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patch 1.2 release date?


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The only time I have been disconnected is because I do not have the power supply I need for my video card. I run the game with 3gigs of ram and it runs smooth. Now I'm not big on how good a game looks just how much lag I get. I get a lot of lag in the PVP areas but I know thats due to not having enough ram. A new processor would also help that. But I ran the game on a friends new low end computer who had the same vid card as me and it ran smooth as can be. He has 4gigs of ram and an i3 intel 2nd gen with a 400w power supply. I've noticed a lot of guild mates that drop out is due to them being on wireless internet as well.


The game is freaking sweet man! Don't give up on it and WE NEED MORE PLAYERS ON TOBIN MAN! Our economy sucks. But that was my fault joining a low populated server because I got conned by an ex douchey friend! I do really wish a few weeks after 1.2 they will combine some low populated servers together. That will definitely help with cash on their end too!



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First of all I love the game and hats off to the developers. there is going to be problems and bugs that is any game what i have seen is a very active staff working on it. I for 1 am very anxious for the 1.2 patch. As for the ones having bad problems I do feel your frustration I started out on a bad laptop the lag was terrible I got so frustrated went out and bought a new computer and put a nice g-card in it I don't have those problems anymore grant you everyone don't have the money to do that I just urge you to try to find what solutions you can. This is a very good game but the more advanced games get the harder it is for out of date software to run them At the same time its not all your computers fault and the developers are working on it. I would like nothing better than a problem free game in the gaming world but its not going to happen never all flowers and butterflies that is a Jedi thing lol Jedi BEWARE THE SITH ARE COMING joking aside love seeing all here in the game Jedi and Sith alike
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Sorry OP, don't believe that the forum community makes up the majority of user experience. Even on my older laptop, while I had FPS issues I never had issues with DC's or crashes. And outside of a small login issue with one of my characters, game works fine for me.


As for patch dates, WoW never officially releaseed anything until at most, a day before. Now, you had hints like the PTR being shut down a couple of days before, followed by an announcement about extended maintenance times, but don't expect anyone to tell you a date until maybe 1-2 days ahead at most.

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well I am one of those people who only play 1 character, (got bored of seeing the same thing playing alts) and once i basically got my full bm gear + full rakata gear, i got nothing else to do. Gear up guildes? have for the past 2 weeks and now I am bored, i enjoy the game but i have unsubscribed until 1.2 comes out, Im afraid 1.2 will be at the end of april instead of this week like it should have been a month ago. No content = nothing to do = unsubscribe. I know they are trying, but it has reached a point of failing.


btw i can still chat with my guildies in mumble/vent while playing other games, so no to stay for your friends.


They could have fixed this if they actually force you to do a little grinding while leveling, I miss the days where an area would be crowded cause everyone is grinding for exp. I enjoy questing to lvl and it makes it easier, but sometimes i just want to sit there and smash everything around me with ease while chatting, doesn't happen here, since mobs don't actually drop anything good and you gain the same amount of exp on a 5 minute quest instead of 5 hrs of hitting mobs. .001% chance drop for something awesome would even be fine with me. mounts maybe?


playing on a macbook on bootcamp with 15 fps, some of you are just demanding too much with your graphics

Edited by SirWai
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I personally love this game and cant wait to continue playing with the new update. And to be honest in the total 70+ hours I've played SWTOR I've had about 1 lag spike/FPS decrease that only lasted a few seconds. I think what you need is a new computer friend.
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Ya gotta agree Ive had some disconnects but strangely always in warzones and always when im winning..oh and seems to be hutball. That is a suspect for me that something else is going on but thats up for Bioware to investigate.


For those who are having disconnects., please consider these questions


1)Are you using wireless?

2)How much RAM do you have?

3)How is your firewall and/or router setup?

4)What is your ISP, speed, type?

5)What programs do you have running at the same time as the game?



I work in IT support and yes all of these play a factor in your connection issues. Members of my guild play with laptops and they always always have more issues. Yes hardware can and does impact performace, Im sorry but that is just the plain fact. Your operating system, processor speeed, RAM, connection type and even the age of your system can and does impact performance of software. Try to keep this in mind when considering if you can or should attempt to play this game.

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And to be honest in the total 70+ hours


70 hours to making judgements about MMPROG(only in BIOWARE opinion) *facepalm*


This geme pretend to be an MMORPG, but it even not MORPG, it's somthing like COOP RPG in this cese yes - 70 hours is enought to judge :D

Edited by Keetsune
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When they've had a "Continual Crash" thread go 1000 posts and then 8 additional pages without a CSR response. Its safe to say some or much of the problem is not end-user.


I find it extremely difficult to swallow the, "Its not them its you" arguments when I crash simultaneously with a minimum of 3 other people while in huttball.


