been inserted into SWTOR. All previous space missions are now treated as space simulations and may be found in the meeting rooms of your ship for further use. Happy flying!
  • Smuggler's space mission from past missions are now tweaked to smuggle stuff while Bounty Hunters are now meant to attack specific bounty targets.
  • Signs have been placed around the galaxy for guiding players.
  • Added hundreds of new filler NPC's in Cantinas, Starports and open world areas.
  • Courascant and Nar Shadaa has had a significant boost in roaming, stationary and interactable NPC's. Planets will feel a lot more busier.
  • Weather effects will now persist on all planets.
  • Night and Day cycles have been applied to all planets. (Cycle will go from Morning to Day to Evening to Night. Sky will slowly change over the course of the cycle).
  • Fixed a lot of the Holo Signs and signage in general on Nar Shadaa, Courscant and Corellia to be more unique and pleasant to look at.
  • Custom droids at space-ports now have a small chance of stopping you for smuggling prevention reasons. Smugglers have a larger chance of being caught for smuggling at local space-ports by custom droids. Any off-world (looted) item(s) may be trigger a security event. Smuggle well!
  • Smugglers may now acquire various smuggling missions at local Cantinas thanks to us being influenced by episode 4 - The scene with Han Solo & Chewie smuggling Luke, Obi-Wan, and the two droids off Tatooine. Droids are now on full alert at all planetary space-ports!
  • Bounty Hunters now have a Bounty Board to hunt both PVE and PVP targets. PVP targets must either flag themselves on PVE servers or will automatically be flagged on PVP after reaching level 15/20. Any complaints may be taken to either the Head of Kaas or the Senate of Coruscant.
  • Players now have the ability to sit at most seats scattered all across the universe. Rest up!



  • Fixed all bugged codex entries and re-introduced planet achievement titles.
  • NPC's have been added on Dromund Kaas and Courascant for players already level 50 for bugged codex entry acquisitions. Entries are purchased from the vendor one at a time to prevent system lag. There is no cost.


Character Appearance:

  • Option added in Social to choose whether to show freckles or hide freckles.
  • Sith and Jedi now have the ability to hood-up or hood-down their hoods for role-play purposes.
  • All gear now retain their unique appearances, even when traded to another character or cross-faction. Enjoy role-playing with your favorite armor pieces!



There! I added some from my end. That would make my day ^

Edited by Subtrance
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