In addition, when an app crashes without producing an error log its very hard to troubleshoot and therefore it leads people to suspect a software issue, which I'm inclined to believe.

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I'm sure some people have legitimate disconnect issues while using machines that are good enough to play the game, but 90% of the people I've helped since the free beta weekends had really crappy computers that either didn't meet the minimum game requirements or just barely did. These players then get mad and curse BioWare's name. The other 10% usually just needed to change a few graphical settings and then they were golden.


BioWare should put a disclaimer on their boxes and at online retailers that says:


ATTENTION!! ATTENCION!! Just because your 1995 Compaq Presario can run World of Warcraft in max settings does not mean that you can run Star Wars: The Old Republic.


I've never d/ced from the game. On the three servers I play I almost never hear of a D/C, and it's usually someone's wireless router sputtering for a few seconds when I do hear of one.


Also, the 1000+ thread with no response means nothing. BioWare rarely comments on things, especially if it is user related or has to do with something in the EULA. They just expect people to figure it out/know better in regards to the EULA.

Edited by ArchaicX
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I'm sure some people have legitimate disconnect issues while using machines that are good enough to play the game, but 90% of the people I've helped since the free beta weekends had really crappy computers that either didn't meet the minimum game requirements or just barely did. These players then get mad and curse BioWare's name. The other 10% usually just needed to change a few graphical settings and then they were golden.


BioWare should put a disclaimer on their boxes and at online retailers that says:


ATTENTION!! ATTENCION!! Just because your 1995 Compaq Presario can run World of Warcraft in max settings does not mean that you can run Star Wars: The Old Republic.


I've never d/ced from the game. On the three servers I play I almost never hear of a D/C, and it's usually someone's wireless router sputtering for a few seconds when I do hear of one.


Also, the 1000+ thread with no response means nothing. BioWare rarely comments on things, especially if it is user related or has to do with something in the EULA. They just expect people to figure it out/know better in regards to the EULA.


Agreed...but when its 1000 posts + 8 additional pages how can you ignore this as a development team? Sure if its a handful of people reporting different symptoms you might be able to write it off, and rightfully so. However, when its 1000 posts and an additional 8 pages of DxDiags, APPCRASH logs, minidumps in conjunction with people reporting the same symptoms; how do you not at least say, "Alright guys, we're looking at it since there is an appreciable amount of you reporting similar issues."


With the diversity of hardware and software I find it difficult to believe that hundreds or thousands of people happen to experience the exact same issues with nearly identical frequency and symptoms.


I know my system specs are not an issue and I know my network is not an issue. I run gigabit switches and am networked via ethernet and the only program that seems to have an issue is ToR (and BF3 because they can't play nice with RealTek but that's a different can of worms). LoL doesn't have an issue, SC2 has no problem, CS has no problem


On a serious note, I'd like to see some information on whether or not this game is stable when installed on a separate drive from the OS. I boot from a 64GB SSD and have my software installed on a 500GB Sata III disk.

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I read through all the posts and such of peeps complaining about dc's and lag and low fps and such. Then I see how supposedly alot of these people have computers that are gamers wet dreams. what with the newest and latest cpu, 2 of the newest vid cards slaved to each other, more ram than you can shake a stick at (not that they will ever use 1/4 of it) and on and on. Then I take a look at my computer. 2.4 ghz quad core amd. 8 gigs ram. Geforce 260 gtx (for you people out there paying attention thatsless than 1 gig vid ram more like 860mb) and motherboard sound card. 1 gig nic card (el cheapo i might add). I have NO lag issues, no dc's and no graphics problems. I did have HUGE lag issues and such till i figured out my nic card was partially fried).I also have comcast internet on a wired network.

Maybe it's your computer bro. I have encountered a few glitches but so the *^%# what. It is a NEW GAME!! Stop being a dumb sh*t and realize that every mmo has a crap ton of problems in the first 6 months. WOW is no different. My computer aint the newest or the greatest is actually might be on the higher end of average or just average, but hey thats what I have. For being a company thats new to MMO's they are doing one hell of a job.


Guys and Gals check your internet, if it's wireless then that night be most of your problem. If it's not then maybe the problem is in your nic card. They get fried when lightning strikes anywhere within 10 miles just like anything else. I have lost many power supplies, 2 moniters, motherboards, cpus, vid cards and nic cards to that very same problem. And YES i know if i just turned off my damm comp and unplugged it when storms hit that wouldnt be a problem. So check your sh*t before you go blaming BW when it might not be their problem.


Sorry for the rant guys, I just cant stand seeing the wow whiner babies nit pick and tear apart a great gme that I happen to love just because it isnt exactly like wow and problem free.




PS: My wife who is impossible to please agrees with everything I just said. and she also plays the game.

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I agree with Vaxamond.


A lot of times custom rigs with the latest/greatest stuff tend to have problems because a lot of games or graphics cards are picky with how many cores you have. I have a 6 core AMD Phenom II Black Box, Asus Xtreme mobo, etc and I get a bit of issues if Im not running the current beta drivers from ATI. And even more issues if I manage games from the control center.


I really dont understand why this happens. Some games I play do work fine with ATI control center (mostly bloat but can make a lot of games scream with anti-aliasing).


As far as connection is concerned. It may not be your network and your settings giving you issues. I was having a ton of issues on standard (albiet the high end speed wise) DSL. I upgraded to business class DSL and it works fine. Also didnt have problems with Charter Cable. I have friends on Time-Warner Cable that had problems with the residential service and when they upgraded to business class their latency and lag went away.


A lot of the Cable companies dont put a lot of thought into how they transfer packets and service reliability with the residential services. You pay them $120 a month for business class and they tend to cater to those that do a lot of streaming, VoIP, virtualization, etc.


You can have the most awesome box on the planet but it is always limited to the quality of the connection. You can always do a trace route or something to see exactly where you go for your destination. With my DSL it traveled twice as long when compared to business.

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I love the doomity doom doom people. "I'm unsubbing and the game is going to die because I have a minor nitpick that is the end of the world because I'm just that important and OCD, and everyone else is going to quit too because I'm quitting." No, sorry. Ever since free weekend I've seen population on my server increase by at least 25 percent. Which means a bunch of people signed up for the long haul. A lot of you don't realize either that generally it takes about a year for an mmo to get "good" and considering this is good already and it's been out 4 months says something. I have no problems running it and as far as gameplay problems go, there's only one major one I see, and that's FP groups, but a better LFG is in the works so it'll get fixed soon enough. Edited by chrn
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I played WoW till the start of this year and quit for SWTOR.


I started WoW in patch 1.9, it was over a year old, it was laggy (500ms and PvP was unplayable due to ghosting, even PvE was tough, the mail lagged, the AH lagged everything lagged out), there were constant dropouts (I had one of the best PCs at that time Dual Core 920 etc).


This game in comparison to that, baring in mind this game is 3 months old, is a godsend, yeah sure there are a couple very little bugs here and there. i.e. 1 off quests that can't be completed etc. By and large, if your whinging, it's pretty sad imao, they have done a pretty good job, and I'm sure over the next couple of months the game will be sorted from this perspective.


I have a reasonable PC setup Core i7 960, Asus P6X58D-E mobo, 6GB RAM, GTX570, running our terribad Australian internet ADSL (2Mbps here with 220ms latency approx. to Jekk'Jekk Tarr server) and I have no idea how people are lagging out hard or DCing, it may be a function of people having a PC that is 4 years + old trying to run modern games, which is just stupid and lacks any common sense at all, particularly in the western world where PC parts are cheap as chips due to Asian slave labour, you could build a baseline brand spanking new PC with LGA1155 Intel CPU for what a $1200-1500 odd?


The threats of leaving etc are pretty childish and quite rightfully ignored.

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I hope they'll allow us to switch servers, because a lot of these servers are dead.


I note on the EU servers, the "dead" servers are all PVP servers, during prime-time.


Now if they could just combine the PVP servers and have the toon NERFS only effect the the PVP servers, I'd be a happy camper.....


If they could allow us to ignore all pvp whines in the community threads that would help too......


and if they would ignore those threads too, that would help a bunch too....

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WOW!!!! Most of you people complaining about unsubing please do, you all sound like a bunch of whiny children who were way to use to getting their way with blizzard which is exactlly what destroyed the game. If you aren't going to be subscribed because this game is only 4 months old and has some issues, then we don't need you. There are enough solid fans alone of the Star Wars genre to keep this going they did it with galaxies alone which was up for 11 years.....also there are enough people bored of WoW that they will stay subscribed just because. The patch looks great, your threats aren't scaring anyone including bio-ware or especially Lucas arts.


If you have such a problem with the way things are being done why don't you go get a job for bio-ware and show them how to do it better. (Guarantee most of you don't even know step one. )


And they already stated that release should be mid-April, personally I hope it gets pushed a little so everything is perfect, unlike in wow when a new patch comes out 2 days later they have to immediately plan to fix it, I like the Tuesday with no down time.

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I dont mind waiting... just as long as the patch is released correctly...


Wow in the beginning was exactly the same and took over a year to become totally stable and to fix most of the bugs. Even now, when new patches come out they dont work well... example... after Cataclysm all world events has a number of bugs...

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